
Perverted Astronomy Professor

"We really shouldn't be doing this…" a voice lightly protested in the darkness.

For a moment it seemed there would be no response, save for the sounds of the woman and another's feet meeting the stone stairs of the unilluminated astronomy tower, but then her companion slowed to a halt, and she did as well.

Warm hands from nowhere wrapped around the woman's fully developed body, drawing her close. Her partner's fingers kneaded her upper and lower back, sending shivers along her skin as she was drawn closer, until finally her body was near enough to smell the roasted pheasant on his breath. She'd been caught watching him savor it from her vantage point earlier at dinner, which had actually been the catalyst leading her to her current predicament.

The teenage boy, and didn't that ring her taboo bell, leaned forward, burying his nose into her perfumed neck and inhaling deeply. As he breathed back out, his breath hot and exciting on her neck and clevage, she heard him mutter, "Even if you say that…"

The older of the two felt her eyes widen as her seducer's hands snaked around her, palming her ass through her robes even as he dared for more, inching his was towards her forbidden split.

'He'll stop,' she thought, right before he pushed his way through her teaching robes.

Hogwarts Astronomy Professor Aurora Sinistra gasped in shock and shameful excitement as fourteen year old Harry Potter molested her adult body.

"Why lie?" Harry hummed into the crook of her neck. "You're already this wet," he continued, mushing his fingers up and against the creamy brown skinned teacher's damp knickers. "And anyway," he continued dangerously, playing on the star-gazing professor's fantasy, "do you really think you have a choice anymore?" Sliding the bunched up crotch of her panties to the side, Harry enjoyed the liquid heat of his teacher's stubbled slit while roughly hooking two finger inside her. Scissoring the digits deeper into the helplessly moaning woman, Harry ghosted his lips along her earlobe and whispered, "You've already let me finger your wet cunny Professor. Unless you'd like to become known as the teacher slut of Hogwarts who has sex with students, from now on, you belongto me."

Pinning the dark skinned professor to the stone wall behind her, Harry retrieved his fingers from the constricting embrace of Aurora's vaginal walls. Molding his body to her's, Harry managed to catch her chocolate eyed gaze with his own. Still locking eyes, Harry lifted his she-lube slickened digits up, clenching his jaw as the professor meekly allowed the musky scented fingers between her lips. Once the teacher had managed to clean herself off of her student, Harry removed the hand.

Striking like a cobra, the incubus snagged a fistfull of the professor's dark hair and pulled her down into a fierce liplock. Assaulting her mouth with his plundering tongue, Harry appreciated the taste of the woman's juices on her lips as he mapped out her mouth.

When he finally released her she was breathless, and her excitement, palpable.

It was the way she drew in her breaths, shakily, like she couldn't control her own body, that really ignited the fire in Harry's loins.

His cock was big enough and his skill high enough that even when he didn't put in too much effort, the girls he took still left him with a smile and a limp, his excessive seed trickling down their leg as they went.

'But not tonight,' Harry resolved, his eyes darkening, the full force of Aurora's female sex baring down on his senses. 'Tonight, I'm going to ruin this woman for all other men.'

"Strip," Harry commanded once, and then again with more force when his teacher just looked at him with doey, confused eyes.

"H-here?" she gulped, shooting the very poorly illuminated spiral staircase's interior frantic looks.

"Professor McGonagal!" Harry cried out, dangerously loud. "Professor Sinistra violated me!" Smiling wickedly at the shocked look on his trapped prey's face, consoling himself internally that he could only feel the woman's excitement growing, Harry reached forward, hooking a thumb in who should've been his respected superior's cheek, crowing, "She said she'd fail me if I didn't lick her nasty cunny, and then, even though I said to stop, she lickedme!"

"S-sthap," the now misty eyed, perverted astronomy professor pleaded, her words distorted around Harry's thumb.

Removing his digit from Aurora's mouth for the second time, Harry just scowled at her, wiping his hand on his robes in disgust as he commanded, "Then strip, you sicko."

Blushing through her dark complexion, the witch, ten years older than her disdainfully watching partner, slowly began to disrobe. Peeling the light brown fabric off of her shoulders, the professor worked the robe down with fumbling hands. Inch by glorious inch of creamy, dark skin was revealed to the young incubus, who watched on gleefully. Her half cup bra, which was white with delicate lace trimming, contrasted beautifully with her dark skin, her ample, fully developed assets drawing a long line of clevage that dissappeared between the large cups.

Aurora, to her obvious mortification, was struggling to force her constricting robe the rest of the way down, her large bottom and wide, womanly hips to blame. She continued to try forcing herself free until, with a whimper, the robe fell down, revealing a rumpled pair of matching panties as her only other protection from the cold and her student's smirking gaze.

"What a mess," Harry teased playfully, bringing a deeper flush to the young professor's face as she tried to hide her lewdly clinging knickers behind a hand. Leaning forward, with a gleeful smirk and cruel glint in his eye, Harry proclaimed, "Scandal at Hogwarts! Boy-who-lived violated by perverse professor!"

Whimpering at the threat, but mostly in twisted excitement, Harry knew, Aurora Sinistra forced her shaking hand to fist her pantyline, tugging the damp article down and off.

"Whiew!" Harry whistled lightly, crouching down without much fanfare to get a closer look at the woman's mound. "You need to shave," Harry muttered just cruelly enough to stoke the woman's unorthodox libido, reaching forward to scratch her prickly stubble'd mound with his finger nails.

The tingling feedback he got from Aurora made him curl his toes on the sly.

Standing back up, Harry sighed, shooting a pointed look at the submissive professor's still bra-clad chest. Snatching the offending article by the clip where the cups met, the incubus ripped it off, ignoring the startled "Eep!" from the suddenly nude teacher.

"Recedemus," Harry intoned, pointing his stealthily drawn wand at the pile of clothes on the floor.

"No!" Aurora cried as her clothes disappeared into nothing.

When she turned disbelieving, misty eyes on him, Harry simply said, "Don't complain. You're the adult here- take responsibility for your own perverted nature. You wouldn't have to walk around school in the nude like a pedophile if you weren't about to get nailed by a student. It's a trade-off," he added, unsympathetic. "If you're good," Harry allowed, with staged reluctance, looking the distraught, unbelievably wet and horny teacher in her eyes, "and doexactly as I say, I may let you borrow my school robe. Understood?"

"U-understood," the squirming woman stuttered back demurely.

"Good," Harry said primly. "Then come on," he continued, walking up and past the naked teacher without a second glance. "A perverted, pedophilic astronomy slut like you should get to fuck her first student beneath the stars."

Horribly strong waves of shame scented excitement wafted off of the obediently following woman's nude frame, and by the time the two had managed to reach the wide, flat top of the tower, Harry's mouth was watering as his Choiceling instincts surged through his veins.

Still, he held himself back, knowing the value of protracted teasing and foreplay and determined to skew the woman's sex life from then on.

Beneath the billions of twinkling, shining stars, which glittered down in that breathtaking way that they could only when you found yourself quite far from any city lights, Harry admired the creamy, chocolate skin of his meek professor, so unlike her normally extroverted self, as she stepped from the darkness of the stairway and into the starlight.

"It's gorgeous out tonight," Harry commented lightly, looking away from the heavy, pebble tipped breasts of his teacher and up at the sky instead. "Makes you feel small- inconsequential, doesn't it? The first humans lived and died under these same stars, and no matter what they did, they never changed, or moved, or anything." Looking back down, Harry let a light smile slip over his lips, and whispered, once Aurora was looking back at him, "When I make you debase yourself for my pleasure tonight, they won't care. No matter how many times we do this, no matter how gross you are for having sex with a school boy, and no matter how loud you scream as your slutty cunt drinks my cum, the stars won't care." Grinning a mean grin at the gaping teacher, Harry cruelly teased, "Pretty romantic, huh?"

Aurora didn't seem to think so, but her body visibly quivered all the same.

Stalking forward, Harry began circling the nude woman, studying her with gleaming green eyes beneath his dark bangs. Lashing out from behind her, Harry struck one of her bubble-butt's enticing cheeks with an open hand, the loud SMACK! and accompanying "Eep!" riling him further.

"You've never done this, have you?" Harry asked in a way that told her he wasn't actually looking for an answer. Trailing a finger along the astronomy professor's upper back, drawing a line from shoulder to shoulder that had the woman arching into him, he added, "Not sex, of course. I bet you've let plenty of lucky guys stick their tiny pricks in your filthy slit." Harry enunciated 'filthy slit', and scratched a nail hard against Aurora's milk chocolate skin, making her flinch and whimper pathetically. "But never a boy, huh? I'm fourteen, and still small for my age," Harry explained to the woman, as though she didn't already know. Coming to a stop in front of her, Harry slowly blinked his big, emotive green eyes up at the woman, adding, "I'm perfect for a sicko like you, aren't I, Professor Sinistra?"

When the woman just wrapped her arms around her belly in silent, humiliated denial, Harry lashed out, seizing her painfully erect nipples with his fingers, pulling hard enough to lift her heavy breasts off of her ribs.

"Ahh!" Aurora cried out in painful pleasure, stepping closer towards the boy for relief.

Releasing her abused nipples, Harry gently laid his hands on his teacher's cheeks, directing her gaze to his. Smiling up at her, Harry whispered, "Tell me, Professor." Blinking again, he repeated, "Tell me how badly you want my underage cock inside of you. Admit that you're a bad, perverted, criminal, pedophile," Harry continued viciously, sugary sweet all the while, "and I'll kiss you, right on the lips, right now, and then have sex with you till the sun comes up."

Looking down into his eyes like a deer caught in headlights, Astronomy Professor Aurora Sinistra licked her lips, and tried, "I, ah, I'm a- a bad, perverted teacher, and I, uh, want to hug you, and k-kiss you, and h-have se-, ah, sex with you."

"Me too," Harry replied simply, leading the older woman down to him gently, letting his lips press up into hers as he wrapped his arms around her middle, tucking his smaller frame into her's. Feeling her grow more ambitious, Harry sighed into the kiss as his teacher began mapping his back through his robes. Licking at her lips, Harry was allowed entrance once again into his professor's mouth, where this time he licked and prodded her own sensory organ, doing his best to coax cute moans and whimpers from the woman.

Feeling her hands, still shaking with taboo excitement and nerves, reach lower to cup his own shapely rear, Harry let out a little mewl of his own, whispering, "Sit down," into the kiss, which was steadily heating up.

Complying with her amoral lover's request, Aurora gently bent at the knees and settled back onto the fine grained wood that made up the tower's top, settling her legs out in front of her.

Harry followed and sat down as well, straddling the larger teacher's shapely thighs. Squirming a little to get more comfortable, and enjoying the flush it brought to the beautiful, dark skinned professor's cheeks, Harry leaned forward to peck her lips again. Blushing at the yearning look plastered on the grown woman's face when he pulled back, flattered, Harry leaned back on his butt, and said, "N-now, since you've been such a good, shameless slut, I'll give you a little treat." Flushing further at her eager look and rubbing legs, Harry muttered, "No touching," and started working at his tie.

The red and gold slipknot pulled loose with a little effort on his part, and, feeling inspired, Harry slipped the article over his teacher's head, the way her volumous clevage hugged the material stirring him further. Slipping his robe off and casting it to the side, a little more shyly than usual, Harry then began working on his white, button up collared shirt's buttons. Slowly, so as to stoke his teacher's lust and excitement even higher, Harry fingered and fumbled with the black buttons, taking his time revealing his pale, teenage chest to Aurora's wide, disbelieving eyes. When the last button was undone, Harry pulled the shirt off as well, leaving his youthful, supple skin, which stretched over his lightly toned muscles nicely, to softly glow under the stars, another appealing contrast against the enraptured beauty's darker flesh beneath him.

"Touch me," Harry whispered, looking to the sky and closing his eyes, a blanket of sensuality clinging to him, born of Professor Sinistra's constant reverant looks.

Slowly, with hands that still shook, something that pleased the incubus, Aurora reached up, tracing Harry's lightly defined abdominals and pectorals with her fingers and fingernails. Sighing under her adoring ministrations, Harry let out a light gasp as the pinned witch summoned her bravery, ghosting over his nipples and even rolling them between her fingers.

"Mmm," Harry moaned, arching back further. "My belt, undo my pants," the boy urged, rocking his hips lightly to demonstrate his desire.

A barely audible gulp met his request, and Harry chuckled.

Reaching lower, Aurora bit her lip as she worked at the belt, drawing forth more slack before undoing the buckle. Drawing it from around his waist, she set it to the side, and then began on his school pants button, needing a few tried to get the fastening loose.

"Ugh," Harry sighed, realizing that he wouldn't be able to finish undressing, straddling his professor's bare thighs as he was. Standing up, Harry freed himself from his remaining clothes quickly, adding them to his pile.

He was left standing over Aurora with a half erect cock, which hung low, past her wide, disbelieving eyes.

Spotting the expression, Harry smirked smugly and warned, "I won't be showing a freak like you any mercy, so I hope you don't mind getting gape'd, Professor."

"How," she began, but then trailed off.

Just smirking wider, Harry said, "This is it, Professor. The forbidden fruit. The illegal, immoral, and taboo."

Pinching the tip of his cock and hefting the thick meat up, showing to his enraptured audience that he had length enough to reach far past his bellybutton, Harry, eyes lidded, muttered out, "Sit up, Professor, and give me a kiss, right here."

He released himself, and Aurora's eyes tracked his length as it flopped and swung back down.

Shifting onto her knees, Professor Sinistra's pussy let out a lewd, wet sound as it began drooling her excitement in earnest, making Harry's cock jump.

Reaching forward, she hesitantly seized the teen's swinging manhood, squeezing lightly in disbelief. "You're so big, Mr. Potter," Aurora croaked out, her throat dry.

Laughing in surprise at the meekly kneeling woman, Harry commented, "You're about to suck my cock, Aurora. Please, call me Harry."

"R-right," she agreed, reaching up to wrap her other hand around his length. Slowly leaning forward, towards Harry's fleshy, swollen head, Aurora licked her lips.

"There you go," Harry coaxed, shifting forward till the slit of his cock met with the dark skinned professor's lush, waiting lips. "You've done it now," Harry congratulated, pushing past her lips, which wrapped lovingly around his shaft, enjoying the enraptured look Aurora was staring up at him with. "You're sucking my fourteen year old cock, Professor." Smiling slyly, the incubus added, "How shameful."

Reaching down, Harry settled his hands on the woman's head, threading his fingers through her thick, black hair. "I'm going to put it all the way in, Professor. Do your best."

Aurora's brown eyes widened, but she didn't get a chance to protest. Harry was already sliding himself forward, deeper between her lips. Her tongue wriggled along the thick, masculine pipe-like underside of his cock, the ribbed texture of the cartilage fascinating to the kneeling professor. The debased teacher felt the spongy, saliva-coated head of her student's cock bump the fleshy back of her throat, and she couldn't resist gagging.

"Is that all you've got, Professor?" Harry asked in disgust. "I've had girls half your age give better head."

Tearing up, Professor Sinistra's pussy clenched on nothing at the mental image, even as she forced herself forward, impaling her throat on the leering incubus' ridiculous genetals.

Breathing deeply, Harry relaxed into the familiar sensation of his cock sliding down a woman's throat. Her dangling uvula squished against the top of his shaft as Aurora struggled to stuff her student's meat down her gullet.

"Your throat's all nice and slimy, Professor. I like it," Harry merrily informed the choking woman, who still had a few inches to go. "Come on," Harry urged, looking down at the professor's bulging eyes as she tried to force the rest of his too-large cock down her throat. "It's going in your butt next, so it's in your best interest to get it nice and slick."

Gurgling, Aurora clenched her eyes closed and swallowed the last couple inches of her teenage lover, burying her nose into his soft, curly pubic hair. Holding herself in place, aroused past the point of sense, the Hogwarts professor's face started changing colors as her panickedly spasming throat constricted around Harry's captured meat, coaxing a vulnerable moan from the boy that went straight to Aurora's oozing split.

"P-Professor!" Harry stuttered out, his domineering façade cracking under the manic attention the woman was lavishing on his trapped prick.

"Gwah!" Aurora gasped out desperately, hacking as she freed herself from the boy's cock. A thick string of saliva connected the black woman's full lips to Harry's erect cock.

"H-how did I do?" Professor Sinistra asked, panting hard but looking up into Harry's green eyes hopefully all the same.

"Very good," Harry admitted, adding shyly, "I almost came." Aurora beamed up at him, and Harry shook his head. "How about you?" he inquired after a moment. "Did you enjoy sucking boy-cock as much as you fantasized you would?"

Flushing in shame, the woman nonetheless nodded, drawing a somewhat mean laugh from the incubus.

"That's horrible," Harry crowed far too gleefully, "but I appreciate your honesty, pervert. Bend over and I'll gape your asshole as a reward, m'kay?"

It was with a look of absolute mortification that Aurora Sinistra complied, crossing her arms on the ground and resting her head on them. Her large, round bottom was raised submissively, and Harry was quick to kneel and get a closer look.

Her vagina was exquisite, with well defined labia and a clit that peeked out of it's short hood eagerly. It was the type of cunt you'd find sex toys modeled after, and while he had a weak spot for the pudgier mounds girls his age tended to have, Aurora's was pornographic and wet and all his, so Harry was happy. Her dark skin, slightly less common around Britain, was alluring too, and made the pinks and purples of her fleshy generals stand out more. She was wetter than he'd expected as well, with a thin stream of slimy cunt drool adding to the wet splotches on the ground.

Slightly above her quivering cunt was the witch's anus, untouched by men but far from virginal, according to a quick mental inquiry filled with enchanted sex toys. She was spelled hairless, as every witch Harry had been with so far was down there, and the slightly darker, puckered ring of muscle somehow looked even more lewd than her oozing pussy, maybe because of how submissively the woman arched it up at him.

All in all, the incubus found his prey for the night to be exceptionally beautiful, with a body that would've looked right at home in a professional porno spread.

Standing back up, Harry gripped his slickened length and teased at his astronomy professor's weeping womanhood, lathering the already shining tip of his engorged cockhead with her hot essence.

The sensation of his textured glans against her fleshy petals brought a series of whimpers from Aurora's throat.

"Here we go," Harry warned, painting a shiny trail up Aurora's thin perineum, resting himself against her back door. Aurora sucked in a deep breath beneath him, and Harry pushed forward, slowly and steadily, stretching his professor's black rosebud open with his slick cockhead.

"Nng!" Aurora ground out, pushing her forehead into her arms and gritting her teeth as her student forced her asshole wider than it had ever been before, her eyes fluttering at the intrusion.

"Mmm," Harry hummed in content as the purple rim of his swollen head breached through into the fleshy warmth of his professor's bowels. Resting his hands on her round, dark ass cheeks, Harry hunched over her wantonly offered butt, using his leverage to sink himself the rest of the way into his teacher's anus, drawing a too-loud gasp/cry from the horribly aroused woman.

"You're so warm," Harry commented a little hazily, his eyes closed in bliss as he enjoyed the constricting tightness of Aurora's insides.

Panting beneath him, Professor Sinistra whimpered, softly crying out, "Fuck!" to herself over and over, her ass radiating discomfort, pleasant fullness, and carnal ecstasy in equal measures.

Reaching lower to scratch the dark skinned beauty's back lovingly, Harry just held still and hummed a little, letting his teacher adjust beneath him. When her fervent mantra died off and her ring eased its stranglehold, Harry returned his hands to the woman's derriere and said, "I'm going to start fucking you now, Aurora, and I'm not going to stop until your belly's bulging with cum, okay?"

Not waiting for a reply, Harry unsheathed ninety percent of his cock, leaving just the rim of his glans within her desperately grasping pucker. Lifting himself on his tiptoes, Harry angled down, for maximum stretching, andplunged down, extracting a shameless shriek from Aurora as his balls slapped forward against her gushing slit. Repeating the motion, still on the balls of his feet, Harry wrenched himself from the impossible tightness of his slutty teacher's asshole, only to slam back into her as hard as he could, driving her into the floor and sending her round cheeks jiggling pornographically.

Plenty slickened, partially from the now steadily moaning woman's fluids and partially from a secret gland unique to his species, the incubus continued his relentless assault, the frantic, slippery friction heating up his cock and her ass and adding to both of their pleasure.

"I'm cumming!" Professor Sinistra squealed into the floor, squirming helplessly at the unbearable stimulation, her pussy and ass both clamping down as a thin trickle of she-cum leaked out of her violently rocking cunt's opening.

Ignoring her and gritting his teeth, Harry kept his word and kept fucking his hot, swollen length into Aurora's now slippery asshole, tuning her pathetic, quiet scream out and instead focusing in on the way her dark skinned anus clung to his length, pulling out like a fleshy hill as he withdrew, and sinking further in when he hammered forward. Mesmerized by the lewd display of skin, Harry withdrew completely from his teacher, eyes widening in amazement as her hole retained the large O he'd pounded into it. He could see her fleshy depths, slickened to hell and quivering from the brutal raping it was suffering. After a moment, the hole puckered closed, and then back open, winking at Harry as Aurora's sphincter clenched blindly.

Waiting for her abused asshole to wink again, Harry huskily growled out, "You look absolutely fucking pathetic, Professor. I've never seen such a shameful display; it's like your whore asshole can't figure out where my cock went."

The shivering professor failed to respond, her cunt still seeping it's spent love onto the floor in messy, slurping gulps.

"It's right here," Harry mumbled, violently wrenching Professor Sinistra's round ass back, his hands wrapped around her hips, slamming deeper and harder into the gurgling teacher's guts than before. Using the momentum, Harry shifted back and pushed her forward, mostly freeing himself again, before repeating the action, burying every inch of his beastial cock inside of her, raping the woman into the ground like an animal as she cried out her pain and unbearable pleasure shamelessly, fucking herself back onto the plundering meat pole as much as her jelly-like muscles would allow.

She began cumming again, and didn't stop, her breasts and face flushed from the strain, even as the puddle beneath her weeping quim grew. Unable to think, the black skinned teacher felt tears begin leaking out of her eyes as the boy behind her pounded her into insanity.

It was almost half an hour later that Harry, legs on fire and sweat beading on his brow, finally shouted triumphantly, cumming harder than he ever had before into the violently shaking woman beneath him, her entire form slick with perspiration.

Streaming from his boiling balls, down his unnatural length and finally into Aurora's bowels, Harry draped himself across the intoxicated witch's back, wrapping his arms around her belly, holding her in place as his incubus physique did it's best to impregnate her. When he was finally done, and hot, sloshing cum stuffed Professor Sinistra's insides, Harry gingerly extracted himself, breathing heavily and watching with smug eyes as his seed flowed freely out of Aurora's ruined asshole, mingling with the large puddle of clear and milky she-cum the professor had gushed below.

Hooking a hand around her hip, Harry flipped the dazed woman over, crawling up her prone from till his bum hovered over the tops of her heaving, glistening breasts. Taking himself in hand, only marginally softer than before, Harry worlessly smeared his come and lube coated member on the professor's face, drawing her gaze, before she closed her eyes in rapture. Her lips were slimy with their shared fuck fluids, and one of her eyes had the lashes sticking together. Feeling the beginnings of a second wind as the submissive woman beneath him leaned into his cock, obviously loving the humiliation, Harry reached down, pinching her slightly wider nose closed and growling out, "Say 'aah'."

She complied, sticking her tongue out and humming, "Aah," her eyes still closed.

Shifting forward, Harry whispered, "Tell me how your ass tastes," and fed the spongy head of his cock to his teacher of four years, reaching his other hand down behind her head to angle her forwards, chin to chest.

"Grk," she gargled quietly, making no effort to flinch away from his prick as it slid along her tongue, pressing lightly against the back of her throat and effectively choking her. Disregarding her own need for air, Aurora did as she was told, lathering her tongue along as much of his length as she could, savoring the tart taste of sex that clung to his cock, which throbbed in time with his heartbeat.

Holding her in place, Harry met his professor's wide eyes, which stared up at him in worship through thick lashes, even as she began to gag and choke around his meat in earnest, with semin and saliva still smeared on her face. Doing little more to try and dislodge him than lightly kicking her feet, Aurora's eyes leaked tears as they began to flutter up.

Finally removing himself from her throat, Harry let her cough and gasp wettly, blinking down at her blankly, distantly enjoying the renewed stench of female sex in the air. Shifting to a crouch, Harry fisted a handful of Aurora's dark hair, pulling her up to eye level. Her gaze was glassy but she still met his eyes. Her tongue lolled as she painted.

Harry scowled.

"Regular witches like you are pathetic," he muttered to himself, bitter. "We only just finished the appetizer, and you're already this far gone?" Releasing her hair, Harry took the woman's wrist in a vice grip, standing and dragging her effortlessly to the edge of the tower. It ended abruptly, using magic in lieu of rails for safety, so Aurora's head was free to dangle over the edge.

Holding his hand behind him and whistling, Harry displayed some advanced magic and summoned his wand to him.

"C'orpus ovilik," he murmured, aiming the holly tip at his professor.

Her legs folded up, splitting wide and high as the spell snaked up her lower body, taking the form of tribal tattoos and folding her into a pretzel.

"Haah!" Aurora groan-gasped out.

"Shut up. This is what you want, isn't it, Professor Whore?" Harry dropped his wand carelessly, stepping forward to take an ape-like stance, crouching over the woman's wantonly displayed cunt, leaning forward and grasping her full tits. "To be fucked silly by a student? Hmm? It's not everyday you have your dreams come true, is it?" Dipping lower, Harry began invading the woman's fleshy pink slit, drawing new sounds from her. "Just lay there and take it. I'll tell you when I'm done."

And with that, Harry began, curling and uncurling his hips to pound Sinistra's shamelessly gushing pussy, drawing mewls and whimpers and moans and cries from the black professor bound beneath him, and slurping, wet sounds from her cunt.

"You're pretty tight, Aurora," Harry commented. "I'll fix that."

Moving his hands from her breasts, Harry secured his grip around the professor's lightly defined ribs, holding her down as he set a brisk but methodical pace, making sure the woman had no time to recover, but still felt his glans' crown interacting with the ribbing of her vagina's sleeve.

Five minutes went by, and Aurora began babbling, coming against Harry's uncaring, raping cock. The boy didn't acknowledge her release in any way. Ten more past, and Aurora was stuck somewhere between the peaks and valleys of constant orgasm, screaming in ecstasy and overstimulation as Harry maintained his mechanical pace. When he finally spent himself inside her, pelvis to pelvis, she was allowed a reprieve.

Five minutes later, after he'd freed her from the spell and allowed her to stretch, Harry bound her again. He'd come twice already, and her a dozen more times, so when he slipped back between her abused folds, he lasted much, much longer, and it was beneath a sky tinged with blue that he blew his third and final load.

Falling back onto his pale bum, Harry sighed at the mess he'd made.

Aurora was quivering, staring up at the sky blankly. There was a screen of thick, milky cum censoring her pussy, which still clenching feebly at nothing every few seconds. Her hair was wild and unkempt after the long night of brutal sex, and she was drenched in sweat. Harry himself was pretty sweaty, and his softening prick was red from the friction and exertion.

Whistling again, Harry summoned his wand and used it to free Professor Sinistra, who stretched her legs out haltingly once she could. Stepping forward to the edge of the tower, Harry stretched his neck and pissed off the edge, sighing.

"You can have my robe, Professor. It's like four thirty or something, so you should probably head back to your room soon." Finished, Harry stretched his arms over his head, completely nude, looking down over the grounds. Durmstrang's ship and Beauxbaton's carriage were visible, though they looked no larger than the incubus' hand from so high up. Looking down at Aurora, who was slowly recovering, Harry joked, "Same time tomorrow?"

The witch shivered, and Harry laughed.

"M-maybe in a month, when I can feel below my waist again," she answered back.

"Ha-ha!" Harry laughed, tilting his head back, enjoying the breeze. "Fair enough."

Aurora managed to sit up and began massaging the blood back into her legs, looking over to her student's nude form in wonder. Harry noticed the look and asked, "Starting to sink in, huh?"

She nodded her head, but her shameful look held no actual regret. She'd do it again, Harry knew, and Aurora did as well.

"Don't worry too much," the incubus suggested, turning away to face back towards the grounds. "I'm not really going to tell, and I've fucked women older than you before. I've been on a bit of a tear lately," he added factually.

"You don't say," the astronomy professor whispered, catching sight of the mess that was her vagina and anus.

"Want me to vanish it?" her student offered.

"No," the perverted woman admitted.

"Gross," Harry teased.

Aurora just hung her head a little and tried to stand up, shakily managing it after a few tries. Making her way over to Harry's discarded clothes, the witch wondered how she'd hide her limp over the next few days.

Back by the ledge, Harry didn't pay his latest conquest much attention as she squeezed herself into his too-small robe, too lost in thought.

It had occurred to him, after seeing the glassy expression on the woman's face when he'd finished with her ass, that he was in a bit of a pickle. If a fully grown witch, who he knew had seen plenty of action over her life, was reduced to such a state of bonelessness after a single round of him really trying, well… If he ever did find somebody to share his life with when he reset his instincts, they'd need to be exceptional in bed as well, or he'd live the rest of his life holding back.

The idea was repulsive to him, as an incubus.

Harry found his gaze drifting towards the ornate carriage perched on the beach, but was interrupted by Professor Sinistra.

"Harry," she called, and he turned to see her squeezed within his school robe.

"Your breasts look ridiculous," he responded, and indeed, squished within his robe as they were, her large chest was almost fully exposed, from just above her nipples up.

"R-right," she blushed, trying and failing to cover up more. "A-anyway, I just wanted to say, t-thanks, I guess. I don't think I'll ever forget tonight."

Harry just smiled and shook his head. "Goodnight, Professor."

"Night," she smiled back, heading for the stairs.

Once she'd left and he was alone, Harry summoned his clothes, slipping his pants on and sitting on the ledge. Kicking his feet, the young incubus spent the last few hours of the night there, watching the sun come up with an odd sense of melancholy. He knew he should probably get some sleep, as the Triwizard drawing and tourneys were scheduled to start that afternoon, but instead he remained perched atop the tower, staring down at the carriage.


AN: So, another chapter down. Pretty much just a giant smut scene, though I did try and inject a little of Harry's blooming frustrations at his situation. I think that this is as good a place as any to warn you, dear readers, that from here out, I'm going to be diving deeper into the kinky and twisted, which you got a little taste of in this chapter.

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