
122 First fight against a servant

I destroyed the chains around us. "Olga, Gudako, go retreat in a safe place. Mash, protect them, archer will stay with you. Lancer, you and I will fight her."

"Your not getting away." The unknown servant raised her hair as they became snakes for a second before taking the form of chains.

I remembered who this was now. The youngest sibling between the gorgon sisters and the rider in Fate/stay night, Medusa.

But looking at the scythe in her hand, she must've changed classes. I'm starting to remember the story for FGO.

Kagetora destroyed the chains before looking back at Medusa.

"What are you waiting for!? Let's go!" Olga said as they headed to a nearby building.

Medusa tried to intercept them but Kagetora and I blocked her.

"A servant with the ability to change her hair into snakes, your Medusa from the Greek mythology right?" I said.

"Hoh? You already found out my true name just from that?" Medusa asked amusingly.

"Of course, I'm no historian but everyone knows about the Medusa that could turn any person into stone." I put Amber diagonally in front of me as I prepared to attack.

"Lancer, be careful about her weapon, there's something dark on it." I said.

"Hmn don't worry master, by my title as the God of war, I promise we'll win this fight!" My servant replied.

"God, huh? You better be careful of your words....!" Medusa charged at us again but this time Kagetora clashed with her while I went beside her.

She twirled her sickle around to block me but I appeared on her other side. Medusa jumped up and used gravity to bring down a heavy swipe.



Huge chunks of rocks were lifted onto the air from the sheer strength of the servant.

A shot from afar by Tell aimed for her back, Medusa jumped up again but realized Kagetora was waiting for her,

The latter swiped both of her weapons down while the former blocked it, but that was all I needed.

I coated Amber in a black hole and charged towards Medusa's back, with Kagetora keeping her scythe locked in and Tell sending a shot to her side, she had nowhere left to go.


Amber pierced Medusa's stomach and the black hole destroyed her stomach, Medusa's body started to turn into dark purple particles but she only had this sad look on her face while looking up.

After Medusa completly disappeared, Kagetora and I landed on the ground.

Instead of celebrating the both of us looked at our surroundings with lancer prepared to attack at a moment's notice

I didn't say a word as I looked at a direction and charged up a cero.

"Come out, I sensed you earlier, there's no point in hiding." I pointed the cero on the direction I was looking at and showed them I was gonna shoot.

"Woah woah, don't shoot I'm not your enemy." A man's echoing voice resounded as Kagetora looked at where it was coming from.

A blue haired man with red eyes slowly became visible wearing an old fashion magician's clothes.

"A caster." Kagetora said.

"Your not our enemy?" I repeated.

I already knew who he was but to not be suspicious I pretended to not know him, he was the lancer of the Fate/Stay night: Unlimited blade works, Cu Chulainn.

"Yeah, I actually planned to help you guys to kill Lancer." The caster spoke.

"What makes you think we'd believe you?" Kagetora asked as she redied her weapons.

"Didn't I say I'm not your enemy lady? If I was her ally I would've helped her take you guys on or at least help her escape you know."

"Hmmm he has a point." I remarked, I waved over to Olga's group showing that it's safe for them to come here.

Not long after their group arrived in front of us, Olga was the first one to speak.

"Who are you?"

"Hey now were not that close to tell you my real name." Cu Chulainn said.

"Then are you our enemy?"

"No, if I was I would've been fighting these two already."

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