
001 Devil’s bride

Lucifer, or also know as Satan, or the devil, the prince of evil, and adversary of God. He was the personification of evil, cast out of heaven with his followed for betraying God.

A tale has been told, that before he was projected out of paradise for his defiance, he had fallen head over heels for the unwavering servant, and most wonderful holy messenger present in the sky. Arya.

An alluring woman she was, the songs she had sung coming out her mouth in flawless beautiful tunes. She had silver hair that was softer than silk, gold eyes like honey, and smooth skin to pair.

He had quickly fell for her, adoration before long transforming into fixation. During his uprising, he attempted to persuade her to go along with him. She gave him a cold no.

Her answer had caused rage and envy to fill his heart for the man he served.

He had killed her.

His fixation for her turning persistent, that had turned to something murderous.

Thus, he had made a promise, that he would find his bride soon.


"My Arya, let us get married." The mans gloved hands bringing her silver strands of hair to his lips.

She had blinked once, then twice. Was she hearing him right? so she had asked him to repeat.


"be my bride, Arya." For sure he had to be joking, but his pure red eyes that had been looking down at her for a while didn't seem to be joking. She had laughed it off.

He wasn't laughing. His calm demeanor soon turning into a cold glare.

"I'm not playing, dear." He had soon let go of her soft hair.

"Sir i'm sorry-"

"sir? that is harsh, wife." What was with all the sweet talking. She scoffed.

"I am a saint, I do not plan on getting married for the rest of my days in the church-" She had tried to say but was interrupted once more. This time with a boisterous laugh.

His laughed caused the hairs on her neck to stand up, almost losing her balance on the balls of her feet.

Profound yet delicate, he had let out a decent giggle cleaning the finishes of his blood red eyes with his finger which was loaded up with tears, his left hand laying on his midsection from snickering to such an extent.

"My my, wife you are quite the joker." He grinned at me the tips of his eyes turning up charmingly, alongside this mouth which nestled into a grin, his sharp canines showing which appeared as though it could chomp through bone and marrow.

I staggered at his smile holding on to the cross necklace tightly until me knuckled tuned white. He noticed this, letting a breath through his nose. He never brought it up.

"wife, let us depart. We have spent time in this vile place for far to long" he eyed the cathedral his face turning into a look of disgust as if he just has eaten something stale.

He had wrapped his arm around mine my hand resting at the back of his elbow, leaving the place of god.

What was this disastrous situation..? Soon she had to get answers, so she had followed the mysterious man without fail.

My apologies, in the switch of pov's. In futher chapters they will be more easy to read. The story started off with a little words but there will be about 1-2k words in the future.. :)

Thank you for reading..!

szucreators' thoughts
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