
11. Medical Equipment

Risma was quite amazed to see a room with a variety of sophisticated equipment in it, this was not the first time for Risma to take her child for an examination, but the room and equipment in this hospital were different from the equipment she had seen before.

While Rossa was getting more and more nervous and feeling awkward, she even just looked down, not daring to look at Billy's face.

"Good afternoon, ma'am," said Billy.

"Yes, Doc. Good afternoon," replied Risma.

"Please have a seat, Miss. First, I will explain to you and also your child, that the first examination we will do is an X-Ray examination," explained Billy.

"Doc, how about an X-Ray examination? Will my child be illuminated?" Risma asked innocently. Suddenly Vanya and Billy could hardly contain their laughter after hearing that.

"Mother, X-Ray is just like an X-ray, the cool language is X-Ray examination," whispered Rossa.

"Oh, x-rays. If that's the case, I know," Risma said.

"Yes, Miss. That's right, an X-Ray examination is the same as an X-ray. So later changes in the size and shape of the heart may indicate heart failure, fluid buildup around the heart (pericardial effusion), or heart valve problems. Anyway, all problems with the heart can be detected through a chest X-ray," Billy explained again to avoid misunderstandings.

"Doctor. If the X-ray I know, "replied Risma.

"Okay, then let's just start the examination. Sister, please help the patient to change clothes. Meanwhile, Miss just wait here," Billy ordered.

"Okay, Doc. Come with me," said Vanya.

Then Vanya took Rossa to a smaller partitioned room there to change clothes.

"Here, please change your clothes first," Vanya handed him the special clothes used for this examination.

"Anyway, don't forget to take off all your jewelry," Vanya reminded again before she left.

"Yes, I understand," answered Rossa. Rossa has been in the health sector for quite a long time, she also often helps patients who are going to do x-rays, so Rossa knows very well what she has to do.

One of the conditions that must be done by the patient before the X-ray is to remove all jewelry because clothing and jewelry can obscure the resulting image.

It didn't take long, Rossa immediately came out wearing that special dress. This isn't the first time Rossa has had x-rays, but what makes the difference is that the doctor who will examine her is not an ordinary doctor.

"Are you ready?" asked Billy.

"Yes, Doc," answered Vanya.

"Okay, I'll start putting in a pacemaker and a defibrillator," said Billy.

Since this must be done carefully, Billy will immediately put the medical equipment on Rossa's body. Billy will have a pacemaker installed and the defibrillator has a cable attached to the heart to ensure its beat and rhythm. Because a chest X-ray is done after placing the medical equipment to ensure its position is correct.

"I'm sorry, I first asked for permission to install these tools, I don't want to be accused of various kinds of things again," said Billy, emphasizing his last sentence. Moreover, the device to be installed was close to a restricted area for women, so Billy was worried that what happened this morning would repeat itself.

"Yes, Doc. Please," answered Rosa. "But if you can, don't be sarcastic either," he continued, but this time in a slower tone.

Billy did not answer again, he just looked at Rossa with a sharp gaze, then immediately carried out his duties as a doctor, Billy installed all the medical equipment needed to carry out this examination.

"Okay, it's over. Now let's do the inspection," said Billy.

Then Rossa's body is positioned between the X-ray machine and the plate that produces the digital image. After that, Rossa was asked to move from one position to a different position to take pictures of the front and side of the chest.

During a front shot, Rossa needs to stand against the plate while holding her hands up or to the side and turning her shoulders forward. Then Billy asked

Rossa to take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds. This helps clarify the image of the heart and lungs.

During a side view, Rossa is told to turn around and place one shoulder on the plate and raise her hands above her head. Once again, Rossa was asked to take a deep breath and hold it.

"Come on, take another deep breath, then hold it, don't exhale," said Billy as he continued to give his full attention to the patient.

Taking X-rays is usually painless. Likewise, with Rossa, she will not feel the sensation when the radiation passes through the body. If the patient has difficulty standing because his condition is severe enough, then Billy will suggest sitting or lying down.

"Okay, done, please take off all the equipment and tell her to change clothes, I will check the results of this x-ray," said Billy.

"Okay, Doc," Vanya nimbly did all the things Billy ordered earlier. Meanwhile, Mrs. Risma was still sitting, watching her son, who had just finished being examined.

The facilities at this hospital can no longer be doubted, therefore X-ray results can come out right away. Meanwhile, in other hospitals where the facilities are still lacking, X-ray results can only be known after a few days.

When Billy saw the X-ray, Billy's eyes widened because he found something odd there.

"Doc, so what's the result?" asked Risma who had been watching Billy's movements.

But Billy didn't answer, he was still stunned staring at the X-ray photo of Rossa's heart. Until Rossa finished changing, Billy was still in the same position.

"Doc, so what's next?" asked Vanya. Billy still didn't answer either.

Furious, Rossa ventured to pat Billy's hand which was on the table, "Doctor Billy!" cried Rosa.

"Yes, What is up?" Billy was surprised and a little confused.

"What's next, Doc?" Vanya repeated her question.

"Please take this patient to his room first, because I have to discuss with another doctor first. So, please wait for the final result, Miss," explained Billy.

"Well, then it means that my son and I will just wait in the room."

"Yes, Miss. Later, Vanya will deliver," said Billy.

"Okay, Doc. Thank you very much, I'll excuse myself," Risma said goodbye.

"Yes, Miss. Please."

Vanya also brought Rossa and her mother back to Rossa's room while waiting for the results of the x-ray. Vanya was very curious about the results because it was unusual for Billy to have to ask another doctor's opinion first. Billy is a great doctor, he can analyze and diagnose patients' diseases based on X-ray results. But this time why should Billy need someone else's opinion?

After their departure, Billy immediately left the room to his room, not forgetting that Billy also immediately contacted Doctor Edward and Doctor Janson to come to his room.

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