
Chapter 39: Departure


I was able to sleep very well last night, even with the unexpected situation I found myself in after drinking some water. I think I should stop trying to find out what is happening to other people when it doesn't concern me.

After that, I ate breakfast with my parents for the last time, I said goodbye to everyone I knew, and wished some luck to Luscia before I left. So, what happened again?



"Bye guys! Hopefully, we will be able to see each other again soon!"

"Yeah, bye."

"We will keep protecting this place so you don't need to worry, alright!"

"We'll be watching your performance at the Proving so, give it your all."

"You will be reaching your goal soon. I will make sure that I will reach my goal as well by getting better!"

I said goodbye to the knight trio and left them. They were the second to the last people I needed to say goodbye to. The last people are Carros and Luscia.

I walked towards Luscia's house. I said goodbye to every villager who gave their farewells to me as I did so. Am I actually a popular person amongst the people who live here?

"Ah, Alex!"

I heard Luscia and, right before I was able to react, I was hugged at a speed that boggled my mind.

"Since we talked a lot yesterday, I will try to keep this short. I hope that you will be able to pass and that you will be able to do what you need to do."

"Thanks. I also hope that you will be able to do good in your studies and that you can improve yourself so that when we see each other again, we can have a nice challenge to see who is better."

"I accept your future challenge. Still, this is going to be the last time I will see you in a very long time because I will be going back to Axanon after you leave. We spent 2 years together but, it felt so much shorter compared to the time we spent in out past lives."

"Then, how about this? I spent almost 1/3 of my life knowing you in this life. Sounds much longer, don't you think?"

"It does. That means that I spent 1/4 of my life knowing you. I wish you luck in finding what you want."

"Ok, me too. Bye."

I turn around but then, a hand holds my shoulder.

"What is it?"

"No matter the distance, I want you to know, that deep down inside me, I will always think about you."


I feel myself getting a bit embarrassed by those words. That kind of sounds a bit odd to me but, I will try to let it slide.

"I-I'll think about you too, I guess?"


"Never mind what I just said! You can go now! Bye!"

"Um, bye!"

I walk towards where I think Carros is.

"May fortune be with you, Master Alexander."


"Sorry, didn't know you were there. May fortune be with you as well. Also, why did you suddenly switch to calling me Master Alexander?"

"Oh, there is a special reason as to why I did so. I can't tell you though as it may affect your future."

"Okay, then?"



I don't know the meaning behind Luscia and Carros' words. They were a bit too mysterious for me to be able to understand them. I do, however, understand that they are included in the group of people who will be supporting me.

Where am I exactly?

Actually, I am already sitting inside of a carriage with armed men sitting around me. Below us is the floor where we packed lots of food and water. To make sure that nothing contaminates the food and water we brought, we had one of the mages use Preservation Magic on it.

The carriage I am riding in is pretty big. There are at least 7 other guards who are sitting inside while there are 2 more sitting on the coach box. All of these guards were apparently sent my uncle here to escort me all the way to Quaran.

At first, I didn't think that it would be necessary to bring along 9 people just to guard me but, I take it back now. Earlier, the guards told me that Quaran is a city that has lots of snow. The city is so high up that the temperatures there are almost perpetually cold, especially now since it is almost the Alsius season.

This world has 5 seasons that all last around 3 months. The 5 seasons in order are: Inscone, Callis, Venti, Alsius, and Ruina.

Inscone is the season where every kind of life begins to sprout and inhabit the land. Callis is, you should know by its meaning, the season where it is hot and when living things usually begin their mating season and when plants have their flowers bloom. Venti is the season where it becomes windy and the animals start lowering their activity and the days become shorter. Alsius is the season where the days are short and the nights are long, with regular plants becoming scarce and only specialized creatures coming out. Lastly, Ruina is the season where animals are driven by their instincts to go back to where they were born. Most creatures die during this season and the ones that do survive give birth to the next generation.

Anyway, the point is that on the mountain, there are going to be a lot of monsters that have the element have Ocean or maybe even Glacier. However, the environment is much milder lower down the mountain in the valleys.

There, the monsters are more likely to be standard monsters that you would encounter anywhere like goblins.

"Hey, have you heard that there is a rumor that a demon is living in Quaran right now?"

"Don't say that. It is just a rumor. Plus, Mister Ostensio told us that we should not discriminate against other races, remember?"

"Sorry. It is just, I want to lighten up the mood. The silence is unbearable."


A demon living in Quaran? What is wrong with a demon living there? Oh. Is it because of the races war that the past Demon King waged?

"What do you mean there is a demon living in Quaran?"

"See, you're going to be scaring the kid now."

"No, no, it's okay. Please, tell me."

I want to know more about this.

"Looks like you pay attention. I will gladly tell you. You see, there was a rumor that was spread by an unknown person that there is a demon living in Quaran. They claimed that they have seen that demon doing unspeakable acts against other people. Of course, there is no proof but, what if it was real?"

So, there is no proof?

"Why would someone start making rumors about that?"

"It is probably some guy or girl who doesn't like them. You see, not a lot of people like demons because of the atrocities they committed in the past. But, your uncle is different. He encourages coexistence with other races, including demons. That is why we all respect him very much."

My uncle is like that? I can tell now that he could be a very nice guy.

"Where was it seen?"

"Huh? The guys around town said something like it was seen moving at night and another random guy even saw one because of the moonlight. They say that it's hair was a color just like the moon with matching eyes."


"What's your name?"

"Oh, my name is Cyrus. We haven't introduced ourselves yet."

That was how I started talking a lot with my uncle's guards. That was also when I learnt about the 'Moonlit Demon'.

Oops. Tomorrow, I will post 3 chapters! Definitely!

KrystaliteRadiatescreators' thoughts
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