
107 Asking

We went to the police station near us and got of the car, when the policemen saw me they went to us and asked me why I was here.

Each police station had a list of individuals that should be treated with respect and they hand this list to newcomers to avoid accidents.

I told them Mystiliya's name and asked them to find her parents, as for the descriptions, I told them I don't know.

They quickly got to work while we went back to the car and drove off to the company. I still had work to do and they would just send the results to me later.

When we stepped out of the car, all eyes immediately turned to us in surprise, but it quickly stopped as all of the employees got back to work, this is a world famous business so of course the employees would also be trained.

But I could still see the excitement in their eyes, namely the women employees. I looked at one of the people with me as they came closer.

"If you hear any rumors about me having a child, tell me."

"Yes sir."

We went up the elevator and entered my office, it was a large room with grey tiled floor and black walls with a clear glass on the back of my desk but I usually kept it covered during the day.

In front of my desk was 4 large sofa facing each other with a desk between. Sometimes I would get overwhelmed with my work so I would just lay down on the sofas to get some rest.

Throughout the whole time from me meeting her Mystiliya has been quite, I noticed that there was an unusual calmness in her eyes like mine. Perhaps her power is the same as me?

I stopped thinking about it when I saw my secretary approach me.

"Sir Felix, your back. And may I ask who this child is?" He asked.

"Her name is Mystiliya Krizt and she got lost from her parents so I brought her here while the police searches for them." I answered.

"I see, well a new patch of work has come while you were gone and I already organized them."

"Thank you."

"You can go now, I'll call you when I need your help."

"Okay then." After saying so, he left the office and onto his own.

I looked at Mystiliya and said to her, "You can lie on those sofas over there until we find your parents, if you need anything, tell me okay?"

"Mhn." She nodded her head as she sat on the sofa waving her legs.

I whispered to my bodyguards to get a tablet for her as I sat down on my desk and resumed my work.

3 hours later, I frowned when I looked at the time.

'It's already 12:27 PM and they haven't called me yet?' I thought, I called the police station to ask about Mystiliya's parents but they said that there were no parents with the last name Krizt or has her looks.

I thanked them for their efforts and told them to keep looking, after I ended the call I looked at Mystiliya who was playing on the tablet my bodyguard gave her and asked.

"Do you want to eat?"

Mystiliya stopped playing on the tablet and gave a nod.

"Alright then, do you have anything you'd like to eat or drink?"

"Umm, anything is fine."


I called for my secretary and told him to get a healthy meal for Mystiliya and wanton noodle soup for me and milktea wintermelon.

A/N: My god I love the noodle's on wanton or any soup that relates to it coupled with milktea. Mwah my ideal food and drink.

While we were waiting I sat in front of her and asked her some questions that could help me find her parents.

"So you said that you don't know what your parents looked like, can you explain how?"

She cutely tilted her head as she said. "Well I don't have a mother and my dad always has this golden light around him."

'Golden light? Is that his power?' I thought, at least now I could narrow down the search.

"So you haven't seen him?"


"That helps, as for this question if you don't want to answer it, then you can."

She nodded as I asked, "Can you tell me why those two bad guys were trying to take you away earlier?"

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