

Being picky. It's something everybody does, and if you say you don't.. Stop lying. If you don't like a food you're being picky, that's how it works.

Let's take me for example. I hate melted cheese, like the clumpy spongy stuff. Not like smooth creamy melted cheese. I love that stuff. But the chunky sticky spongy melted cheese, that stuff is fucking disgusting and I hate it.

I used to hate mushrooms as well. Though I've come around on them, not for ketchup thoroughly. I hate ketchup, it is a waste of perfect tomatoes, and just a disgusting use of amazing vegetables. Or cooked onions, why would you cook onions?! JUST EAT THEM, raw onions are the best things ever, have you just tried biting into a raw onion, you can even eat them as a snack. 

Then there is beats and vinegar. I FUCKING HATE beats and vinegar. It stinks up the house, It sticks up the sink, it stinks up the vinegar. A POUND OF FUCKING FEBREEZE COULDNT GET RID OF IT. I hate vinegar and beats, I would rather stick a boot up my ass and smell it then smell those beats and vinegar.

Luckily my family doesn't eat that stuff too often. 

But let's talk about sugar. My dad can't really digest sugar properly so he doesn't eat a lot of it, and my mom is pre-diabetic. So our family is basically Zero sugar. So my mom and dad do a side job everyday where they go and drive around picking up at home covid tests from Walgreens, and delivering them to a UPS airport. 

So we went to a Menards, which for those who don't know, is a hardware store, basically America's IKEA. Met my brother who works there and fucked around for 10 minutes, then we decided to get snacks. I got Chester's Hot Fries, and I wanted some candy. And I saw something I used to eat a lot. 

Sweet Tarts. And JESUS CHRIST. 1 of those little circles, is fucking 1 gram of sugar. That's a shit ton. A bottle of coke has 13g. 13 of those little circles is a bottle of coke. 

My blood is jello.

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