
Negative Space

Sunny tried to evade the question a few more times, but it was too important to Cassie. She stubbornly returned to it no matter what he said, forgetting his answers a few moments later. Watching her lost expression was eerie and a little heartbreaking, like talking to someone suffering from dementia. 

"So, tell me… are you?"

Sunny reminded himself to be patient. There were many suitable ways to prevent her from voicing the question. He just needed to find the correct one.

"Yes, I am. But..."

Cassie was stunned, then confused, then tense once more. 

'Maybe I should distract her with a revelation or two about what is going on in Ravenheart?'

However, in the end, he did not have to. 

Somehow, Cassie did not repeat herself again. Instead, she shifted slightly, reached for her tea cup, and traced its shape with her finger. Her face froze, and she fell quiet. 

After a few moments of silence, Cassie said evenly:

"...My tea is cold."

Next chapter