
So, What Are You In For?

Rosalind had been on edge this entire movie and had not processed a single thing on the screen. She was also shoveling popcorn into her mouth with reckless abandon simply to give herself something to do. 

That had been a mistake. Now she felt like she was going to throw up. 

She excused herself before quietly sneaking out to go to the bathroom. She barely managed to make it there before all of the popcorn came back up. She heaved into a toilet until there was nothing left to come out and felt absolutely disgusting. 

She wished she had something to rinse her mouth out with but there weren't any cups in here. She should have thought to bring her empty soda cup out with her; she could have used that. 

Rosalind splashed water on her face before realizing two things simultaneously. A look in the mirror told her that she was turning translucent and the time machine, undergoing the same process, was pulsing blue. Was this it? Had Edison pulled it off? 

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