
Im tired

I dont know why but I get really tired around 9pm. And its always around 9pm. Right now I am making so many goddamn mistakes typing this, thankfully autocorect is a thing.

Anyways I cant really think of anything to talk about. I could always just rant about my day but todays a sunday and on the weekends I just sit on my fatass and do nothing. It's hard to rant about my day when I do nothing exciting.

It's especially hard to make one of these chapters above 200 words, because I think 200 words is 1 page? I dont know, I could probably check back on my longer chapters and check on that. Actually...

So every page is 178 words, so this chapter at the current word count isnt even a full page. Well thats at the smallest word size, which I use.

Actually who the fuck uses the biggest word size on this app. its way too goddamn big.

Well thats the last chapter of today. I cant think of anything. I'll try to make one tommorow because of how small this chapter is. Sorry. My life is boring.

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