
Plan of Escape

Sunny breathed in, then breathed out, calming down his wildly beating hearts. His hands were trembling so hard that the softly gleaming soul shard almost fell out of his grip.

'Hey… hey, Elyas. Look... it's finished!'

He tiredly turned his head and let out a low growl, trying to attract the young man's attention. But his partner did not even move, laying at the bottom of his cage and staring into the darkness with bleak, hollow eyes.

The last few days, the youth's condition wasn't too good. He even stopped having his one-sided conversations with Sunny, and just sat quietly in the darkness, not moving, until the next morning came and it was time to fight again.

Sunny lingered for a few moments, then turned away.

'It's alright… rest. I'll get us out of here soon. We will be free… free, Elyas! Just hold on a little longer!'

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