
113 Intruduction

After saying that, Mash asked.

"Claude-san, could you help me find her please?"

"Well you don't have to worry about that, I already found her."

After saying so, I motioned for her to follow me and went around the building next to us, finding the orange haired girl, sleeping in the ground.

"Senpai!" Mash went up to her and shook her but no reaction.

We started to hear the sound of bone cracking and looked at where it was coming from to see 2 skeletons missing their right arm with with a sword in their left hand.

Fou licked Ritsuka's face to which she started to move

"Master, please wake up. If you don't, I will kill you." Mash said.

A/N: This line is pure gold

That seem to work as Ritsuka immediately opened her eyes.

"Did you just say you will kill me?" She asked bewildred.

Mash blushed and replied. "Sorry senpai, I meant we're gonna get killed."

She pointed at the slowly moving skeletons to us and Ritsuka's eyes flew wide open.


"Senpai, Claude-san, stay behind me please, I'll handle them." Mash brought her large shield in front of her and got into a ramming position.

"No need Mash." I said, I snapped my fingers and the skeletons suddenly started to become dust.

""Wha—""Both Mash and Ristuka exclaimed, the both of them looked to me in surprise.

"What was that?" Ristsuka asked.

"My ability, now I believe we haven't introduced ourselves?" I answered, quickly changing the topic.

"Oh sorry, my name is Ritsuka Fijimaru, but you can just call me Gudako, nice to meet you." Ritsuka held put her and I shook it as I introduced myself again.

"Likewise, Kentaro Claude, you can just call me Claude."

Now that the introductions were done, Ritsuka asked. "Mash where are we?"

"I think we were rayshifted to Fuyuki." Mash answered.

A beep along with blue light suddenly shined in Mash's waist, projecting a man with long hair tied to a ponytail wearing a lab coat.

"Right I finally got through! Hello? This is chaldea command room! Do you read me?"

Mash brought out a flat circular object that was projecting the hologram and answered.

"This is Mash Kyrielight, a member of A team, I have successfully completed the rayshift to Singularity F."

"My sole companion is Ritsuka Fujimaru and Kentaro Cluade, both are okay."

"Wait what? Who's the last one?" The man said after listening to Mash report.

"That would be me." I took what I presumed was the communicator from Mash hand and faced it my way.

"It's you! The guy who put out the fire!" The man suddenly said, we then head Peperoncino's voice.

"Oh is that him? Let me talk to him."

"Hey wait! I'm still not don--" The man in the lab coat tried to refuse but he was moved out in front of the communicator and Peperoncino's face popped up.

"Oh thank goodness your alright! I was worried when we didn't see you behind us!"

A/N: Yes this is Peperoncino's personality for those of you who are asking.

"Hey I'm talking here!" The man in the lab coat appeared again and moved Peperoncino out of the communicator.

"Ehem, first of all name is Romani Archaman, I'm the head of the medical department and the acting director of chaldea, due to an accident I am now the highest member of chaldea with authority. Thank you for putting out the fire in the command room and rescuing three of our masters." Romani cleared his mouth and said.

"Your welcome."

"Secondly I know this is sudden but who and where did you come from? Ophelia said that you just suddenly appeared in front of her and I don't remember seeing your name in the list of masters participating.

"My name is Kentaro Claude and as for where I came from, that's a secrete." I said with a smile.

"A secret?" Romani started to think whether they can trust the man in the communicator and asked for him to give the communicator to Mash.

Mash faced the other way as Gudako leaned in on the communicator, trying to have a private talk with Mash and the latter, but what they didn't know was that I could hear them.

Basically it was just a talk between Ophelia, Peperoncino, Romani, Mash and Gudako whether they could trust me.

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