
Royal Form

Cecilia blushed and made soft noises as I kissed her neck. She kept her hand firm against the desk and slightly pushed her butt against my crotch. She blushed even more as I bit on her neck slowly.

I pulled away and held her hips. "You can stop acting tough now..~"

"I'm...not acting tough.." Cecilia said softly and looked back at me.

I chuckled softly and bright my hand to her leg and slowly trailed my hand up her leg. "You are..~ You wouldn't be so stiff, my love..~"

"I-I'm stiff because I've never done anything like this before..." Cecilia said then turned around in my arms and placed her hands on my chest.

I caressed her cheek gently and placed my forehead against hers. "There's a first time for everything..~"

Cecilia's breathing deepened from my words. I kissed her lips and she slowly kissed back. I sat her on the desk and slowly unbuttoned her pants.

"Ryoma.." She cooed and panted softly.

I chuckled softly and bit my bottom lip. "I'll be gentle..~"

"O-Okay..." She nodded and watched me take her pants and panties off. She watched me take my clothes off and became more excited and nervous.

I held her hips and smiled at her. "Are you ready..?~"

"Y-Yes!~" Cecilia said with excitement.


"Celli!~ Wake up already! Wake up!" Eirine yelled and shook Cecilia.

Cecilia softly mumbled my name then opened her eyes and noticed Eirine. She squeaked and pushed Eirine away. "W-What do you want?!"

Eirine smiled and held her arms. "Ryoma is waiting for us outside!~ Come on and get ready!"

Cecilia watched Eirine skip away. Cecilia sat up on her bed and touched herself, feeling she was wet. She covered her face, blushing madly. "Why..? Why did she wake me up..?"


I laid against Nebula with my arms behind my head and hummed. Nebula rose her head seeing Cecilia and Eirine walked toward us. She softly whinnied and began to stand up.

I grunted as my head hit the ground. I opened my eyes and got up. I looked at Nebula and smiled. "Warn me next time."

Nebula neighed and her tail wagged.

"You did? Huh, I must've missed it." I chuckled and rubbed her neck. I turned to Eirine and Cecilia. "Alright, you two are a bit late..but I'm willing to excuse it because you two are so beautiful."

Eirine giggled and held her cheeks. "How did we get so lucky..?~"

Cecilia crossed her arms and she refused to even look at me. She wouldn't stop blushing and I could notice it. I walked over to her and placed my hand on her head. She looked up at me.

"Are you ready?~" I asked.

Cecilia's eyes widened at my question and she became flustered. "I-I- Right here?! I mean- I uhm! Y-You- Mmmm!!" Cecilia stomped her feet down one by one and covered her face.

"Eehhhh?" Eirine rose an eyebrow and glid closer to Cecilia in a curious manner.

I smiled and chuckled then leaned closer to her ear. "Had a wonderful dream..?~"

Cecilia began to sweat and pant softly. She closed her legs together more and felt aroused just from my presence. "Ryoma.."

I chuckled softly and held her chin then looked into her eyes as she locked eyes with mine. "It will happen soon..~"

Cecilia froze up and felt her insides becoming all tingly. I chuckled and gently stroked her hair then walked back to my spot.

"You really have the hots for him huh..~" Eirine giggled.

"Sh-Shut up!" Cecilia roared and her face became extremely red. She couldn't get over that dream she had. It lived in her head rent free.

"Alright. Today we will be working on your Royal Forms. There are four stages. Royal Form, Super Royal Form, Hyper Royal Form, and Perfect Royal Form. I can sense your Crests are fully unlocked and mastered to the point you can awaken it. I have taught you both the Dagrax, Atren, and Yascean Stances. You two will be battling against me in my base." I said.

"You're not going to transform?" Eirine asked.

"I'll be alright. This is just training after all. My Royal Form is my Emperor's Form and you two wouldn't be able to handle me in any of my forms. For this to work I need to be at base until I know you all are ready for my transformation." I said.

"So is it just fighting you until you see us ready?" Cecilia asked, still slightly looking away from me.

"You will eat, sleep, breath, swim in your Royal Form. By mastering Base Royal Form, you will grow accustomed to it therefore you will waste less energy in your form and have more power to ascend." I said. "It's the same principal with Divine Form."

"I see, so by pushing our limits with this form we will be able to master the different stages, maximizing our power input and output. That seems pretty logical, but...I haven't fought for years. My reserves are pretty low." Eirine said.

"Ah right. You weren't like Cecilia who kept training even after defeat. Well let me help you." I said and walked over to Eirine.

She watched me then looked surprised when I kissed her lips. Cecilia watched in shock. Eirine kissed back and her Crest began to shine. I pulled away and smiled then held her hand to look at her Crest.

"There you go, fully charged~" I smiled.

Cecilia turned to me and grunted. "Actually I'm running low on reserves too!"

I smiled at Cecilia then walked over to her. "You don't have to lie to receive a kiss from me, my love.."

She blushed and looked at me. I held her close then kissed her lips gently. She kissed back and held my arm. I pulled away and smiled at her. She began to calm down a bit.

"Alright, enough intimacy and time for immediate action. We have six days to prepare and apparently from what Henosis told us, it's a four person tag team tournament. We need a fourth and I don't want to have Nebula or Tsuhori on front lines." I said.

"Then allow me to help." A man's voice said then a Crest shined above my Crest of Henosis.

I looked at the Crest and chuckled. "Ahh Atlas, you finally awaken?"

"Atlas?! The Legendary King of Dragons?!" Eirine asked in shock.

"The Dragon of Destruction." Cecilia said in awe.

I raised my hand and summoned Atlas. He appeared in front of us and looked at us. He had long, messy black and blue hair, tanned skin, and dragon markings all over his body. He wore a leather jacket with one sleeve missing, black pants, and boots. He had scars along his body and his eyes shined a bright yellow.

"Atlas!~" Tsuhori waved.

Atlas looked back and stuck his hands on his pockets. "Lady Tsuhori. Lady Oblivion."

Nebula gave an aggressive squeal as she was called her original name.

"Ahh, Master Ryoma calls you Nebula now. So be it, I shall call you Nebula." Atlas said.

"How many Beasts do you own?!" Cecilia asked.

"Seven plus Nebula. Eight. One from each country of Eyica. Atlas was earned from the Alrean Empire after I defeated him and his master in battle. Tsuhori was a gift in Yesha from the Goddess of Companionship. Nebula I found in Arthirus." I answered.

"Atlas, you can watch with the rest. We are training for the big tournament happening soon." I said.

"As you wish." Atlas said then transformed into a tiny dragon and flew to a tree branch and sat on it.

"Are you two ready?" I asked.

Eirine closed her eyes and her aura surged around her body as she transformed into her Royal Form. Her hair shined a bright red and a crown appeared on her head as well as golden gauntlets on her hands.

Cecilia bellowed and her hair flashed red to yellow then her aura surged. Her hair turned yellow and her eyes shined a bright red. A crown appeared on her head then markings appeared on her arms.

"Ready!" They both said and looked at me.

"Woo!" Tsuhori cheered. "Good luck!"

"Now let's see what they are made of." Atlas said.

I got into my original stance and smirked. "Come."

Eirine and Cecilia looked at each other then nodded. Cecilia dashed forward and Eirine followed. Cecilia bellowed and went for a spinning kick. I blocked her kick then sensed Eirine behind me. I countered her attack then palmed her chest, blowing her away. I grabbed Cecilia's leg then pulled her to me then three invisible strikes hit her and knocked her away.

Eirine grunted and dashed toward me. She palmed my back then a wave like pulse launched me away. She boosted her speed and appeared above me. I smirked then recovered and caused her to miss her attack. I landed on the ground then dodged her punch. I palmed her stomach then a wave like pulse launched her away.

Eirine coughed as she slammed into a tree. 'He...copied my attack..?'

Cecilia sprinted toward me and avoided my kick then grabbed my leg then twirled me around. She slammed me on the ground, going for a submission hold, but I twirled myself around then made her let go of me.

"Huh...you two actually have me actually trying!" I said then the Crest of Galaxia shined on my hand.

Eirine stood up and moved her hair from her face. Cecilia smirked and dashed toward me. She went for the crescent kick I taught her, but I blocked it with a star shield then palmed the shield, blowing her away with a force of energy. Eirine began to move quickly around me then appeared in front of me with a kick.

I smirked then changed my Crest to the Crest of Blaze then countered her kick with a blazing lariat. I flung her toward Cecilia. Cecilia caught Eirine and slid backwards. She looked at me and noticed a beam of energy headed toward her.

Eirine clapped her hands together and a rock wall rose from the ground and blocked the beam. The beam began to chip away at the wall. Eirine bellowed and pushed the wall toward me.

"Mystic Martial Arts. Heh! Interesting!" I laughed and stomped my foot on the ground then grunted as Cecilia burst through the wall and kicked me away with her flying super kick.

I rolled backwards then vanished. Cecilia and Eirine looked around and noticed me using Flash Step. I appeared behind Cecilia and vanished as she used an attack to try and hit me. An invisible attack launched Cecilia away then I appeared above her then grabbed her and flipped backwards with a spin.

"Izuna Moondrop!" I bellowed and slammed Cecilia on the ground, but noticed her energy clone at disappeared. I smirked and stood up. "Impressive!"

"Sis." Cecilia said and slightly panted.

"I know...it's like our husband has infinite stamina.." Eirine panted.

"Let's use that tag team move." Cecilia said.

"Right!" Eirine said and looked excited.

Cecilia and Eirine dashed toward me and their bodies shined red and pink. They began to move around me at lightspeeds. I looked around and blinked rapidly. Cecilia went for the first attack but I dodged it. Cecilia grunted and kept moving. Eirine went for a kick, but I blocked it and noticed her vanished at lightspeeds.

"Together!" Cecilia roared.

Both Cecilia and Eirine appeared in front of me and palmed my stomach blowing me away.

"Final!" Cecilia bellowed and charged up an energy blast.

"Sacred!" Eirine bellowed.

"Gleam!" They both bellowed and fired a massive energy beam at me.

I clasped my hands together and opened my hands forming a ball of stellar energy. I threw it at the beam and the two collided. High winds began to blow then an explosion happened. The people of the village noticed the explosion in the forest and wondered what was going on.

Cecilia fell to her knees and reverted back to normal. Eirine panted and fell backwards then reverted back to normal.

"Even our Lightspeed Gleam wasn't enough." Cecilia said then closed her eyes.

"You two were impressive, but how about next time we use our Stances." I chuckled as I walked toward them.

Cecilia looked up at me. "Right...I guess I'm too into my own Element that I had forgotten about them.."

I smiled and sat down in front of them. "That's alright, we still have time left. You two did do some damage on me though and the way you used your energy clone to escape my Izuna Moondrop. And your Mystic Martial Arts was impressive as well."

Cecilia and Eirine blushed at my praises. They grew happy that I praised them the way I did. We all looked at the sky and smiled.

"After this...where will you go?" Cecilia asked.

"I'll probably take a short break and revisit a few kingdoms. All of this was a wild ride." I said.

"Will you come back here?"

Eirine asked and sat up.

"I will." I smiled at Eirine. "I do plan for us to have children one day."

"Ch-Children?!" Cecilia asked, bashfully.

"Come on, don't you want little mini-mes running around?" I chuckled.

"I-I do but..." Cecilia said then looked away.

"I won't leave you to yourselves. I have everything planned out. I promise." I said and rubbed Cecilia's hair.

She closed her eyes and began to really open up more and not be so aggressive. She held my hand and smiled. "Okay..~"

Eirine smiled as I rubbed her head as well. She purred and leaned closer. "Head pats from you are always so wonderful..~"

"How about we take a little break." I smiled.

"Okay!~" Eirine said happily.

"That's fine with me.." Cecilia smiled.

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