
Got Away (Awan)

Time Is Time


When I lay down when I couldn't remember anything that night, this morning Awan told me, telling me everything... about what happened when I fainted.

So here I use the point of view of Awan that tells the story. Happy imagination.

#Awan Pov


That second when I just realized what Ejh said, I immediately rushed to fly quickly towards where Ejh was standing.

I saw two figures of 'Seekers' coming towards me very fast, I don't know if I can beat their speed or not, in essence, what I know now is that I have to get into his body immediately Ejh. Because that's the only place I can hide safely. I hope he is strong this time.

I tried to fly down with all my might, but it was futile. I saw Ejh who was in the middle of the road facing me with a face I didn't want to see from him. A face that is very afraid of losing something important.

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