
The Wedding [18+]

I sat in the training grounds with Mari and watched her try to summon her aura. I smiled at her and sensed her determination to grow and become stronger. Kotone and Takesi also watched us and Kotone smiled at us. I looked up and noticed Azusa walking in the training grounds. She waved at me to come over to her and I stood up.

"Alright, Princess. Keep it up. Mama wants to talk to me, but I'll keep watching you." I said then ruffled her hair.

"Okay, Papa!~" Mari giggled as I ruffled her hair.

I walked to Azusa then she crossed her arms, smiling at me. She looked at Mari and I looked at her as well. "She's got the might of a warrior. Determined to learn and grow...Such a valiant spirit."

"She's always loved to learn new things. She's a joy isn't she..?" Azusa smiled then bumped her hip into mine.

I chuckled softly and sighed a bit. "Listen about yesterday.."

"You don't need to explain yourself. I don't blame you for anything that transpired last night. Don't worry." Azusa said.

"But I blamed you for their actions. Threatened to destroyed your kingdom. I let my anger get the best of me, let the tyrant in me out. You had no idea and I still put all the blame on you. I'm sorry, Azusa." I said then held her cheek.

She looked at me and closed her eyes. She smiled softly and held my hand. "Don't apologize...I forgive you, Ryoma. Kotone and Takesi have already handled the issue as well. I promise you..there will be nothing that goes awry. We can relax now and enjoy the rest of our days until the ceremony."

I smiled and placed my forehead on hers then closed my eyes. "I have already planned our wedding night..~ I'll be sure to give you the best wedding night you'll ever have..~"

She blushed a bit then opened her eyes a bit. "Well Mr. Planner...I hope it is the best night..~ If it isn't, you're facing royal punishment..~"

I smiled and opened my eyes. "Oh..? Then I'll be sure to bring my A-game. I don't want to disappoint..~"

I chuckled softly then heard Mari squeal in excitement. I noticed she had summoned her aura.

"Papa! Papa!" Mari hurried to me and Azusa. "I did it! My aura! It's so cool!"

I smiled at Mari and let Azusa go then crouched down in front of Mari. "Well well, look at my little champion. And your aura feels super powerful."

"I'm the strongest! Wapow!" Mari playfully punched my chest.

"Oh! Such power!" I fell back, playing along.

Mari giggled happily then ran to Kotone with her arms to the side. "Kotone! Kotone! Isn't my aura cool?!"

"It is, better than Takesi's." Kotone smiled.

Takesi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms then smiled. "Good job, squirt. You're soon to master magic in no time."

"Mari's gonna be flaunting her aura all next week to everyone. When she learns something new, she can't help but show everyone what she learned." Azusa smiled.

I stood up and smiled. "She's so happy and I'm happy for her."

The week went by smoothly and finally the wedding day came. It was a momentous day and the busiest. I was getting ready in my room, doing my eyeliner and making sure my face was beautiful.

"Papa! It's almost time for you to get to the altar! Everyone is waiting for you!" Mari said as she knocked on my door.

"I'm not close to being ready! This is my wedding day and I can not allow myself to look any less than PERFECT." I said. "Everyone will have to wait a bit longer!"

"You look great, Papa! Just throw on some pants and come out!" Mari said.

"I'll be out in a second, Princess!" I said.

"Okay, I'm gonna go check on Mama!" Mari said then hurried off.

Azusa looked around and noticed all the people talking amongst each other, hearing a few judgemental people murmuring amongst themselves.

"I still can't believe she's marrying a Yeshan. They are known for being absolute brutes and nothing more. I can't imagine the fate of our kingdom now." A woman said.

"Not only that, but he's about to be our King. He's only gonna use his power to run our kingdom back to the ground." A man sighed.

Azusa groaned lightly, tapping her foot quickly on the ground. "Neh neh neh, Yeshan. Neh neh neh King. Neh neh neh I'm so dumb. You don't know a thing about him so why judge..?" Azusa said under her breath and rolled her eyes, slightly agitated from the whispers of her people.

"Mama! Papa isn't ready yet." Mari said.

"He's probably just as nervous as I am. I can't even contain my nervousness.." Azusa said then smiled at Mari.

"You two will do great! I know everything will go well!" Mari said excitedly.

Azusa smiled and nodded at Mari, calming down a bit. "Thank you, darling."

Mari giggled and nodded then hurried off.

I finally got ready and stood at the front of the alter with Mari and and Takesi at my side. I looked at the people and noticed a few disapproving looks.

'Tch...I can't believe the nerve of some people who look at me with such disgust. I haven't even wronged you all and I still get judged as if I am some criminal. Well it's a crime to have such a tacky curly mustache and a fucking unibrow....Okay Ryoma, calm down. You don't want to accidentally awaken your aura and frighten everyone here.' I thought to myself then closed my eyes.

I took a deep breath then exhaled and opened my eyes. I noticed Azusa and Kotone walking down the isle and I blushed slightly. Azusa stood in front of me and Kotone stood behind Azusa. She held my hand and I held hers back.

"Greetings People of Athirus! Today is a very special day as we celebrate the wedding of Queen Azusa and Emperor Ryoma of the Yesha. We come together to acknowledge togetherness and the love between man and woman. Queen and Emperor. We come together to establish equality between the two. Your majesty, you may give your vows." The priest said.

"Of course." I said then let go of Azusa's hand then turned to the people in the altar. "People of Athirus! The past week I've been here, I've been hearing talk of me being a Yeshan Scum and been referred to as nothing but a brute and a lowly ruffian who comes from a pitiful place! I have heard every derogatory term from the mouths of you curly mustache having, no trimmed unibrow having Nobles! I've also heard talk of some of you PEASANTS calling my bride an unfit queen for her decision to marry me and referred our daughter as naive fool! If I ever hear such talk like this again, I will not hesitate to cut out the tongues of the ones who spat it then feed you the same tongue! I may be an Emperor and your last Emperor may have been seen as a power hungry cretin, but I am not power hungry nor a cretin! I may not be the King you want, but I promise and I vow to be the King you deserve and I will treat Queen Azusa with upmost respect and I will not tolerate disrespect nor defiance!"

"Goodness! What's with that explosiveness?!" A woman gasped.

"By the gods..." A man said.

"O-Okay your majesty. A stellar vow.." The priest said.

"Sounded more like a tantrum than a vow.." Kotone said.

"Oh my god.." Azusa facepalmed and sighed.

Mari tilted her head and looked confused. "My old papa never made such a vow like that."

"That's because the old king didn't even vow." Takesi said.

"Now it's your turn, Your Highness. You may give your vows." The priest said.

Azusa took a deep breath then held my hand once again. "Ryoma, ever since the day you proposed to me, I have also been hesitant. I saw you as an arrogant fool, but you proved to be more humble than I could ever be. You are a great father to Mari, and a great friend to Kotone and Takesi. You are loving towards me and even if we did have a disagreement, we made up and held no hard feelings towards one another. I vow..to be the wife you deserve and the the Queen you need. I vow to keep you safe and show you the love your previous wife could not give you as long as you give me the love, my previous husband could not give me."

"Beautiful vow, your highness. Now we will move on to the tokens." The priest said. "Have you brought Lord Ryoma something?"

"Yes." Azusa took the box from Kotone's hand. She handed it to me. "This is something I picked up from the jeweler..I hope you like it."

I took the box from her hand then opened it. It was a ring with my birthstone on it and my name engraved on the ring. "It's beautiful. I always knew the jeweler was capable of such craftsmanship."

"I wanted to give you something special and unique. I made sure to get it perfectly made just for you." Azusa smiled.

I smiled at her then pulled out my box. "Great minds think alike, dear wife."

She smiled and took the box from my hand. She opened it and noticed it wasn't just a ring, but a full set of jewelry. It contained a custom made necklace, earrings, bracelets, rings, and they all had her name engraved on it. "Oh my goodness...You went all out. I don't know what to say other than thank you."

I smiled at her then nodded. "You are very welcome."

"Now that all that's out the way. Your Majesty, do you vow to take Queen Azusa as your lovely wedded wife and vow to be with her in sickness and in health for as long as you may live?" The priest asked.

"I do.." I said.

"And Your Highness, do you vow to take Emperor Ryoma as your lovely wedded husband and vow to be with him in sickness and in health for as long as you may live?" The priest asked.

"I do." Azusa smiled.

"Well. With all that out of the way, you may kiss the bride." The priest said.

I smiled then pulled her to me then kissed her lips and she kissed back, wrapping her arms around my neck. The people in the altar finally accepted the facts and cheered. We pulled away and she smiled happily.

After the ceremony, we went to the courtyard for the wedding reception. Everyone was enjoying themselves and socialized. Azusa and I sat at a large table and I looked Azusa and she looked a bit sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Just knowing you'll be away for a while...makes me sad a bit. After today, you'll be continuing your conquest and I just..." Azusa started then looked down a bit, sipping her wine.

"Listen, my love. Yes I will be gone, but I will return once I finish my conquest. I won't just forget about you." I said and smiled at her.

Azusa looked at me and smiled softly. She looked ahead and watched Mari and Kotone teasing Takesi. "I hope you won't forget about me."

The wedding went on and soon a few people began to go back home after they've got the party out of their system. Takesi carried the tired Mari on his back to her room and Kotone helped the maids clean the room. I carried Azusa to her room bridal style and chuckled softly. She blushed as she held onto me. I opened the door then walked in and closed the door.

"Alright, you can put me down now..!" Azusa said, blushing madly.

"As you wish." I said then laid her on her bed.

"Okay. I wasn't thinking that you wanted to consummate our marriage now, I was thinking we were going to cuddle in the moonlight or take a stroll in the forest." Azusa said.

"Come on, Azusa. It is our wedding night and we are now a married couple. We must not celebrate our night with such foolish, newly coupled activities as much as I like them." I said.

"Oh I know, those were just my first suggestions! I have more!" Azusa shrugged.

I gently pinched her nose and smiled. "I have a suggestion...How about we stop babbling nonsense and enjoy the night while it lasts?"

She blushed as she looked at me. "A-At least let me get ready.."

I sat on the bed and smiled. "Alright." I let go of her nose.

Azusa got out of bed then walked inside of her walk-in closet. She began to change from her dress to her nightgown. She walked out of her closet and looked at me. "Alright..I'm ready to be ravaged."

I got off the bed and chuckled then began to take off my emperor outfit. I watched her walk to the bed and she got on the bed. I finished taking off my clothes then got on the bed. She pushed me down on my back then sat on top of me.

"How about we get this started...with a kiss.." Azusa whispered and held my cheeks.

"I like the sound of that.." I smiled.

She kissed my lips and I kissed back. She pulled back and began to kiss my neck, deeply and passionately. I gave an excited hum then held her hips and she jumped a bit then pulled back. "S-Sorry about that...It's been so long since I last did this, so I'm a bit nervous."

"It's alright, my dear. Allow me to take control." I said then she got off me and laid on her back beside me.

I positioned myself in between her legs. She watched me and her breathing deepened a lot. I began to pull off her nightgown and panties, and she helped me. Once I got it off I admired her naked body. I rubbed her smooth body and looked at her. She looked back at me, blushing madly. I slowly brought my hand to her vulva and began to slowly finger her. She closed her eyes and made soft noises. She began to get wetter and wetter as I continued to finger her. She turned her head to the side and let out a soft moan. She slightly closed her legs and softly panted.

I chuckled softly then took my finger out of her. She opened her eyes and watched me take off my underwear. She looked up at me and I leaned down to her then kissed her lips. She kissed back and I slowly inserted my cock inside of her. She moaned in the kiss and held my shoulderers. I pulled back and put my hands next to her head.

"Are you okay, my love?" I asked.

"Y-Yes...I am okay." She nodded.

I nodded then sat up and held her hips. I began to slowly thrust my cock inside of her and she began moaning. She let go of my shoulders and gripped the covers of the bed. I kept giving her slow and gentle thrusts, allowing her to get used to sex again. She closed her eyes and turned her head to the side again. Her insides began to become tight, yet her body became more excited. I became more excited while having sex with Azusa.

As I thrusted my cock inside of her, I felt it was becoming easier to move and began to thrust faster her. She began to moan and gasp louder. I strengthened my thrust and she covered her mouth as her moans grew in volume. I softly grunted and watched her breasts bounce up and down with each thrust I gave. She panted quickly and her legs shook then she began to have an orgasm. She cried out a bit and squirmed a bit. I stopped and she panted heavily. I felt her juices trickle down my shaft and smirked.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself..~" I said and rubbed her leg.

"Shut..up..~" Azusa said then grabbed onto me then flipped the positions. She sat on top of me and began to move her hips back and forth, riding my cock.

She leaned down a bit and held my cheeks, softly panting. I panted softly as well and she kissed my lips. I kissed back and felt her moving her hips faster. She broke the kiss and began to moan. I held her hips and she began to move her lips slowly. She placed her hands on the pillow and I began to thrust my cock in her quickly. She moaned loudly and I stopped then she sat up, moving her hair from her face. She gave a soft giggle and I chuckled then sat up. She wrapped her arms around my neck then I began to move her hips back and forth. She moaned and hugged me, kissing my neck as she moaned. She began to move her hips faster and harder. I panted and held her tightly. I let out a moan as I began to cum and she moaned as well, feeling me release my hot semen inside of her.

I laid back down and panted. She sat up and placed her hands on my chest. We didn't have to speak a single work for us to know we had a great time. She smiled and leaned down to kiss my lips. I kissed back and we began to make out passionately.

She pulled away from the kiss after a minute of kissing and smiled at me. "I love you, dear husband.."

"I love you too, beloved wife.." I chuckled softly and she raised her hips, allowing my shaft to slide out of her then proceeded to lay on top of me.

We both fell asleep together peacefully that night and cuddled each other as the moonlight hit upon our naked bodies.

The next morning arrived and I got Nebula ready to head out. I looked at Azusa and Mari then walked to them. I kissed Azusa's lips and crouched down and kissed Mari's forehead.

"Make sure to keep training and when I return, I'll teach you everything to know about magic." I smiled and wrapped my pinky around her.

"Hehe! Okay Papa! I love you!" Mari smiled.

Azusa looked at bit surprised. Mari has never said I love you to her previous dad. I looked at Mari and smiled.

"I love you too, sweet Princess." I rubbed her hair then stood up. I walked to Nebula then hopped on the saddle. "See you two soon."

They waved and I clicked my teeth then Nebula neighed loudly then galloped off. Mari smiled and watched me. Azusa smiled as well then they walked back to the castle.

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