
Departing To The Intended Place

Alone Doesn't Mean You Alone.


I'm at the security post now, carrying a bag containing clothes and equipment while I'm there. I took a deep breath to prepare myself that after this I will sleep there for the night.

I looked at my phone it was half past eight at night. The children below have started their show, now I start by taking the exit from the gate to the villa in question.

Tonight, the rain that was previously heavy has turned into a drizzle. I walked on the edge of the highway, coincidentally the road that was taken was only one way so I walked straight until later when I arrived at a new T-junction I crossed the highway to enter the Villa.

This highway light is quite far away, so I have to turn on the flashlight on my cellphone to light the way.

And I think I've arrived at the intended place.

I saw a white gate whose paint had faded along with a chain lock that adorned the gate.

Next chapter