
66 Tournament 2/2

Tsuki appeared with two circle blades in her hands, the blade had some raised edges that helped it increase its sharpness.

There was a handle in the middle of the blades, it seems like its a boomerang type blade.

Nato was the first one to strike as sent some wind arc towards Tsuki.

She used shunpo to dodge them as she threw her blades in the air. Her spinning blades whistling through the air as they traveled at unbelievable speed covering a distance of 10 meters in the span of 2 seconds.

Nato deflected her blades, but Tsuki appeared before him and started attacking him bare handed.

She got some good strikes in before Nato pushed her back, Tsuki caught her blades as she resumed on her attacks.

This resumed for a while, sometimes Nato would be able to scratch Tsuki and get hit by her spinning blades.

Nato soon lost his patience as he kicked her back and slashed out several arcs, Tsuki tried to defend with her blades, but the amount of arcs overwhelmed her.

Nato appeared in front of her with the tip of his scythe inches away from her neck neck, he looked at her but only to find out that she was smirking.

Nato got a bad promotion as he pulled his scythes back, just in time as Tsuki appeared behind him.

'Hmm? That wasn't shunpo and I could sense some spatial distortions over there.' I thought, watching the arena.

I used observation haki as I found out that there is a invisible circle on the ground around them.

Nato dodged her blades as he retreated, Tsuki followed up as they continued to exchange blows.

Every time Tsuki would move, the invisible circle would also move along with her in the middle.

'Wow, that's an amazing shikai ability.' I thought, the ability to teleport, coupled with Tsuki's blades and her fighting style makes her deadly.

After Nato deflected her blades, just as Tsuki was about to strike again, Nato retreated and threw both scythes at her, while holding onto the clothe.

"!!!" Tsuki retreated.

"Heh, I finally understand your ability!" Nato said as he started to assault her with wind arcs.

The tables turned as Tsuki was the one who's being cornered, and by the looks of it, she;s not gonna win unless she has something up her sleeve.

Finally, the both of them came to a stand still, panting and covered with sweat.

The both of them looked at each others eye's and silently came to a conclusion.

Nato prepared to send his final arc as wind started to gather around his scythes.

Tsuki chanted something, and the next thing, pale blue lightning emerged from her finger tips and onto her blades, that wasn't the end as she chanted again and pale blue flames surrounded her blades.

'She can also double chant?' I thought, watching her blades, I was the one that inspired her to mix hadō spells with her zanpakutō.

After chanting, the both of them released their attack's, Nato brought down his scythes and 2 huge wind arcs went out of his shikai.

Tsuki ran towards the attack and used her weird shikai ability to get as much close to Nato and threw her blue burning blades before retreating.


Their attacks collided as it produced a loud explosion, covering our view.

After the dust cleared, A bleeding Nato could be seen standing over Tsuki's injured body.

The referee announced the winner as the medics immediately went up to the arena and took away both of them to heal.

The referee said that the match will be suspended until further notice and the students returned to their classes.

I was an exception and was allowed to do what I want to prepare for my match with Nato.

Having nothing else to do, I tried to visit Nato and Tsuki, but was told that they were being treated.

So I just waited until the doctors went out and I was allowed in.

"You guys don't look so good." I said to the two, Tsuki was bandaged up along with Nato, though his were least compared to Tsuki, who's whole upper body and arms were bandaged, probably from all the cut's she received.

"Yeah, well it was a good fight." Tsuki smiled.

"True." Nato nodded.

"You guys gonna be okay?"

"The doctor said that I'll be fine by the end of the day, while Nato will be in a few hours." Tsuki replied.

"Honestly, their kaidō is amazing, they don't need to cast spells, they can just simply use it instantly." She continued.

"Yup." Nato said.

"I'm looking forward to our fight." He said, looking at me.

"Me too."

We continued to talk for a while before I decided to leave.

3 hours later, we were called back to the arena.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the moment you've all been waiting for, the match between Kentaro and Nato!"

After that, both Nato and I appeared on the stage.


We didn't say any words as we immediately took off and clashed. Our blades would makes sparks in the air.

We both retreated as Nato said.

"Let's do this."

I nodded to him as the both of us called out.

"Slice to bits, Dorasho!"

"Incinerate the ones that stand in my way, Amber."

Fire and wind burst out as we appeared with our shikai's in hand.

"So that's your shikai huh." Nato said.

"How many times must I say this, don't talk in the middle of battle!" I said as I appeared in front of him with Amber going for his head.

"Hah! I know!" Nato blocked Amber with one of his scythes as he sent a wind arc towards my stomach.

I side stepped it as flames emerged from Amber.


Feeling the heat from Amber, Nato grunted as he pushed back my sword and retreated.

I went after him as our battle became more vicious. The onlookers could only see blurs and hear the sound of metal clashing.

To the three captains, they could see that the white haired boy was losing.

"We got quite the recruits this year don't we? Unohana said.

"Yeah." Toshiro agreed.

After Nato got pushed back again, he knew that if this continues, he'll lose, so he prepared to unleash his attack that he made especially for me.

Sensing the large amounts of reiryoku gathering around Nato, I also prepare my own attack.

I mixed Amber's fire and my fire energies, doubling my flames deadliness, but of course I made sure to hold back otherwise I'll really roast Nato.

Nato swung his scythes around him, creating violent winds until something similar to a mini tornado was created.

"Hey, hey, are we going to let them continue?" Toshiro and asked, he could sense by the reiryoku coming from them that if their not careful, one of them could die.

"Don't worry, we'll stop them before they do." Unohana said.

'You don't look like you'll do anything." Toshiro thought, looking at the relaxed captains.

After the both of us finished preparing our attacks, the both of us unleashed it.

Nato's tornado like attack met with my burning slash, creating an explosion.


The entire arena that was enclosed by a translucent barrier was filled with wind and fire, preventing the onlookers from seeing what's inside.

I sealed back Amber and used my reiryoku to clear away the smoke, revealing Nato who has a burnt mark on his chest.

I looked at the referee and he soon announced my win.

A/N: I'm sorry but I won't be able to upload for a while, reason? my temperature is 38.7, I've been sick since monday and my parents banned me from using my phone.

I know that you all will think that I'm just making excuses but I'm just not.

A/N: Join me in discord and ask me your questions or you can go look at the pictures, I don't always come online but I'll come check in every hours or so to answer your questions and pm me won't work as I muted discord.


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