
Summer Camp 2

While everyone was getting back to their feet, Mandalay shouted instructions from the top of the cliff, "Since this is private land, you can use your quirks as much as you want to. You've got three full hours, you should be able to make it to the facility in that time... Well that is, if you can make it through the beast forest".

Just when I was tempted to fly over the forest, a voice sounded directly in my mind. This caused me freak out a little, at least until Mandalay explained what was going on "Relax it's just my quirk telepathy. Anyway your teacher said that you've make your way through the forest on the ground with everyone else, extra emphasis on the ground part. Eraser says if you don't you can forget about resting with the others tonight"

Clicking my tongue at the information, I quickly scrapped the flying idea since I didn't want to have Eraser on my case. He was already miffed at the way me and Todoroki won our match in the final exam, don't want to make it worse by screwing another one of his exercises up.

Patting the dust off his uniform, Kirishima said "I guess there's no use complaining, might as well get going" after hearing some of the other students complain about Aizawa's tricks.

As the class began to step into the shady forest, heavy footsteps were heard stomping towards us. The ominous sounds caused tension to generate within the students, as their bodies began to stiffen up in fear. No more than a few seconds later we caught sight of the culprit.

What we saw was a monstrous creature made of dirt, stone and roots. The quadruped beast had large maw filled with jagged brown teeth, apart from its strong looking body this was it's the only trait that stood out. Well if you ignore what it's made out of at least.

The golem-like monster somehow managed to roar at us, as its clawed feet pawed against the ground. While it looked to be preparing for a charge, the class's resident block-headed animal man tried to control the beast with his quirk.

"Please calm yourself my giant friend! You don't want to hurt us!" he yelled while running towards earth beast. Completely ignoring the boys pleas, the creature stomped his feet one last time before charging towards us.

I was utterly gobsmacked, not becuase Koda's quirk had no effect like most of my other classmates, but because I actually heard words come from that boys mouth. Seriously I'd never even seen Koda speak quietly before this, never mind shout. Had to do a double take and everything just to make sure I was hallucinating.

While I was rubbing my eyes in shock, Midoriya, Bakugo, Ida and Todoroki made quirk work of the earth beast. Managing to destroy it's body before it got near our classmates, once Midoriya was finished he quickly told everyone that the beasts were just a product of Pixie-Bob's earth manipulation quirk.

To which Bakugo snidely retorted "Idiot why you telling me If I already knew what they were! Now quit your yapping and left me murder some dirt monsters!" as he began sprinting towards a newly formed monster.

Bakugo's statement got everyone going as they began working in small teams to take down the beasts, all the while heading in the direction of the camp. So forming a couple fire balls I got to work.


{Aizawa POV}

A few hours have passed since the kids started their journey, but finally they're almost here and I can get back to sleep. Too much has happened today, I've hardly had the chance to get a nap in and with the sun setting, it's making me even more tired.

Standing in the shade of the building, Mandalay was next to me, while Pixie-Bob was excitedly waiting on my students arrival.

"The litter is almost here!" Pixie-Bob chirped as the striped tail attached to her costume began to wave left to right. How that happens, I've no clue, but over the years I've learned not to question things like that when it concerns the Pussycats.

"That took a lot longer than I expected it to" Mandalay said as we both watched the haggard students emerge from the woods.

Pulling my scarf down slightly so she could hear me better I reply "That's because you're forgetting that they're still students. First years at that. Give them sometime before you hold them to a professional standard" I told the cat-like woman.

With a teasing smile forming on her face, Mandalay replied "Wow Eraser, never knew you liked your new class this much. That's the closest thing to a complement I've ever heard you say".

Ignoring the delusional woman's opinion, I take a closer look at each of the students forms. Each and everyone of them were showing tell-tale signs of overusing their quirk, even Shinmon was looking worse for wear, nothing as bad as the rest, but by the way he was breathing heavier than normal, it must have something to do wit his quirks weakness.

From the looks of things, it doesn't seem like overheating. I've seen Endeavour when he's overheat and there's no correlation between the two, but if I was to guess, I'd say Shinmon was suffering from signs of breathlessness. Still I've no idea if that's the cause since it could just be tiredness from the overall journey and not his quirk, therefore I'm still in the dark.

After taking mental notes son each of my student I left for the building to take a power nap just as soon as Pixie-Bob began circling some of the male members of my class.


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