
CHAPTER 60: Golden cracks.

Sirin landed at the top of one of the towers of his fortress.

As soon as Fyseryra's feet touched the hard surface of the roof she backed away from the pale creature. "What in the name of the void are you?" She yelled as her pack was pressed against the roof tiles and the icy wind howled in their ears.

"Are you an angel? How could an angel summon a demon, and how are neither of us burning up then?" The fear in her voice was clear now.

Sirin simply grinned and tapped one of his horns with his claws. "Do I look that much like an angel to you? I've seen one, it's almost insulting."

The pale creature hid his wings again and sat down in front of the young succubus. "Let's do it like this then. I will answer your questions if you answer mine. No one can hear us, I made sure of that."

Now that Sirin pointed it out Fyseryra could indeed feel his magic being entangled in the verry air. Indeed no one but those to whom the words were intended could hear even a single breath.

Fyseryra knew that she couldn't run, nor fly away. Not only was the entire region at the command of this being, but she had also made a deal with it.

"Fine." She muttered.

Sirin's smile grew wider as it split open his face in an unnatural looking way. "Wonder full. I will go first. What is it that you want?"

"Power." Fyseryra hissed at the pale demon.

Sirin's tail flung from side to side, though Fyseryra could tell if it was out of anger or amusement.

"Yea I know that." Sirin spoke in with a chuckle. "If you're willing to put up with me than you must want it really bad. But why would you want that power?"

"You know just as well as I do that your power determines your worth in this world where nothing last forever. If you see it all-in never-ending worlds, then the only thing that counts is how big your impact was in that world. Leave the riches with worthless values to the mortals." Her green eyes were fixed on Sirin. "Or at least you would know if you were really a demon at all."

"I know how worthless creating something that will eventually crumble is." Sirin scoffed. "Just as I know that the most important thing in your life, your life itself is. Power to sustain our entertainment and our equally worthless lives is indeed something worth pursuing. But how can you just act so reckless to obtain it? You come across something far more powerful than you, you don't know what it is or if its mere existence would wipe your verry being off the worlds. And yet you still pursue in hopes that I would indeed keep my word."

Sirin leaned forward, his sky-blue eyes shining bright. "What do you want this power for?"

Fyseryra remained silent for a little while. Then sighed and stood up.

She turned around to pull down her robe. There right under the root of her wings was a crack visible. It glowed in such a golden colour that it almost appeared like it was trying to rival the sun.

Despite the light Sirin could still look into it. The crack was far deeper than would be possible, it seemed to go beyond Fyseryra's body.

Despite the magical nature of this wound it was almost like it wasn't there if he looked away.

He reached out to it; his hand couldn't go in because it was too large, but he could feel that the crack wasn't just an illusion. In fact, now that he touched it, he could feel a faint presence that resembled that of the creator fragment he encountered.

He frowned. "How did you get this?"

Fyseryra shrugged. "I don't know. It was something with four green eyes and a foul smell. I don't know what it did, but before I knew it, it was there. And it has been sucking the life out of me since. I've tried everything. From tempting to burn it away with holy water to actually dying in one of the human worlds. The only thing I can do is to give it something else it can feed on than simply my existence. Magic, power, any form of energy I take in. And I'm starving, frankly if what you can give me isn't enough to satisfy it. Then I think I might be done struggling."

Sirin retracted his hand. "I see. I think I know what did this to you. But… all I have is a name. And still, it might be just a title."

Fyseryra turned around. "I don't need to hear it. Tell me when you know more than 'just a name'."

Sirin nodded. Her hopelessness reminded him of Amanda when she was still trapped in hell. But that had been done by just a demon lord and he could cheat around it with the system. But could he ever go up against the source of his power?

"Now you tell me what you are!" Even if it might have been just a mask Fyseryra spoke without her earlier fear or helplessness. "I thought you just dragged me away so your pet wouldn't have to see you devour me. And here you are, listening to my sob story."

Sirin shrugged. "I don't really know. But at the verry least I'm mainly a demon. I hatched in one of the nest at the upper layers of hell. I can eat souls, use magic, and with some trouble invade minds. I'm still vulnerable to holy energy and I can get summoned to different worlds. But that certainly doesn't explain my appearance."

Fyseryra narrowed her eyes. "Right, then what about your mother. She must have had a striking appearance for you to look as strange as you do."

Sirin stared at her dumbfounded. "You mean you have seen your mother?"

Now Fyseryra was surprised. "Of course, I did. She was guarding my nest with her two companions. Even if I'm not sure which one of the three was my mother, I have certainly seen her. Wasn't there any adult guarding yours?"

Sirin shook his head as Fyseryra looked at him as if she saw a ghost. "Then how come you and your siblings weren't eaten by any adults? I refuse to believe that you had so much luck that an unguarded nest full of hatchlings hadn't caught the eye of any demons."

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