
78 Fight

He was wearing sleeveless shirt and you could see half of his hollow mask peeking from right shoulder. Behind him was one woman and one man.

The woman had light brown hair with her hollow mask being on her hair, her hollow hole can't be seen while the man had black hair with his hollow mask being on his ears, as for his hollow hole, it was on the right part of his stomach.

The both of them had their swords sheathed at their sides.

On the other garganta, a man with red hair having his hollow mask on his forehead appeared. His sword on his back facing upwards together with his hollow hole being on his left arm.

They all stepped out and I heard Marechiyo Ōmaeda say.

"Damn, their spiritual pressure is monstrous."

To which his captain told him to run away if he's scared.

Captain commander ordered his lieutenant, Chōjirō Sasakibe, to go out of the force field and patrol it to ensure that no humans would enter.

As for me I was looking towards Aizen, since he doesn't have his sword out then I'm safe from his shikai.

On my side, I heard captain Shunsui ask captain Jūshirō whether whos the strongest espada, to which the latter said "I'm not sure."

I already knew who was the strongest one of them, it was the red haired espada. His reiryoku was so condensed that it was like he concealed it.

Suddenly, I heard captain commanders voice. "Everyone, stand back."

The next thing we knew, his sword that was in his cane unleashed scorching flames that trapped Aizen.

I couldn't see much more because captain Jūshirō's hand pushed my head down.

When the flames stopped, captain Jūshirō removed his hands and asked if I was ok, I said yes and we looked at the captain commander.

Now with Aizen removed, Barragan assumed control and sent hollows to attack where the four pillars where.

"Oh no!! They knew about it!!...." Ōmaeda screamed and started bassically confirming what the enemy knows.

Now I understand why captain Soifon would always hit him, he is such a snitch.

The four hollows were about to destroy the four pillars but then were all killed.

Four shinigamis appeared on top of the pillars, they were Shūhei Hisagi, Izuru Kira, Ikkaku Madarame and Yumichika Ayasegawa.

"WHAAAT?!" Ōmaeda screamed again and screamed/asked at the captain commander. Its funny because if he did that in normal circumstances, he would have been punished severely.

But since this is war, we just ignored him.

He looked at captain Shunsui and then to me.

I said, "Of course the captain commander will put guards in the pillars, who in their right mind won't send guards to a place valuable?"

After that I just ignored his ranting and focused my eyes on the other new espadas.

Barragan ordered four of his fraction to destroy the pillars.

'Oh I want to see this.' I amusingly thought, focusing on the battle on Yumichika pillar.

A/N: For those who forgot what Yumichika's enemy is, don't search it, even holy water won't help you.

When Yumichika's enemy arrived, the former closed his eyes and the latter, slapped him, they then proceeded to fight while insulting each other.

It was funny to their fight, if they were normal humans then they would have probably just try to rip out each others hair.

But I do have to say, that arrancar really is ugly.

--Yumichika's enemy Pov--

I felt someone had called me ugly so I looked at the source and found a red haired boy.

I thought that it maybe my imaginati--


"What's wrong ugly mouse? Trying to find a way to escape?" My enemy said.

I felt my vein popping as I said, "Ohohoho I do not understand why people would call others that are beautiful ugly when they themselves haven't look at a mirror."

Yumichika's face become one of rage as the both of them charged at each other.

"You ugly bitch!"

"Ugly whore!"


--1 hour later--

I watched as captain komamura sheath his sword, the giant figure of his bnkai doing the same with dissapearing, then I heard a crack.

Looking at the source, it was Barragan who destroyed the left skull on his seat.

When captain Soifon appeared in front of him, the atmosphere started to get tense.


The sound of captain Soifon's sword clashing with one of Barragan's fraction sounded like a sign as we all moved towards our opponents.

Toshiro and Rangiku took on the trio as we faced the alone espada.

"Hey Jūshirō, Kentaro, leave this guy to me." Shunsui called out to us and said.

"Are you sure?" My captain asked.

"Yeah yeah of course." He waved his hand and said.

The both of us settled on top of the building and watched as Shunsui tried to talk with the espada, only to be attacked by the unsheathed sword of the espada.

"Woah now that was close. I see that your not the type of guy who likes to talk huh?" Shunsui spoke after dodging the espada's sword.

"Fine by me."

The both of them clashed blades, since Shunsui wasn't fighting Starrk, their battle began to quickly get more fierce than the rest of the battles.

When Toshiro unleashed his bankai, the espada stopped for a second and looked towards him.

He remained silent and when he looked back at us, he opened his mouth.

"Let us end this."

He rested the tip of his blade on his left arm and said.

"Musabori kuu."

A sudden spike of reiryoku burst out of him as both I and captain stood up.

"Tengoku no oni."

Red and purple light emanated from him as well as darkish purple reiatsu covered him.

Shunsui positioned his swords in front of his as he said.

"Flower Wind Rage and Flower God Roar, Heavenly Wind Rage and Heavenly Demon Sneer."

His zanpakutōs changed into machetes as we waited for the reiatsu to clear.

When it did, we saw a humanoid figure with the head of an oni, two large horns were on his forehead and 2 more circling from the back of his head and into his front.

His chest had red purple flames on it that extends to the large gauntlets in his arms, the ends of each gauntlets had claws in the formation of an X.

Without saying a word, he aimed one of his claws on Shunsui and one on captain and me, two ceros forming as it immediately flew towards us.

A/N: Join me in discord and ask me your questions or you can go look at the pictures, I don't always come online but I'll come check in every hours or so to answer your questions and pm me won't work as I muted discord.


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