
Chapter 6 part 2 surprise attack

We decided to go to the right

that ended up being a waste of time because when we reached the other group they had reached a dead end. So all of us went back and went left. As we walked I found a dead skeleton against the wall holding a long rope, i'm just going to take this. Going left wasn't a waste of time because when we found the others we found them in a war zone. There had to be at least a hundred or so skeletons and ghouls all fighting the others. It was so dark that the adventures could barely see what they were fighting. "Hey Caroline do you think you can make a light bright enough to help us see the whole room" "i guess we'll see won't we" her companion Charles came up with Steve close behind, both of them with a sparcull in their eyes. They both are so fight hungry that they are unable to speak, i even think i see some drool coming from Steve, Thats Steve for you. "Ok then everyone listen up i have a plan on how to help our friends' ' i" i explain the planplane to them. "Were going to send the people with longswords in a line all charging with swords like a speare with the archers staing in the back, well people with small swords or gamers follow up behind the long swords' 'swords". " when Caroline gets the lights on we start our attack" everyone agrees and gets into position.

When everyone is ready I grabi grab my two swords from behind my back and slide my two small shields around my wrists and tie them to my arms with string. I get in the back of the asalt and give Caroline the signul. With a cheerchear or two from the group which was now 18 people strong Caroline started to cast her spell. "with the power of the sun and the earth i ask you the ones above to give us the gift of surging light!!" with the last words her staft started to glow and lights started to appear all over the room. We could see everything, what we thought was at least a hundred had to be at least five hundred and i had good bet of fear. But i had a job to do. "CHARGE!!!" with that the plan commenced. The impact of the front row wint just as well as i chud of hoped but there are so many of them that it concerns me. As my row makes impact i swing my right sword as hard as i can and cut one down wich falls to the floor. Im Immediately attacked by another, so i block with my left shield and and hit it in the face with the other. The skeleton falls to a pile of bones. One after another they keep coming, i've had to at least cut down thirty by now, as i kill a skeleton with my shield i start to feel like i'm boxing because of how many i'm hitting with my shield. All i hear is the smashing of bones, the clashing of swords and the acashunal gun shot. But through all the cayos and death i catch a glimpse of Steve on on a small staircase. Of course he's kicking the head of a ghoul in to a step and shooting another with his bow. I start to make my way towards him when a sudin large boom from behind makes every one stop for a sec and i catch a glimpse of a red light at the end of the hall. The large thuds grow incessantly lawder every second and i think i know what's causing it. As people continue to fight i start to make my way towards the hall. "Hey you and you come with me now!!!" i yell to two people i pass, they follow and i see Red Thomson being chased by the large macanacl beast. I haff to think what can i do, what can i do. The the picture of Steve's bow enters my thoughts and i have an idea. I reach into my bag and pull out that rope from earlier and throw the other end to the other two and they understand and start running the opposite direction. I find a piler and lope around it and get ready to pull with all my might. I start to countdown"3....2…..1…...Now!" as i pull the rope stratens and red slides right under the rope. But all the beast can do is fall like the giant it is. It hits the rope and starts its descent to the floor. Almost everyone knew what was happening and retreated back our deretchin. With the second loudest noise I'vei've heard, the beast hits the floor and it goes caving down thru the floor bringing every single enemy with it to were evre under that flore leads. Everyone just stands there and looks at the hole for a good minute before one person stares to cheer and everyone joins in. every single person is estatick for surviving the event. People are dancing some are jumping to each other and i see one guy haller in the air and do an unneeded backflip. I'm even amazed at how many people are thanking me, but one thing catches my eye. Red standing at the edge of the pit, just staring down with his glowing red eyes. I still have no clue who he really is, but i have a feeling he's not a threat anymore

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