
The Black Waves (2)

Alastor walked forward with his wife and clapped slowly. Tsuna and I looked at him and the citizens also looked at him. I glared and my Crest of Arcane shined on my hand then I pushed Tsuna behind me.

"What the fuck do you want..?" I glared.

"What? Can't an old friend come congratulate his buddy for marrying another old friend? Such a beautiful and perfect wedding for you both...I can't imagine any other fit than this." Alastor chuckled. "You haven't met my wife. This is Lythia."

I looked at Lythia and glared then looked back at Alastor. "I don't give a shit about your wife. I don't have time for this today. You picked the worst time to show up."

"Come on old friend. This is a time for celebration. Let go of the past. That's what you learned with Claire didn't you? Besides I see you still haven't gotten rid of Manami's Crest. What's so important about it that makes you want to keep it all this time?" Alastor smirked.

I looked at Alastor and felt my anger building up slowly. Even Arcane was getting angry with Alastor. "Manami's Crest holds more knowledge than you realize. She came from Yascea. With her Crest I can find a direct path to the main castle...and destroy everything you own."

Alastor laughed and summoned his sword then pointed it at me, smirking. "Why wait...when you can do it now? Come, old friend. Strike me down or are you too afraid.."

The people began to become scared then Nebula neighed loudly and escorted everyone out of the altar. I looked at Alastor then felt Tsuna push my arm away gently then she walked forward and slapped Alastor.

Alastor and I looked a bit surprised. Alastor lowered his sword then looked at Tsuna.

"Get the fuck OUT! You are not invited and you ruined our wedding! I'm not gonna stand back and tolerate this shit any longer! I want you and your stupid wife out of my kingdom right now!" Tsuna yelled.

Alastor punched Tsuna's stomach and she groaned then fell to her knees. I looked surprised and my heart thumped hard again my chest. Alastor crouched down and held Tsuna's face. "You think you have any right to speak to me in that matter..? You were safer behind your pathetic husband" He used his aura to blow Tsuna backwards and she grunted as she hit her head against a table then passed out.

"Alastor..!" I yelled and Alastor looked up. "You bastard!"

I bellowed and immediately transformed into my Emperor's Form. Alastor smirked and stood up. He laughed and noticed lightning crackling around my body. I was pissed off beyond imagination. I dashed to him and swung my sword and he blocked the attack. Lythia grunted as she slid backwards and felt my anger. Rivule appeared beside Tsuna and roared and was enraged. I pushed Alastor back and closed my eyes.

"I am enraged as well, Rivule. I'm so pissed off I could kill a thousand armies with my bare hands! You feel the same don't you..? Link with me. Let's show him The Black Wave Asena sang about." I said then looked at Rivule.

Rivule looked at me then roared loudly and the Crest of Waves shined above my Crest of Arcane allowing me to use Esoteric Water Manipulation. I looked at Alastor then glared at him.

"Heh...Hahahaha! This is great! You've bonded with Rivule! Now I have three Crests to rip away from your worthless body!" Alastor laughed then dashed to me.

I dashed to him and clashed with him again. He grunted as he slid back. I slashed multiple times at him, releasing multiple dark water cutting waves. He blocked them ad grunted, sliding back more. I bellowed and Rivule roared loudly. I pointed at Alastor then Rivule released a powerful water beam at Alastor. He groaned loudly as he was blown through the walls of the Altar. I walked forward and held my head.

"Come back to me...You need my power.." Chaos's voice spoke to me.

I grunted and closed my eyes. "I don't need your power...get out of my head!" I bellowed and my aura surged powerfully.

Lythia looked at me completely afraid and looked back at Alastor. She looked back at me then took a step back.

I calmed down and exhaled. Rivule roared then flew out of the Altar. She had turned the water black then I felt her uncontrollable dark aura. I ran out of the altar then noticed multiple Dark Water Golems around the altar. Alastor looked around him and noticed the golems. I grunted and noticed them all charging up a destructive beam.

"Nebula!" I called out.

Nebula neighed and galloped towards me. I hopped on her back then she used her aura to grow wings and fly in the air.

"We've got to calm Rivule down! She'll destroy the kingdom if she isn't stopped!" I said. "Start with the golems!"

Nebula nodded then flew to the golems and her aura manifested a horn on her head. She released powerful destructive beams from her horn and hit the core of the golem. The golem dispersed back into the water then she moved onto the next one.

"Arcane! Faithkeeper Mode!" I commanded then my sword shined and the blade turned a light green and the hilt of the blade transformed and resembled angel wings. "Nebula, I'll support you by using my support magic, you'll be on the front lines for this."

Nebula nodded then flew around, dodging the golems' attacks and shot destructive beams at each one. She neighed in pain as massive water bubble hit her. She began to descend, but quickly ascended to the skies again.

"Healing Field!" I yelled and a green barrier surrounded us and Nebula's wounds healed. "Safe Mode!"

I bellowed and a white barrier surrounded us. The golems tried to punch the barrier but all damage was negated. The draw back was the barrier could only take so many hits before the barrier broke.

Lythia watched and looked a bit worried. "Alastor, was this your plan? To anger the Legendary Beast enough to lose control of their rage just so Ryoma would fight it and lose his life..?"

"Yes...Although, I didn't expect it to work this well. I am known to piss a lot of people off, but I am glad she is spiraled out of control. Without her vessel awake, she won't be able to calm down unless she is defeated and we know how hard it is to defeat a Legendary Beast with a mere Mythical Mare. Although Mythical Beasts are fairly strong, they don't even hold a candle to a Legendary Beast. Legendary Beasts have Infinite Energy, Invulnerability, and can boost themselves in power if they felt like it. The only way to break through their invulnerability is to have some form of Absolute Attack and last time I checked, Ryoma doesn't have any Absolute Attack moves neither does that Horse of Oblivion." Alastor chuckled and watched.

"You are insane...You realize how much this would affect this entire country? You will cause an entire kingdom to die! This is worse than Ryoma! At least he had the balls to fight them all himself instead of angering a Lesser God!" Lythia yelled.

Alastor just ignored her and smiled evilly as he watched. I grunted as I held on to Nebula. She was beginning to grow tired and losing energy quickly. The wave of water monsters didn't stop and just kept coming. Nebula closed her eyes and I couldn't replenish enough energy fast enough for her to keep fighting. All hope was lost until my Crest shined.

"Ryoma! Use my power!" Arcane's voice called out. "This would be your only chance at stopping Rivule."

I looked at my hand then commanded Nebula to land. She landed then her aura, wings, and horn vanished. I got off her back then she laid down, tiredly. I looked at Rivule and the water monsters. "Rivule...I know I am not a vessel for your power nor your owner, but I do have a bond with you and I need to stop you before you destroy your own home! Arcane! Sync with me!"

Alastor and Lythia looked at me and watched me. I bellowed and the soul of Arcane entered my body. I transformed into my Emperor's Form, but my aura crown turned into a halo and my aura manifested wings then my aura turned into a pure gold color and sparkled. My hair turned white and all of my collected Crests shined on my body, allowing me to make use of more than one Crest at a time. I was experiencing the legendary Divine Form for the very first time.

"Because you are still inexperienced, you can only stay in this form for five minutes. You have five minutes to stop Rivule, after that only fate will decide what happens." Arcane said then my sword shined and transformed into Arcane's Sword named the Divine Trinity. The entire sword shined golden and the hilt represented angel winds. The Divine Trinity allowed the complete usage of Absolute Attack, Absolute Defense, and Absolute Support all at once.

I flew into the air and the city watched. I flew to the water golems and they all went for an attack at me at the same time. My Crest of Waves shined and their attacks phased through my body and I roared then slashed in a circle and sliced all of them in half and their body's dispersed back into the black sea. I smirked and looked at Rivule. She looked at me and noticed my Divine Form and roared.

"What the hell is this form..?" Alastor asked.

"It's Divinity...He acquired a Divine Form from Arcane and now is just as powerful if not stronger than the Legendary Beasts themselves." Lythia said.

I flew to Rivule and bellowed then slashed down at her, hitting her. She roared in pain as my attack struck through her invulnerability. She shook her head and swiped her tail at me and knocked me into the water. She flew into the water and swam around me then a whirlpool was generated. I grunted then summoned a barrier around myself as I was pulled into the current of the whirlpool. The whirlpool rose from the water and formed into a hurricane. The hurricane rapidly struck my barrier then knocked me into the air and Rivule flew upwards and blasted me away with a powerful beam of darkness. I groaned as I was sent crashing through multiple buildings and crashed into the home of a family. They screamed and as they noticed me land on their table. I grunted and slowly sat up.

"Three minutes, Ryoma!" Arcane warned.

"Sorry about this.." I said then the Crest of Arcane shined and I managed to use Reality Warping to fix their house and the other buildings. I got off their table and ran out of their front door then flew to Rivule once again.

Rivule looked at me and was surprised that I was still up and running. She roared and multiple water monsters rose from the black sea. I flew to them and slashed through all of them as if they were nothing and they all dispersed back into the water. Rivule flew to me and went for multiple attacks, but I blocked them all.

"Rivule! This is it! My path to victory is ensured and there is nothing you can do to stop it!" I bellowed and flew backwards. She roared and flew backwards. "Final Arts!"

She charged up one final beam of mass destruction. She rose her head and her eyes shined then she moved her head to look at me and released a massive beam out of her mouth.

"Arcane's Light!" I bellowed and slashed down and released a powerful sword beam from my blade and it collided with Rivule's beam. I grunted as the two beams clashed and we entered a beam struggle.

The two beams unleashed a powerful repulsive force and I closed my eyes tightly, conjuring more power to overpower Rivule's attack. She glared and made her beam more powerful. I opened my eyes then looked at the dire situation. My path to victory was ensured, I know of it. There was no way I was going to lose and allow the kingdom to be lost. I yelled and my sword beam grew in size. The city watched in anticipation. My beam overpowered Rivule's and broke through and she looked shocked as she was hit and roared out. Her dark aura vanished and the waters went back to normal. Rivule fell into the water and I watched then passed out. I began to fall to the ground and was caught in a water bubble then was safely brought to the ground by Tsuna.

"He beat...Rivule.." Lythia said and looked at Alastor who was clearly pissed off at the fact that Rivule was defeated.

"Of course...Once again the hero prevails..Tch...I can not stand that damn Crest of Arcane." Alastor said then disappeared through a dark portal, leaving Lythia behind.

"Hey wait!" Lythia said then looked at me then teleported away.

Tsuna held me in her arms and looked at me. She sat on the ground and smiled softly. "Thank you..." She said as she moved my hair from my eyes. My Crest slowly disappeared as Arcane was also tired.

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