
An Electrifying Greeting

Nebula galloped to the Kingdom of Volta and I noticed the shift in energy. I felt the electric energy around the area then noticed more electric poles around the area. I looked up and saw the tower of electricity. It was the biggest building of the kingdom and I noticed the orb of the tower shining. A bolt of lightning crashed in front of us and Nebula neighed then avoided the bolts of lightning. I summoned my sword then it transformed into its Omni Protector form.

"Emperor's Shield!" I bellowed then a barrier appeared around us and blocked the bolts of lightning.

"Zezua! Strike them down! Divine Bolt!" A woman bellowed.

A navy blue bird with four wings descended from the skies and lightning surged around its body. It screeched and a magic circle appeared around us.

"Nebula!" I said.

Nebula neighed and a magic symbol shined on her head. I looked up and a divine bolt of lightning crashed down at us. I grunted and closed my eyes. I opened my eyes then noticed we were okay. I looked at Nebula and noticed her horn acted as a lightning rod.

"I see...Your horse is also a Mythical Beast. This will be interesting." The woman said then readied her sword.

I got off Nebula then looked at the woman. She had on a black battledress with a red cape behind her and wore white stockings. Her hair was long and purple. Her eyes shined yellow and she even had lightning crackling around her body. Her blade of choice was a katana that had a longer blade than usual.

"If I had to guess, you are the Queen of this Kingdom?" I asked.

"Yes. I am from the Rai Clan! My name is Queen Rei Rai! My blade was crafted by my father named the Thunderstorm. A blade that can bring disasters to any land with a simple swing of this blade. I know about you, Ryoma. If it's my kingdom you want, you need to come take it from me!" Rei bellowed.

I placed a hand on my hip then smirked. "You believe you can defeat me?"

"You flinched back at the bolt of my Mythical Bird. You are no match for me." Rei said.

"Yeah, that may be true, but only because I was caught off guard from how fast the bolt crashed down. But now it's me and you.." I said then got in the Dagrax Stance and my sword changed into its Willbreaker Form.

"Let's see what you've got!" Rei dashed to me then appeared in front of me then slashed in a circle.

I parried her attack then grabbed her arm then flipped her over my back and she groaned when she hit the ground. I jumped back and smirked. She stood up and dashed to me. She bellowed and slashed, but I once again parried her attack. I slashed and she grunted then was blown away.

"Can you see a difference..?" I chuckled then vanished and appeared above her then grabbed her faced then slammed her to the ground.

She groaned and I got off her then stepped backwards. I smirked and watched her. "Don't...get too cocky..."

"I haven't even warmed up yet, Rei. Aren't you going to be the one to stop me?" I taunted and smirked.

Rei stood up and bellowed then her aura surged powerfully and lightning surged around her body more powerfully. "I will stop you! I won't allow you to become king of my kingdom! My people don't need a king!"

"Let us see how badly you wish to stop me then." I dashed to her.

She dashed to me and we swung out weapons at the same time and clashed. We continued to clash repeatedly then entered a blade lock. She grunted and glared at me. I smirked then pushed her back and the Crest of Therris shined on my hand. She stumbled back then wood emerged from the ground and wrapped around her leg. She grunted then tried to move, but couldn't because she was bound to the ground.

"Now for the finishing blow." I said then my sword shined and I ran towards her. "Sword Arts: Willbreaker!"

I vanished and appeared behind her and preformed the chiburi then she grunted loudly as ten powerful slashes hit her. She lowered her head and panted softly. I turned around and released her. She felt to her knees and clenched her teeth. She slowly stood up and her Crest shined on her chest.

"This...was only the start of the battle...You haven't won yet!" Rei yelled and her eyes shined purple then thunder boomed loudly. The lightning crashed down powerfully and her power grew.

"Oh? Now this is a treat.." I chuckled.

She began to transform into her awakened form. She bellowed and her aura manifested lightning wings. Her pupils turned red and five lightning orbs appeared behind her. "Allow me to show you my true power.." She said then pulled a sword from between her breasts. It was a legendary blade like mine. The blade was blue and purple lightning surged around it. She fully pulled the sword from her breasts then pointed it at me.

"I can sense the increase in your power.." I smirked.

"This is my Raikiri Form. Raikiri is my Legendary Spirit that I bonded with the night I killed my late husband. Now we will truly see the difference between us. My blade, Heaven's Bolt, will destroy you. Prepare yourself." Rei said then vanished.

I looked around me then turned around and blocked an attack from Rei. I grunted as she appeared behind me then kicked me forward. She appeared in front of me then slashed and blew me away. She appeared above me and yelled then slashed down, sending me crashing into the ground. She flew down to me in lightning speeds and went for the killing blow, but she hit my phantom and I was above her. She looked back and slashed at me. The lightning on the blade extended her reach and I grunted then blocked the attack, but was electrocuted then an explosion happened.

I rolled on my side and grunted. I laid on my back then looked at the sky. "Damn she's strong.." I chuckled then slowly stood up.

"Had enough?" Rei asked.

"Not even.." I smirked and my eyes shined. "You have yet to see me at my fullest.."

"Ready Ryoma!" Arcane spoke.

"I got you, partner." I said then my aura surged. I bellowed and transformed into my Divine Form.

Rei grunted as she shielded her face from the high winds my aura caused. She looked up a bit then noticed my Divine Form and looked surprised. "He also has a Deity Spirit within him..?"

My sword shined and transformed into its Divine Trinity form. I pointed it at Rei and looked serious. "You can't beat me anymore. While I'm in this form, you have a zero percent chance to win."

"We will see about that!" Rei bellowed and dashed to me.

She slashed and her sword phased through my body then I struck stomach with my palm and she groaned. My eyes shined then I slashed upwards then sent her flying in the air. I dashed after her and spun around then my sword shined and I slashed, sending her downward then appeared behind her and slashed upwards, knocking her back into the air and appeared above her and bellowed, releasing a divine blast in the aura, hitting her and she groaned loudly. An explosion happened, blowing her away. She rolled on her side then coughed a bit. She stood up slowly and looked at me.

"Divine Combat...Absolute Invincibility....Godly Strength...This is the strength of a Legendary Beast itself...How can a human like him obtain such strength unless his Deity Spirit also possesses this level of power..?" Rei asked and stomped her foot down on the ground. "I will not lose to you! I refuse!"

I sensed Rei's power increase even more. I got in my stance then my aura surged.

"I won't let down my Clan!" Rei bellowed and held her sword to the sky.

I dashed to her and my Eye of Arcane activated. "Ultimate Arts.."

Rei yelled and slashed multiple times, sending multiple bolts of lightning at me. I dodged each one and spun around a few of the bolts. My eyes shined brightly and I summoned a barrier around my body as I spun around. My body felt so free as if it acted on its own.

"Final Emperor's.." I said then slashed and hit Rei and she groaned loudly. She was knocked into the air, but she recovered.

"Heavenly Bolt Strike!" She bellowed and sent a massive bolt of lightning crashing down at me.

I vanished and the bolt struck the ground powerfully then a bright light shined. I appeared behind Rei and struck her with my sword multiple times and kicked her to the ground. I appeared in front of her then spun around, slashing. She groaned as she was knocked into the air once again. She coughed a bit of blood then descended to the ground once again. I spun around again, slashing and hit her again then jumped in the air.

"Impact." I said then slashed down and released a divine cutting wave at her. The cutting wave hit her then sent her to the ground and exploded. I landed on the ground and grunted then turned normal, falling on one knee.

The smoke cleared and Rei was on the ground. Her aura disappeared and she groaned lightly. I looked at her and chuckled. The Crest of Arcane slowly disappeared as he went to rest. I caught my breath and closed my eyes.

"I win." I said.

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