
43. Fish Food...

After searching up list of ways to make her life miserable, he could now settle down and sketch some designs. He had to be thankful to Marcel for he finally got his inspiration for his designs when he went to the aquarium, even though he ended up seeing who he didn't want to.

When he moved over to the crocodile section where Marcel was waiting, looking at the fierce creatures just brought the thought into his head.

What if he made a design based on animals, when it came down to fierce and powerful, animals were first in line. He could make designs based on a reptiles like the king cobra for instance. Designing the styles had become super easy. They needed twenty designs in total, and he already had ten different designs lined up. He couldn't wait or put his trust in any of his workers, what if he did and they ended up presenting something not even worth looking at, more or less making.

He could not take that risk. He'd just design the whole twenty, and if anybody was able to come up with anything, he'd remove one of his and add the persons own instead, so for now he just had to sketch out ten more.

But he also felt like starting work on the once he already drew, so he placed a call to one of the companies that supplied them fabrics, and asked if what he'd asked for was ready.

Her wrist was seriously aching her, it had even made started to bleed again, she goes into the ladies room to change the dressing. She opens the first aid kit, and sees the disinfectant, reminding her of what Jerry had said, and how she had lied.

"he's right, let me put the disinfectant" she says to herself, slowly taking off the bandage, and adjusting her stance multiple times, just to add some disinfectant to her wound.

"You can do this, you're not a little girl, you're a big girl, you can do this, even little girls are not scared of the sting, you can do this... She kept on gingering herself, giving herself morale. She picked it up, dips a cotton wool in it and slowly brings it to her wrist, closing her eyes and opening then again, it was so close to her wrist, so close, so so close, and yet...

"I can't do this, I just can't. She says throwing the wool on the floor. I've survived a lot of times without using disinfectant, who says this time would be any different, she says to herself, and just changes the bandage.

" is your hand a little bit better now? Ben asks as he notices she changed the bandage.

" Nah, but it will be soon enough, just maybe a few more days. She said hopefully.

"I hope it heals up pretty soon, you have to be as strong and healthy as a horse to do your work. His words ring into her ear and then were processing in her head.

" What did you just say?

"I said I hope it heals up soon... Ben replied with a confusing expression.

" No not that, after that, something about a horse?

"oh I said you have to be as strong and healthy as a horse to...

" YES!!! that's it, strong and healthy horse... She screamed forgetting the no noise rule again, this time angering not only her boss, but every other person who was trying to think of a design to present. But she still did not realize what she had done and kept on talking, in a lower tune this time though.

" that's it Ben, I got my inspiration. You just gave me the brightest and most brilliant idea.

" I did, all I just said was strong and healthy horse... Ben was still confused.

"Yes you did, the theme is fierce and powerful Man, what is more fierce and powerful than animals, I can make designs based on animal fur, like to depict the strength of a lion or the stripes of a tiger. Thank you so much Ben. Thank you... Even though he still didn't understand what she was talking about, he just nodded.

Ghrnnnngh... The phone rang.

"I think you should get that, I think it's for you. Ben said pointing at the phone.

" Why do you think that? She wondered

"Well because you just screamed at the top of your voice.

" Did I, when? I didn't scream., did I? She had no idea she had screamed her lungs out a while ago. She didn't seem like she was going to pick up, so Ben does so that he would not lose his job.

"Was that her? The boss asks from the other side of the phone.

" Yes sir.

"tell her to come in here now. He orders and hangs up.

" I told you it was for you, he wants you in his office ASAP.

Now she was starting to panic. She had been wondering why he hadn't called her since he arrived that morning, maybe if she had kept her mouth shut, he probably wouldn't have called her at all. Now her punishment was definitely going to be double.

She went to his door, knocked and entered when he gave her permission, but not before taking in deep deep breaths.

She got inside, and her eyes went straight to he hungry piranhas that looked at her like she was their afternoon snack, and it made her wonder, does he even feed these things, and if he does what does he feed them. Was she probably their food, she didn't want to be fish food, she knows she had boldly declared she'd gladly dip her hands into the fish tank daily, but she prayed that it wouldn't have to come to that.

The way they looked at her terrified her, it was almost like one of them was smiling at her, she was even sure it just said her name. Not wanting to be fish food, she unconsciously went down on her knees.

"Please, Mr King, just this once, just this one time, forgive me, don't make me fish food. Please I beg you.

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