
Dreamy ll.

As the stream of tears stained her cheeks unrestrained, she could not stop feeling for him. Thinking about his hurt. What he must feel right now to be ridiculed like that. His mother. Samantha. All of it. How he was going to deal with them should be the least of her concerns, no? But Louisa could not handle the burning desire to flip a turn. However mildly, if only it should allow her to see. That he was okay. That he was going to be okay. That his pride and ego would be enough to repress whatever damage his mind was presently going through. Though it was not his fault. It never was. All hers, it was. The schemes and lies. All fragments of her selfish part that came alive. 

Her father had been right after all. Jacob had been right the whole time about her need to mature much like her foster sister, who could tell right from wrong without needing to ponder on it. 

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