
Mythical Beast: Ixia

The next day came and I was ready for the day. Oria and Rosea were already with their tutors and Edea was handling business with her kingdom. I decided to go to Therese and ask some questions.

I walked in the indoor garden then picked up a watering can. "Good morning..~" I smiled at her.

"Good morning!~" Therese smiled happily at me then closed her eyes when I began to water her. "Mmm~ Thank you."

I chuckled and set down the watering can then noticed Essu laying behind her. I pet Essu's snout and smiled. "Good morning to you as well."

Essu slightly wagged her tail and closed her eyes.

"So, Therese. Is there anything I can do around here? I want to explore, meet Mythical Beasts. You know that kind of stuff." I said and crossed my arms.

"Uhm...Yeah, there is a Mythical Beast in the Sacred Forest just left of the castle. She's a Dryad. Possibly the only Nymph known in Uthea. Her name is Ixia and she's known as the Guardian of the Forest. No one has been able to bond with her because no one could find her, but to find her you've got to be very lascivious and be able to sense lustful and sexual aura since Ixia is a woman of Indomitable Sexuality. I think it shouldn't be an issue for you." Therese smiled.

"Shouldn't be, I'm all about love and sex. Mainly to rebuild my bloodline, but I enjoy doing it so I might as well enjoy the act while I can." I smiled then turned around then walked off. "Thank you by the way, I'll be off now."

"Good luck!" Therese waved.

I hurried outside and went to Nebula then she looked at me and knew we were going somewhere then galloped to me. I hopped on her back then she galloped down a path to the Sacred Forest.

We made it to the Sacred Forest and walked around. I closed my eyes and sensed Ixia's aura and opened my eyes then hopped off Nebula's back then set down a few apples on the ground for her.

"I'll be back." I said.

She whinnied and lowered her head to eat the apples happily.

I jogged ahead and followed the aura then heard rustling in the bushes and trees. There were ninja around the area, who were like knights to Ixia. I dodged an attack from one of the ninja then summoned my sword and smirked. My aura appeared around me and I activated my Eye of Arcane. I blocked and parried multiple attack from multiple targets. I dodged another attack then flipped on one hand then propelled myself on a tree. I hopped from one branch to another then they followed me.

I looked back and noticed them and threw my sword forward. I looked back at them. "Catch me if you can. Blehh." I stuck my tongue out then vanished and appeared where my sword was.

They were now pissed off because of my taunting then threw down smoke bombs. They appeared on flying beasts and flew after me.

I landed on the ground then kept following Ixia's aura. I grunted then dodged wooden spikes emerging from the ground. I slashed through the spikes then my Crest of Blaze shined and I slashed in a circle, releasing flames at the spikes, causing them to disappear. I slid forward and smirked. The ninja landed in front of me then circled around me.

"So you're that determined to stop me..? Well I guess I should get serious then." I said then transformed into my Emperor's Form.

They grunted and shielded their faces from the high winds my aura generated. Some of them slid back and grunted louder. They looked at me and noticed my confident smirk. They yelled and charged directly at me.

I raised my sword to the sky then spun around in a circle then slashed hitting all of them then jumped while slashing in a circle then landed on the ground while jabbing the blade into the ground releasing a wide pillar of light at them. They groaned as they were all hit by the light then a light explosion happened. I stood up and took my sword out of the ground. "A mixture of Shining Light, Emperor's Impact, and Light Pillar. Gotta come up with a name for that. Shining Emperor's Pillar? Mmm...let's go with that for right now, I've got nothing better." I chuckled and walked off.

The women groaned lightly as they laid on the ground. They weren't expecting an entirely new move and paid the consequences for it.

I followed the last trail of aura then noticed a woman sitting on a rock, talking to the different rabbits and deer. She had long green hair that stopped at her back with orange flowers on her hair, beautiful yellow eyes, she had pointy ears, she wore a dress that only covered her front side of her body and legs. She had butterfly type wings coming from her lower back and vines around her arms. Floating beside her way am orange crystal ball of some sort, like a lantern.

I was amazed by her appearance since Yesha never had any Nymphs. This was my first time seeing one in person. The woman looked at me and smiled. Her smile was very welcoming and warm. Her animal friends hopped and trotted away upon command.

"Congratulations for actually finding me, yet I am not surprised that it's you Ryoma. Lots of Mythical Beasts speak of your name and I was dying to meet you. I am Ixia, Guardian of the Forest." Ixia smiled and opened her arms. "Come closer. I won't hurt you. I know of your Crest of Blaze anyway and your combat ability, so I would lose in a one on one."

I walked to her and she stood up. She walked to me and hugged me. I was memorized. I didn't think a Mythical Beast was able to seduce me by mere touch, but Ixia was able to of course since she was a sexual being. She let me go and sensed an increase in my lustfulness.

"I see my Seductive Touch worked..~ I haven't had the chance to use it for years. I know why you've come here, but do you have the courage to take it..?" Ixia asked and placed a hand on her hip. "My Crest of Ixia allows for a lot of abilities, such as Nature Unity with Plants and Wood, Environmental Adaptation with the forest that allows you to obtain a Forest Form, Zoolingualism which allows you to gain the ability to communicate with all animals including all Beasts, most importantly Indomitable Sexuality...which allows you to be a Flawless Sexual Being..~ I can't grant you Plant or Wood manipulation only the Crest of Therris can give you that." Ixia said.

"How can I obtain your Crest?" I asked.

"We must bond..but not bond as is you become a vessel, you need to bond with me by any form of sexual act. Unlike other Beasts, I am the one Beast that can breed with humans and produce offsprings, but it's gonna take multiple tries with a human that it is with another Beast. I am the most human like Beast there is in the world and the only one of its kind. Are you willing to perform the acts to get the reward?" Ixia asked.

I looked at her and gulped. I looked at her up and down then looked back at her face. "Let's do it."

"Mmm~ You barely even had to think about it..~ Come here." Ixia smiled.

I pulled her closer to me then kissed her, not caring about the moral standards between the relationship between Human and Beast. She obviously didn't care either as she immediately kissed back. We kissed for a bit then she broke off the kiss so she could catch her breath.

"Okay...wow. I knew you were a sexual being, but that was...mmm." Ixia cleared her throat and blushed, looking away. "The Connection between Human and Beast must strictly stay Master and Pet, but I feel like it should be different with Humanoid Beasts like me and Asena, yet we follow the moral rules despite being more human than beasts. We can help how we were created however, we were made Beast but I've always wanted to know the love and touch of a human and now I've experienced it. I wish I could marry you, but the forest is my home and my animals and other forest beasts are my children. I will always be with you via Crest. You've earned it."

She held her hand out then the Crest of Ixia shined over my Crest of Arcane. I looked at her and smiled.

"Thank you for giving me the love of a human. Come visit some time in the future, I'll make sure my knights don't target you in future visits." Ixia nodded.

I nodded and smiled. "I'll be sure to stop by in the future."

We waved to ear other then I walked away, following the path back to Nebula. Once Nebula noticed me, she rose her head then stood up from laying down. I pet her muzzle and smiled.

"We're all set to go back to the castle.." I said.

She neighed and nodded.

"One more thing, I want to know about your issue with Edea. Tell me about it." I said.

Nebula snorted and closed her eyes. I hopped on her back then she walked back to the castle and I listened to her neighing and snorting, listening to her talk about the beef between her and Edea.

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