
Unreal l

Myriads of thoughts clogged up his mind as he picked up his limbs, ambling shortly for the stairs. Rochester could not handle the tenseness in his gut. Brightfin's report did not read off as good to him. Yet, he'd chosen to stay adamant about it.

l0 o' clock — the bell had struck, at least somewhere inside his mind. Rochester, along with the thoughts of her giggling excessively wherever she may be, could not accept that she was the only one allowed to be happy. Not with the predicament, he was in; seemingly stuck between pleasing her and his unborn heir, and having to bend to his mother's will of wedding Samantha in a month. 

Rochester had thus set out in pursuit of his own happiness — one that clearly involved forcing Louisa to share in his pain. 

Sadistic as that may sound, Rochester thought that that was the only thing that could help him overcome the rumbling chaos in his heart. 

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