
Psyche 3: Aftermath

The only thing that I expected when going to Vulcan was another school where I can learn new things while I am on vacation.

I did not think that a huge monster would attack me and Carros when we were only a few meters away from the gate. Right when I was going to get hit, a boy around my age pushed me out of the way.

Since I had to return the favor, I created ice with my magic to shield him from the monster's attack. However, the attack still hit him. When it did hit him, I thought I just let someone die. However, I could not feel sad about it because the monster was still attacking us.

But, after 5 minutes, some knights appeared to help us fend off the monster. They were defeated after only 10 minutes but, no one died. The last knight still standing looks like their commander and he kept on trying to do a pose but the monster just hit him every time he tried.

Right when I thought that we had no chance, the same boy I saw earlier jumped out of the forest and shouted something very interesting. He said that he was Zeta and that he was a general of the 1st Hero's Army.

At first, I thought I was having auditory hallucinations or something because it sounded too outlandish to be true. After it sunk in, I felt happy. If that really is Zeta, my dear older brother, then it was good that I was able to meet him again.

Zeta and the monster fought a lot until it looked like he ran out of energy. The monster was then about to attack him but got struck by multiple lightning bolts. I even saw their reflection in Zeta's eyes. I tried to walk to get closer to him, but froze after a few seconds.

After that, he fainted.

A few seconds passed and the guards who left us to inform the village of our arrival came running back.

"Miss Luscia, are you all right!"

The head guard came back and asked me. I looked at Zeta's unconscious body. This all happened because of me. If I hadn't ordered my guards to tell the knights of our arrival, this might not have happened.

I looked at the man I thought would be the commander of the knights who fought the monster. He is looking at Zeta as well.


While whispering that, he walked over to Zeta and lifted his body onto his back. He then walked to each of the knights who fell down and helped them up. Since most of this happened because of me, I also helped some of them up.

"Leave this to the other knights. Right now, you need to get to the village already."

While one of my guards was saying that, the rain stopped. I don't know why but, I have a huge feeling of helplessness. Like, I caused all of this and I can't even do anything about it. I can't help them.

I walk towards the commander knight who picked up Zeta. I walk closer and whisper into his ear my apology.

"I am so sorry for what I have done."

I then walk away with my guards.


It has been exactly 3 days after the monster attack incident. During that time, I introduced myself to all of the villagers.

After I introduced myself, I was given a tour by one of the villagers and I saw all of the buildings, houses, shops, and the school where I will staying at for 2 years before I am able to go back to Axanon.

I went inside of every shop to check what they are selling, said hello to the people near their houses, and even went inside the Adventurer's Guild. When I was inside, I met a person named Miria. She was very worried when I met her and she said that her student was severely hurt.

Since this place is usually peaceful, I guess that her student must be Zeta. When I asked who it was, she said that it was a boy named Alex. I suppose that Alex is Zeta's new name? It sounds a little like the 1st Hero's name.

After I met her, I was scheduled to meet my new teacher. My new teacher had red hair and crystal-blue eyes. She kind of looks like the librarian I met before. When I saw her, she had a very sad expression but, upon seeing me, she wiped that look off her face and smiled at me.

She must be hiding her sadness to stay professional, huh. I have lots of questions to ask but, I will stay quiet for now.

"Good afternoon, Miss Luscia. I will be your teacher at your new school. My name is Irene Arctia Zetranos. If there is anything in particular you want to ask me, you can ask me."

"I have a question about what I will be learning in your classes."

"Yes. Regarding that, the school has already told me that you wish to learn about politics and the world."

"I also want to learn how to use magic. Also, is there anything about weapon handling?"

I have decided that I won't always be protected. That is why, when I am in trouble I will be able to do it myself without needing help from my guards or from other people. I will need to learn how to protect myself before I can protect other people.

"That surprises me. So, you are interested in magic and weapons? That is very odd for a daughter of the Duke. However, such things don't even surprise me anymore."


She isn't surprised?

"Actually, my son is a lot like you. Doing strange things even though that isn't appropriate for their age or status."


Zeta, you were doing weird stuff that got you detected by your parents, huh? That kind of makes sense. He is always doing some kind of plotting but, always get found out by someone easily. Wait a minute. I just realized something that I should have realized much earlier in the conversation.

"Wait, what did you say was your last name?"

"My last name is Zetranos. Are you surprised that your teacher comes from the family that is descended from the 1st Hero? Actually, I just married into the family. If you want, I could tell you things about myself."

On the outside, I look calm. However, on the inside, my mind is swirling like the ocean during a storm.


You mean the 1st Hero's last name!?

And, Zeta got reborn as the descendant of the person we served and fought alongside with in our previous lives!? Well, it looks like he was having a fun life until now.


I snap out of my thinking. Oh yeah. She must be waiting for my answer.

"Okay, you can tell your story."

"It is pretty short. I was the youngest daughter of Earl Elsher and also the youngest child. You might not have herd about us because we are Earls from the Jekiro Continent. Anyway, I had an older brother and an older sister. My brother's name was Ostentio and my sister's name was Reine. We were a very happy family before my sister had to leave for something important. Apparently, she became the librarian of the Axanon National Library. A few years after that, my brother got married and I received word that he and his wife are living in Quaran with their daughter."


What a story.

That was how I met Zeta's mother, who became one of my teachers.


"The young lad who saved you from before seems to have woken up."

"Are you sure, Carros!"

"Yes. I overheard Miss Irene talking about it earlier."

"Okay. I need to see him again and have a little talk."

I had to go on break to think of new ideas for this volume. Sorry if you were waiting for too long!

KrystaliteRadiatescreators' thoughts
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