


jajaja jajaja JAJAJA JAJAJA * cough*

i didn't go crazy i swear really jajajaj ahem got carried away there but you would also act the same if you were in my position why you ask?

i have caught a glimpse of Albion and while i can't talk to him or he ignores me i know he is there AND. there is another YES ANOTHER sacred gear inside me JAJAJAJA * cough * still i don't know what it is .... i can feel it you know like um how do I explain it i feel this weird presence ¿near? Albion but it's different i wonder what it is .

if i have another one it would be useful to have one like the sub-species of twice critical the extra arm one i remember he ended up with four extra arms how to use them would be troublesome though.Blade Blacksmith and Sword Birth are good options for versatility. a defensive or healing one would also be appreciated.

it doesn't feel as strong as Albion it gives a rather weak presence, i can barely notice it's there so t should be a normal sacred gear.

guess no double Longinus ..... yet atleast i really want to flex something like that.

moving on i have half a month before i am born and thankfully the ancient dude is gone , he apparently got bored and went to travel to relieve his boredom.....

last time he left for seven months and when he returned his son had sired a child....

he was shocked since he thought father was impotent or gay since he didn't talk to women....

either he was smitten by mom or he was too insecure to approach women of similar status to himself?

since mom is a half devil ,apparently her unknown father was a devil and since my grandmother got pregnant he didn't appear again she was oblivious to that .

he did however leave a charm that was thought to be a ¿parting gift? however after knowing my mom was a half devil father sent some servants to retrieve it from my mom's house and he was pleased that my mysterious grandfather seems to belong to the upper echelons of the devil's society , he didn't explain further though. I'm a 3/4 devil or something since according to the status befitting the owner of the charm he should be a pure devil and a high-class devil from nobility at that . so I'm not far off in terms of pedigree compared to most pure-blood devil's unless they are descendants or part of the main family of the 72 pillars .

even then as the possesor of a Longinus and descendant of the original Lucifer i am someone who most would want to integrate to their house for either political reasons or to acquire the blood of the original Lucifer.

Now father is considering marrying me to gain supporters and allies, so i expect him to try to groom me as his pawn a valuable one but a pawn nonthless .

he has told mother that he will obtain evil pieces to reincarnate her and me as devils since she is a half devil and i am 3/4 we could be considered pure devils after that process he wishes to do so after acquiring mutated pieces though since he wants to utilize the boost provided to it's fullest.

he has put a servant to teach mother how to use her magic since she has a decent amount for someone who just discovered that she is a half devil. mother surprised them since she directly showed two pairs of wings.

they can't stop thinking i will be a monster with such potential.

Next chapter