
CHAPTER 35: To finich the battle.

Enraged the demon could only roar at Sirin who was hovering so far above him.

By now the teachers should have already been aware of the fiend that was trying to harm their students. So Sirin only had to make sure that they kept going the right way and not to die before they arrived.

He had to make sure that his demon was sent back to hell. how could he go on a soul hunt of his own as this competitor was in his way?

He circled through the air, trying to doge the tentacle like swirls of magic that the demon threw at him. He got hit quite a few times, but he also got the chance to recover a little.

From the corners of his eyes, he could already see the confused humans heading his way. Even without the screeching monster on the ground, Sirin's appearance alone was already quite easy to spot.

Soon he heard the melodious sounds created by one of the stringed instruments the teachers used to focus their attacks.

Now that the demon was distracted, Sirin changed back into a flame demon and with most of the energy he had left at this point engulfed the fiend in a maelstrom of fire.

Normal flames would barely hurt demons. Butt these were flames produced by demons themselves had evolved to serve as a weapon against their own. Tough every fire-based demon that was capable of using flames had this, humans had apparently felt the need to give a distinct name to this type of fire, hellfire.

While the demon wailed in pain, both from the attack of the humans as from that of Sirin, Sirin fell from the sky. Unlike his base form, this variant of himself didn't have wings yet, so it was impossible for him to stay in the air like this.

Instead of changing back he remained in this form and used the momentum of his fall to slice tough the demon's neck.

Of course, it would have been too easy if the demon died on the spot. So, the wound was already closing.

One of the teachers saw this and threw their sword at the neck of the creature opening the wound again.

While the demon drove them all back with another one of its shockwaves Sirin had changed into a shade demon again.

Once the wave had passed, he dove into the shadows to use the same technique as in the beginning of the battle. Only this time , he was the distraction.

While the fiend was busy, trying to get a grasp of Sirin, one of the teachers managed to come close enough to place a seal on the demon.

Immediately the creature noticed how its movements seemed to be restricted to some extent. The seal was not strong enough to hold the entire demon back.

In anger it lashed out to the human that had done this to him, killing the human on the spot.

Sirin used this moment to gather up all the magic he had at this moment and used it to deepen the wound on the neck of the demon. It realised too late what was going on and before it could do much against it the demon's head rolled from its shoulders.

Sirin saw how the soul left now that the body was damaged beyond regenerating and was most likely going back to hell.

Wounded, exhausted, and starving he changed back to his original form and managed to stumble towards the body. His mind was blurry and completely focused on getting new energy as soon as possible. Since he barely has magic left, he needed it now!

The conscious souls he was hunting with the students earlier were too far out of reach, he would pass out and maybe even get send back to hell before he reached them.

A demon's body was filled with magic to the point that it might just be a bunch of magic mimicking normal cells. Surely if he couldn't get souls right now, this would be the next best thing.

As he ate, he barely noticed the humans standing in the middle of the crater created from the fight, staring in horror as they now realised what they had led into their home.

Eventually his mind begun to clear again. The demon's flesh had tasted terrible, even worse than the tasteless human foods. But it did the job.

He glanced at the group of adult humans that were standing around him, holding tier weapons aimed at him as if he were the next one to attack.

He grinned as he felt slightly flattered by the fact that his performance was apparently so outstanding that for the first time, they felt unsafe around him.

Slowly he stood up, his tail wagging from left to right like a cat before it would jump at a mouse. As much as he wanted to brag about killing another demon that clearly was a fair bit older than himself, he knew that it wouldn't be the best thing to do right now. If anyone had the power to send him back to hell, it would be these people.

"Are they safe?" Sirin asked nearly trembling. Slowly he took a step towards the humans.

Their faces hardened in response as their grasp on their weapons tightened.

"Please. You must have seen my group when you arrived. Are they safe?" Sirin pleated.

The humans were extremely conflicted. It sounded like the creature they had come to know that was now worrying for his 'friends' yet all they could see was another one of the monster that they had just slain.

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