
102 Revenge

I can't move properly but I wanted this chapters out now, I don't want to wait for a week until these are out so here.

-Now back to the story--

While Kentaro was getting his memories back. Zane slightly moved his hand and red lines started to appear on his so called future son-in-law's body.

When Amber realized Zane was doing something on her husband's body she hastily checked what he did to find out he added some new things to his body and also healed him.

Not a second later her hidden injuries caused by her overuse of her power was gone.

She looked at Zane with confusion in her eyes but the man ignored her and waited for the boy to finish.

Some people that are unsatisfied with their skills would either kill themselves or try to do new things so that their new lives will get an ability according from the things they did.

You don't need to live past 16 to get a new ability, so if you accidently die while being a child then it's okay since you will still get an ability.

Though it would be from your actions from your past lives like crying louder or crawling faster.

As for me, my previous name was Felix Greer. I was born in a normal family on continent Kyro, I was an average looking guy that was silent so I didn't have any friends, but the thing is I didn't want to have friends.

I had a caring older sister and a younger brother, my father was an engineer that works on vehicles while my mother was a bank assistant.

When the time came for my sisters 16th birthday, we were all excited to find out her ability.

A days later, we found out that her ability improves her make up skills, and that in her past life she was a manager at a company.

She was happy with the skill she got because she really liked doing make up.

3 years later, it also turned sixteen. The memories that I got was a swordsman training with a calm face.

Being a sixteen year old, I immediately tried to see if the skill I got relates about swordsmanship but when I tried to swing our kitchen knife, I didn't feel that my movements got any better.

I tried other things the following day that was in my memories such as running, throwing stuff but non of those worked.

On the next week, I realized something, normally when a person can't find their ability in a week they would at least feel sad or discouraged.

I know myself better than anyone so I know that I would feel the same but the only thing the whole time I was calm.

So I thought that maybe my ability was calmness. This was proved to be right when I was walking back home and I was passing by a contraction site, then I suddenly heard screams and the sound of metal moving.

Looking up, I saw that large chunk was falling on top of me, I heard the panic and shouts of the people next to me but all I felt was nothing.

I wasn't scared of the metal falling on top of me nor did I feel any panic to get away.

Of course I immediately ran out of its way and it fell right behind me.

My heart was pounding fast, my mind was thinking how close I was to death but I wasn't feeling anything other then adrenaline.

Some kind people asked me if I was okay or if I needed to be brought to the hospital to which I said that I'm fine.

Looking back, the metal that fell was a 2 meter big beam, I looked to where it fell from and noticed that there were some other metal dangerously laying on the edge of the construction site in front of me so I quickly went home.

That night I told my family what my ability was and they all looked sad at the news. I knew what they were thinking so I said to them that despite not looking good, being calm in all situations was good.

When I went back to school, people shunned and bullied me but that didn't last long.

Since I wasn't effected by the slightest of bullying I had time to think about a lot of things and one of them was getting back to the people that was insulting me.

So I did, for the first semester of high school I posted several secrets crimes and weird hobbies of the people that were bullying me.

Of course I didn't do it in person, if someone with a powerful ability where to know that I exposed their secretes then I would be dead.

So I posted them on the internet, in school forums and group chats of people with a fake account.

I didn't feel remorse or anything like that because of my ability and I wasn't the type of person to start things, if they started it then I end it. I also knew that being kind to people will just get me more bullied.

Kindness is temporarily because people receives that on a daily basis they don't think of it that much and just forget it.

But humiliation and horror stick to them like glue. What happened to them will always be a reminder that the things that happened to them will repeat itself should they try to do it again.

A/N: Goddamn I feel like a villain. I'm so motivated to write right now that I made this chapter in like 2 hours holy.

This will be the last of the sudden update.

A/N: Join me in discord and ask me your questions or you can go look at the pictures, I don't always come online but I'll come check in every hours or so to answer your questions and pm me won't work as I muted discord.


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