

Hey. How are all of you doing today? My day has been alright so far. Some of my family came over today since my cousin got out of the hospital. Her asthma was flaring up.

So they all decided to bring their dogs. We had 4 dogs. 4.

Mind you, I am allergic to dogs. So yeah. Thats fun.

Although my second cousin brought her adoption dog Apollo. He is a Red-nose Pitbull boxer english mastif mix. Yeah. Thats alot. He's a sweetheart though, he would walk up and lick everbody if their face was jumping range.

Then there was kylo. A energetic little shit. I dont know what breed he is though, all I know is that he is cute.

Then there is Jasmin. Who is actually my dog, Layla's sister. She is a chocolate lab.

Then there is Layla, my dog. A big ol' golden seal that is chubby in all the right places. I love the old dog.

So we just sit around outside, with me and my mom getting sunburnt since we are white as fucking chasper. Then after a while me and my mom decide to go get me new shoes since we needed to go shopping anyways.

So we go to the mall where they are, which is the most boujee fucking mall ever. Every corner had atleast one Gucci or Louis Vintan esc shop. I felt so out of place.

So if you are wondering, I got some good ass shoes. They are On's. Good lord I love these shoes. I actually had to stop myself from walking to fast because of how light they are. They weigh maybe 1 pound, together. I fucking love these shoes.

So after getting my shoes me, my mom, my aunt, my cousin, and my yaya are goin back to the car. When my aunt says she wants to try some cheese cake from the cheesecake factory.

30 minutes. 30 FUCKING MINUTES for 4 slices. SLICES of cheese cake. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Why in the hell does it take 30 minutes for 4 slices.

Then after that disaster we go to Meijer. After doing that we walk around, buy stuff for tacos and then we go and check out. But then my Yaya sees some nice flowers.

another 30 minutes for her too buy some flowers. Goddamit yaya.

Anyways I beat a dragon in Elden Ring, got licked 100 times by apollo, finished John Wick 2, and I pet a dog.

Wooooooooo. Big happy!

Anyways. Goodnight

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