
Scarlet Nexus

So I played a game recently. I started it last month but just started playing it again recntly due to time constrants and the snow storm last week.

And holy god I forgot how fun that game is. Also yes spoilers for the game Scarlet Nexus ahead.

So In the game you play as 1 of two characters, Yuito and Kasane. Yuito Sumeragi is the great grandson of the founder of Suoh City, having the "power" of psychokinesis, he uses a sword to might enemys called musamane.

Kasane Randall is the adopted daughter of the biggest technology company in Suoh, being greatly attached to her sister Naomi, beign grown up as a body gaurd for her. She also has psychokinesis, using flying knives as her weapons lauching them at opponents.

In the game the main enemys are "Others". Beings that come from the space belt inbetween mars and jupitor. As an OSF soldier you are taught to fight these beings using your power, or kinesis. In the game you are able to use comrades kinesis yourself through brain network, tapping into their powers.

In the game you are on normal missions. Untill you go into an abandoned subway and Naomi uuses her power of clairvoyance to save Kasane from a bullet, pushing her and taking the bullet. But thr bullet turn Naomi into an Other. After this one of the Major Generals of OSF, Karen states an uprising makeing half of the OSF turn and go to the opposing country of Seiran.

Apparently Naomi was turned into an other by Suoh city due to an experiment for the "Other project" A project to find out more about others.

Thats about as far as ive gotten into the story.

The games actually pretty fun, gives me Code Vein vibes. Dosen't help both wer made by the same exact studios. It is actually pretty hard when you set it to hard.

Anyways I just wanted to talk about it since it was a fun game. Also sorry about uploading late yesterday, playing Scarlet Nexus.

Void_Eagle out..

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