

There will be a lot of OCs! I've had enough of ignorant people complaining that what's the point of creating a FF if there would be a lot of ocs.

I already mentioned in the synopsis that there will be a lot of ocs. Criticism is allowed because they ACTUALLY HELP ME MAKE MY STORY BETTER!!!

But the comments I've been receiving are either some stupid bastard complaining or someone saying that they'll drop this, like wtf do you need to say your opinion that you know is just complaining and not helping me make my story better?

I know that I have a lot of OC's but its not like they're gonna mess up the plot, not like I plan following the plot anyway.

The only person from bleach that mc is getting is Tier Halibel, because she is the whole reason why I made this FF in the first place

I don't care if you guys drop my book and the comments isn't an airport, you don't need to tell me that your leaving because I won't miss you.

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