
32. Stalkers...

Isla met up with Ivan at the address he had give her, and it turned out to be the aquarium.

"The aquarium, does you girlfriend always come here, because we need to do things that would make your girlfriend jealous like taking pictures in a place you both frequently visited. Isla stated. If only she knew that Ivan had no intention of making anyone jealous. He couldn't even remember the name of the that ex-girlfriend. All he cares about now was winning the heart of this nymph with him.

"Ahh, but you do like it right, if not we can go somewhere else. He offers, avoiding her question.

" OH it's fine with me, I've not been to an aquarium in years. But we also have to consider your girlfriend too.

Ahhh, if she could just for that person for one minute he'd really appreciate it. He so wanted to tell her that he didn't give a damn about that person and that he just wanted to get to know her more. But her was scared she'd walk away the moment he told her this was not operation get the girl back but operation get this girl now.

"if you're okay with it, then that's all that matters. Shall we?? He extended his arm to her not wanting to continue talking about some other lady when she was right here. She took the hand and they both went inside.

" Wow., I must admit he's really good. Jerry who had been following them since said. He also has class, an aquarium on the first date" He continued talking to himself. He thought of going back home now, but yet it was like that saying 'to defeat an enemy, you'll have to first understand them'.

So he had to know his enemy well to be able to win the battle. So he continued following them. For today he had become the stalker.


"You know I'm so happy we're both out here together. Isn't it nice, the wind blowing in your hair., listening to other people apart ourselves talk, surrounded by fishes and amphibians and not workaholics. We should do this more often. He declared., linking his elbows with Damon.

"Are you nuts? Damon jerks, removing his hand from Marcel's. Why would you link your arms with mine, what do you want people to think. And what if the press or some other stupid person is around here and takes a picture of us together.

" what's the big deal, everyone in town knows we're cousins, so what's wrong with linking arms with my cousin. He says linking the arms back, but Damon shoves him off again.

" if you keep this up, I'll go back right now. Damon threatened firmly. And Marcel immediately became a good boy.

" Let's go see some fishes.


"Wow, I thought these fishes were just in movies, so they are actually real. I mean what kind of fish eats humans, isn't it supposed to be the other way around?? Ivan asked as they stood in front of a tank full of piranhas.

" OH they are so real, I once had a friend who after watching a horror movie with piranhas in it, actually saw a piranha biting off someone's pinky in real life. He never went near any kind of fish again as long as it was life and well. Isla stated, remembering that certain friend made her wonder if he was still scared of fishes.

"why the hell is she smiling so much. She shouldn't be smiling like that in front of anyone. It's way too enchanting. Jerry who had bought a face cap and face mask just before entering the aquarium as disguise still followed them, monitoring everything they were doing.

"he can't be that funny, what could he possibly have to say to make her smile like that. Just as he was talking, some strands of her hair fall to her face, and she tucks it behind her ear, and Jerry was giving himself a heart attack for nothing.

" don't tuck you hair behind your ear, it shows of your nice jawline. What is wrong with you. Your ears are so cute too, you're supposed to hide them not flaunt them. People who passed by him were shifting away from the crazy person who was talking to himself. Just seeing her with this guy was making him lose his mind.

Just as this is a young man was going crazy, Marcel and Damon enters this same part of the aquarium.

"Wow man, that's one huge fish. Marcel said and Damon just followed beside him like a numb and dumb walking mannequin. Come on dude, you didn't want to come out, but since you're already here at least look like you're having a good time. Marcel complains, but Damon just rolls his eyes and looks at a different direction and just then, he saw her smiling laughing with... Wait who was that? It was the helmet guy. So they were really together.

He felt his blood starting to boil, his hate increasing and his breath seizing. Why did she always show herself to him when he didn't want to see her. She stood in front of some piranhas and was laughing with that guy and all he could think of was that he wondered how it will feel if all the piranhas in that tank just flows out and slowly devours her, starting with that mouth of hers. He wondered how nice it would be to hear her scream in pain as a hundred piranhas slowly peel her skin of layer by layer, and with no one to help her.

"I need to use the bathroom" he tells Marcel.

"What is something wrong? Are you okay?. Marcel as usual was starting to get worried.

" I'm fine man, I just need to take a leak. Or do you want to come with me? He tried sounding fine, and thanks to the dim lights in the place, Marcel could not actually see his face clearly if not he'd have seen the balls of sweat running down his face, and that blood was starting to leave his face.

"No thank you. You're not trying to run away are you? He wants to confirm and Damon just chuckles.

" I'll be back" he said then walked off quickly.

He got into the men's room and immediately brought out his paper bag, and breathed into it, taking in deep breaths. He was going to make her pay for this, she was so going to pay for this in different serious ways.

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