
Chapter Eight

They had to work together so they were going to have to learn to get along. At least that's what Aaron kept trying to tell himself. Edward had agreed to help him. To help him rescue Alec. That was it, that was all. But for all the extra shit that has happened to them since, he'd asked for his help? You'd start to think Edward had a greater motive under his sleeve, if it hadn't been for the easy convincing. Aaron didn't even need to beg for him to come. But was there any need to question him now? Just when they'd come so far? The boy? The mysterious blind boy, knew where they'd come from. He also said he was a friend. But never said who's friend he was. Aaron knew as he walked down the sidewalk, following the directions they'd been given, that no one he knew matched that appearance. Light green eyes with clouds. Clouds that mean't he was blind.

Never in his life had he ever met a blind person, and proclaimed them as his friend. More proclaimed as an annoyance. Weak and unable to fend for themselves. It'd been proven when the boy kept missing where he was standing. Either looking past him, or looking past Edward, to stare at the wall behind him. It was absolutely annoying. Aaron felt sick to his stomach, as he walked. A disgusting smell had him caught off guard as he was forced to stop. Bending over, on the edge of the sidewalk, just about to puke, had it not been for Edward, who came up behind him. The sweet smell of his winter skin, lurked through the air, as Aaron swore he'd sprayed some kind of perfume on himself. That or the scent of the flowers used in his bath, the night before they left Nation Valley, had stayed glued to his skin. Either way, Aaron didn't feel so sick anymore.

''You always smell like flowers, fireboy?'' He groaned.

''Why? Do you smell flowers?'' Edward commented.

''Why would I be asking otherwise? Seconds ago I was about to puke out my lungs? Suddenly, you come up next to me, and I'm fine. What is it with you always trying to help me?''

''I'm a prince, Aaron, doesn't mean I don't care. My father taught me better than that. I was taught to care, even if the person I'm specking to, clearly doesn't.'' Edward rose his brow, as he positioned himself better, so he was more comfortable. Standing straight all the time, could absolutely wear down a person. Especially one that clearly hadn't done it for long. Aaron could see right through his failed attempts. Edward was clearly trying to impress him.

''What are you doing?'' He groaned.

''What do you mean? I'm acting the way I should. As a prince should.'' Edward replied.

''This is Earth! Not Nation Valley! How you were taught to act back there, doesn't apply here. What happened to blending in?'' As Aaron got himself back onto the sidewalk, able to focus now, he felt Edward's longing stares, as the darkness from the midnight sky rained water down onto them. Followed by thundering, then lighting. Aaron cursed under his breath, as he threw his arms down, rather quickly.

''Right now! Really? Rain!'' He shouted. ''Fuck you mother nature!'' He groaned.

''The rain isn't so bad, Aaron. You just need to learn to appericate the different weather patterns. Mother nature probably thinks you need to see a little rain. Some enjoyment perhaps?''

''Doubt it. The only person who I enjoy is Alec. And he's gone. Remember?'' As Aaron's attention bowed to the ground, followed by many drops of rain, that drowned out his haunting thoughts, he was curious about something. Something he had to get the answer to. As he found Edward's eyes, then his attention, he opened his mouth to say what had been on his mind.

''You must be mad, coming here like this."

''Mad? Why am I considered mad for helping you? I thought you wanted me here?'' Edward stared in confusion as he waited for a answer.

''I don't mean it like that-I mean? Your considered man for abandoning your family, and your royal title, to come here and help me. Help a random person you don't even know.'' Aaron replied, saddened by his conclusion.

''I wanted to help you, Aaron. I told you that more then once. I may not have known what kind of person you were, but I can see what kind of person you've become. You've showed me your true colors, and for that, I thank you...''

''My true colors? Don't start getting cheesy on me, fireboy. I need you to focus.'' Aaron groaned, rolling his fake brown eyes, as he continued on. The sidewalk seemed a lot darker now, the rain creating puddle after puddle, as it was covered with liquid. Aaron's torn up shoes, filling with water in under a couple seconds.

''Damn.....it...'' He groaned as he picked up his feet, watching as the cold liquid dripped from the rough, dark, fabric of his torn up shoes. Edward who came up behind him, was eager to get his attention. A false expression, as he pointed in front of them. As Aaron finished dumping the small bit of liquid from the inside of his shoe, he brought his eyes to the front. Where a building with dark tinted windows, and multiple rays of shining light, filled the inside. A small sign left out to the edge of the dark window, read ''Drunk and Fun.'' Aaron stopped, as he let his arms hang out in front of him. A careless face, and unwanted eyes. Aaron knew where he was....

A place that brought back very unwanted memories....that's where.

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