
Chapter 4: Question Time


No way.

I think I heard an auditory hallucination. Is there something wrong with this body that it has the defect of not hearing properly?

"Father, what was my last name again?"

I timidly asked that. If I hear the same thing again, what I heard wasn't an auditory hallucination.

"Oh, your last name? It is Zetranos. You were born in the prestigious house of knights that are descended from the great 1st Hero, Luke Alexander Zetranos! You should be proud and honor his name."




Or should I say, Death God?

What am I saying?

That just confirmed it.

I really am the descendant of Luke.

That was a very big surprise. A big surprise indeed. Hey, Death God! Is this your way of making this easier for me or something? Is it a way of messing with me? Or was it actually just by chance that I ended up reincarnating as Luke's descendant?

Wow. Just. Wow.


Just when I said that I should keep my name secret from other people and work behind the scenes, I get one of the most famous names, if not the most famous. Unbelievable.

Okay, enough sulking.

Let's think about this carefully. It is not like I completely lost the way to be secretive. When I go into other kingdoms and cities, I can just say that I am a commoner who has the name Alex. I don't need to start shouting about the fact that I am a descendant of Luke.

But still, this is kind of pressuring.

Just saving the world put my mind into a tight situation, now I also have to think about myself not tarnishing my family name!


No, wait. Actually, good.

If I am related to Luke, that means that he survived the Soul Eater attack on our bunker and was able to have kids. But, I am pretty sure that even with his ability and the help from the other remaining Generals, he would die when confronting 500 000 enemies. That leads me to the conclusion that Beta and Delta were able to reverse the Soul Eaters into not existing. If they stopped existing, it should take a very long time for the Scourge to replenish them all.

I should ask some other meaningful questions while I still have the chance.

"Mother, what year is it?"

"Oh, the year? I believe that the year is Year 211"


"211 years after what?

"The calendar counts after the death of the 6th Hero, Natius Holonto."

"Then, when was Lu- I mean the 1st Hero alive?"

"I think the 1st Hero was alive around 1000 years ago."

Woah. What the! 1000 years ago!?

Then, didn't the Scourge already replenish all of its forces? AND, didn't it also stock up even more monsters to use!?


Now I know why even the gods were scared by this thing. Death God, you were right that it was a threat. It is a threat to literally the laws of this world and others.

Huh. I've been underestimating it.

Not good.

Anyway, next question.

"Where do we live?"

"We live in the village of Vulcan on the Kragstelo Continent."

Kragstelo? I never heard of it. Ahh. I guess the geography and landscape have already changed a lot after 1000 years.

"Can you describe the area around us?"

"Wow, Alex. Aren't you asking questions that are a bit complicated for a kid of your age?"

"Yes, sorry. It is just that, I am very curious about this."

"Okay. Let's see. Well, one major landmark near Vulcan is obviously the giant volcano near the village."

What, a volcano!?

Isn't that super dangerous!?!

No. Maybe the volcano is already inactive or maybe even extinct. I can't find any other reason that would provide the people living here more advantages than disadvantages.

"Are there any other details?"

"Hmm. Well, there are the sprawling farm lands used for cultivating Vulcan Kuriata. Other than that, there aren't any other distinctive places."


I was hoping that there was something else that might have related to the Divine Beasts. Maybe I should directly ask about them.

Actually, I have already known that there were Divine Beasts. The book I was trying to get when my Shadow Shift manifested was about the 4 Divine Beasts. However, I don't think I was able to get to the page where it describes where they are.

So, I should ask them.

"Do you know the Ancient Divine Beasts?"

"Divine Beasts? Do you mean the fairy tale about them? Also, how do you know about something like that? We don't have anything in this house that mentions them."


I forgot about that.

Of course they won't be expecting me to know about the Divine Beasts. If this escalates, they might get suspicious of me. I think I should withdraw for now.

"Sorry, never mind."


I should try asking them this question a few years later and after I show them a book about the Divine Beasts so that I have a plausible alibi. Or, I can try asking someone else. However, there is no one else that I am close with.

I messed up my chance to know more about my primary targets. I should try to divert the conversation to something else.

"Anyway, are there any plans or important occasions that will be happening soon?"

"Alex, you look nervous. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I am okay. Anyway, focus on the question."

I look nervous.

I guess I am the kind of person who lets their emotions show on their face easily, huh. I'll need to focus on learning how to keep my emotions from showing and to keep a straight face. I'll also put that on the list of what I should learn.

After a moment of silence, my father answers my question.

"Well, there are no important events that are coming up soon. However, when you turn 7 years old, we will have to go on a trip to the Mountain City, Quaran."


"Why will we be going there?"

"We will be going there for the ceremonial test of power. The test of power is a test for the children of knight families to know if they are worthy to succeed their house. But, that is still a long time from now. Starting tomorrow, we will be starting your sword training so that you can pass the test."

I guess the test is something like if they succeed, they will become the next head of their family? I will try to make sure that I pass because I can't pass up the chance to know how strong I have become at that time.

Or, rather, did father just say that we are starting the sword training tomorrow!? As in, tomorrow tomorrow!?

Isn't that a bit harsh for a kid who is only 4 years old?

Maybe it is some kind of tradition for kids of a knight family to start training when they are as young as me.

But still, I will make sure that I work hard during the practice sessions.

The reason I died was because I was not paying attention and because I lowered my guard. So, I will compensate for that by taking this seriously.


Get pumped up!

That was when our dinnertime ended and I was ushered to bed by my mother.

When I was in my bed I started thinking.

I wonder.

If I was reincarnated, did the other Generals reincarnate as well? If they did, I hope Epsilon and Psi are okay.

Oh yeah! I forgot about my ability. I don't know at what age a human manifests their ability, but, I hope it is soon. I wonder what my ability will be? It might be related to my original one, or it might a completely different one.

I hope the Death God contacts me soon.

I want to talk to someone who I don't need to keep secrets from.

I should get some sleep.

I'll worry about these things tomorrow.

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