
The Result of Greed

I took a deep breath and sat down on a chair in classroom 3-1. As I did, I tossed the metal pipes I had been using onto the ground, letting them clatter.

"Damn, Boss." Hyun Sangmin entered the room after me, carrying our bags, and said, "I see why you weren't worried about those guys." He glanced at me and said, "Wait. After all that and you still haven't broken a sweat?"

I shrugged.

The truth was that I did... but it was more efficient to convert that thermal energy and waste back into pure energy, so the end result was that it appeared I didn't.

The other survivors, barring Yun Seora, Kang Seok and his two lackeys, filtered into the room after that.

All of them looked at me like I wasn't human. Of course, that was a given. I did cut loose a bit more than anticipated.

The fact that I did all of that while looking like I didn't break a sweat probably added to the intimidating air.

Shin Sang-Ah and Yi Sungjin didn't look at me with quite the same gaze as the others though. Instead, there was a deep gratitude in their eyes, as if realizing that they were really lucky.

I shrugged and held my hand out towards Sangmin. "Hand me a drink, would you?"

"Here, Boss." Hyun Sangmin quickly dug around and tossed me a juice can.

I cracked it open and then took a sip, watching the doors.

Yun Seora entered next, giving me an evaluating look. But it was brief, quickly breaking as she walked off to a quiet corner for herself.

After that, Kang Seok and his goons arrived.

His eyes were still filled with murderous intent as he looked at me. But they were also filled with caution and a tinge of fear. Averting his gaze, he and his goons quickly went to a corner of their own.

And like that, all twelve remaining survivors had arrived.

The moment they did...

"Well, well, well. I am truly shocked." Han materialized at the podium behind the teacher's desk and smiled. "I must say, the fact that you all passed the second mission so quickly really gave me prestige. Thank you for that."

He adjusted his monocle and then smiled. "I congratulate you on successfully arriving on the fourth floor. Did you enjoy the first and second periods?"

I waved my hand and said, "Cut to the chase."

"Mm..." He looked at me and said, "Very well, esteemed guest. Since that's your request, I will oblige." He turned to the others and said, "This mission is simple... In fact, it can be quite enjoyable. Like the others, the primary objective is to reach the sixth floor from the fifth. However, there is a catch."

He drew three horizontal lines and said, "Within the fourth and fifth floor lay hidden coins. You are all required to find as many as possible before nightfall. As for the uses..."

He wrote on the black board again.

1. Usages for coins:

- entry fee

- lucky draws

That done, he turned around and said, "There is a place on the sixth floor where the gate leading to Paradise is scheduled to open. In order to enter it, you will need 100 of these coins."

One of the random survivors shouted out. "A hundred?!"

Han smiled. "Worry not. There are 3000 of these coins scattered throughout the floors. Finding enough should be a simple matter. But in truth, you should be eager to seek these coins. You see..."

He circled a chunk on the fifth floor line and said, "In the library here, you will find an item draw machine." He smiled and said, "If your luck is good you will be able to receive many useful items for when you continue your journey. Weapons, spell balls... Or if you pour in a lot at once, you may find unique and special items. Even..." He paused for dramatic effect and then said, "A legendary elixir that can bring the dead back to life."

In the corner of my eyes, I saw Yi Sungjin and the broken looking man from before flinch.

"Noona can be revived? Really?"

Han looked to Yi Sungjin and nodded. "Of course. But the requirements to do such a thing are harsh." He paused and then said, "Any questions?"


"Very well." Han seemed a bit disappointed, but he shrugged and said, "Then I shall leave you and begin the mission. As a final tip... I would be aware of the Hour of the Deceased. They carry an unending hatred for the living, after all."

As he left, vibrations filled the room again. With that, people checked the mission to confirm it... And then an uproar happened.

"W-What?! When we gain access to the sixth floor, the metal barriers will be removed? Doesn't that mean that damned monster will show up?!"

"Dammit...! Then we should hurry up and go!"

I didn't catch who said that, but before I noticed, most of the people had left. The only ones remaining in the room were me, Hyun Sangmin, Yi Sungjin, Shin Sang-Ah, and a young man and woman I never got to know.

Hyun Sangmin sighed and said, "Well, we might as well eat up before we begin. Right Boss?"

"That's true." I dumped my bag on the table and began unloading the food.

About half of them were perishables, so it would be best to finish them now instead of letting them go to waste.

Hyun Sangnim looked at everyone else and beckoned his hand. "Come on guys, let's eat together. You too, Mister Yi Sungjin."

Sungjin looked hesitant, his eyes flitting towards the exit. "I..."

I glanced at him and said, "You want to save your sister, right? What would she think if you died because you didn't have enough energy out there since you skipped a meal?"

He flinched and then sighed. "...You're right, Mister." He nodded and then walked over.


We gathered together to eat. It was quiet, most still in shock over recent events.

But then, that nameless young man spoke up. "Um... We should start collecting those coins soon, yes?"

I glanced at him and nodded. "Probably. The Guide said you need a hundred to pass."

The young man hurriedly added. "A-And that Guide said it, didn't he? That we could revive a dead person?"

I narrowed my eyes. "...Yes. And your point is?"

The young man flinched. "U-Um, actually... I came here with a friend of mine, but he..."

"Fuck off."

The young man blinked. "P-Pardon me?"

I took a long drink from my can of juice and then said, "I'm not a charity. Just because I gave you food doesn't mean I'm going to carry you through the finish line."

The young woman who was quiet up until now bit her lip. "B-But...!"

I stared at them and said, "You came in with Sungjin and Sang-Ah back then, right?"

The young man blinked. "What does that have to do with-?"

"Why didn't you help him? If you two had jumped Kang Seok, I wouldn't have needed to step in."

"T-That's...! Even so, we would have gotten hurt!" The young man was indignant. "We're not superhuman like you!"

I nodded. "Of course. And apparently you aren't human either." I cocked my head towards Sungjin and said, "Even this kid has more spine than you. He at least had the balls to jump Kang Seok after he refused. But you two, heh." I shook my head and said, "I wonder if you even have the ability to survive the night...? After all, this won't be a walk in the park."

The young girl blinked, tears welling in her eyes. "B-But... Didn't the guide say it would be easier to work together? That's-"

"True. But only if you work. And I have no intention of being with people like you two who only beg for handouts."

Hyun Sangmin laughed. "You tell them, Boss." He smiled and then looked at the young man and woman. "Like he said, this isn't a charity. Everyone here is out for themselves first, and if you aren't even going to put in that effort, don't expect someone else to do it for you."

An awkward silence filled the air.

I frowned and then glanced at my food. With a sigh, I stood up and said, "I'm getting some fresh air." I glanced at Hyun Sangmin and said, "You coming?"

"Thanks Boss..." He glanced at the young man and woman. "But I think I'm going to stick here for a bit."

"Mm." I glanced at Yi Sungjin and Shin Sang-Ah. "You two? Need a break? Restroom?"

Sungjin shook his head. "Thanks, Mister. But I'm fine."

"I'm good too." Shin Sang-Ah nodded. "But thank you."

"Alright." With that, I left the room.


The corridor was quiet. Deathly quiet.

As a result, I could hear the faint argument coming from inside the classroom through hushed whispers.

"Seems like Sangnim is reliable enough."

He was good at reading the room, so he should be able to deal with things there.

As for me...

I glanced at the building. "A treasure hunt, huh?"

I got a notification earlier from the diary being updated, but I didn't bother to read it. Maybe Seol would have found it useful, but for me...

I narrowed my eyes and used my sight. Not the nine eyes, but the ability that was mine alone. With it...

[Final Mission: Coin Hunt]

A holographic map of the three remaining floors emerged in front of my eyes. With it, faint lights flickered, showing my position as well as the position of the coins.

I paused, waiting to see if there would be a response from the observers. But it seemed like my latest 'show' had caught them off guard... Or Kim Hannah was pulling things behind the scenes to distract them. Either way...

"Mm. Should be fairly simple."

With a clear map, I didn't even need to worry. All I had to do was to grab my coins and then a few extra, enough to draw the special portion of the vending machine a few times.

Since there were 3000, it would be unfair to take all of them. Maybe a bit over half though-

"Haah." A long sigh echoed from beside me. Glancing over, I saw Hyun Sangnim step out, lighting a cigarette.

"Decided to take a breather after all?"

He took a long breath from his cigarette and then said, "Those fuckers. You act nice to them once and they get all entitled about it... At the least they should show gratitude and then be determined to go off on their own. But staying in the shadow of someone without pulling their weight... What idiots." He scowled and then tapped some ashes onto the ground. "That's not how this world works."

I cracked a smile and said, "I know. Why do you think I stepped outside?"

He laughed. "As insightful as always, Boss. Gotta admit, I should have taken up the offer first. Though, I guess a lackey has to handle things like this."

"Mm." I nodded and then sipped on my drink.

"...What do you think?"


"About this mission, Boss." Hyun Sangnim frowned and said, "It seems simple, but that hour of the dead and the monster..."

"Ah, is that all?" I shook my head and said, "Don't worry about that." I narrowed my eyes and said, "I have a score to settle with that guy."

The monster that ran away from me and killed Yi Seol-Ah.

"Wait. You're planning on killing that thing, Boss?"

I smiled. "What? Think I can't?"

Hyun Sangnim shook his head. "Well, if anyone can, it's definitely you. But..." He glanced back inside.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to do it immediately." I noticed his intentions and said, "After all, character only emerges in the threat of danger."

Hyun Sangnim sighed. "Of course. You would have thought of that already... Though Boss. I am wondering something."


He frowned and said, "You mentioned you didn't like people who didn't pull their share and beg for handouts... Then what about me? I haven't done much at all."

"What are you talking about?" I blinked and said, "You're my lackey, aren't you? What you're getting isn't a handout, but employment benefits. Besides, it's nice having someone to deal with the boring stuff."

Hyun Sangnim blinked and then he laughed and clapped my shoulder. "Got that right! On a serious note though... I'm grateful, man. I won't let you regret this. I can't do much in here, but out there, in the real deal... If anyone bothers you, just hit me up, alright?"

I smiled and said, "As if I'll need your help. If anything, you'll be running to me after this."

Hyun Sangnim laughed and said, "Maybe, maybe."

[The treasure hunt will now commence]

[Remaining time until midnight 05:29:59]

Hyun Sangnim clapped my shoulder again and said, "Well, I'll be heading off first. Can't let my boss do everything for me, right? See you back here around midnight, okay?"

I waved and then he disappeared through the stairwell. Not long after, there was a flurry of activity as people ran past me to get a head start.

As for me...

The holographic map reemerged and I muttered, "Should I get started?"


"That's about three hundred." I muttered to myself as I confirmed the count in my bag.

I was in the corridor in front of classroom 3-5. For the most part, it wasn't hard to find the coins when they glowed in my vision. The annoying part was picking them all up.

I sighed and walked into the classroom... and then paused as I saw someone already there.

Yun Seora was in the middle of the room, scouring through every nook and cranny of the class. She gave me a brief glance when I entered, but quickly went back to her search.


Didn't she have a map? I could see her holding onto scraps of paper and comparing them to the classroom, but she didn't seem to know where they were.

I shrugged and then walked over to the desk near the door and picked up the four coins there. Afterwards, I walked over to the teacher's podium and tilted it over, sweeping up the six underneath.

That done, I walked out and headed over to 3-6. These coins were just underneath the blackboard eraser, so I grabbed the three there and then moved to the next room.

I moved onto the next and took the coins there as well, about a dozen. But as I was leaving, I found a familiar face standing in front of me.


Yun Seora stood there, her eyes flicking from her map to the room to myself.

I paused and then realized it.

Right. If I did that and then she went in and didn't find anything, the effort would be wasted.

Feeling a bit guilty, I stepped past her and decided to go look somewhere else. Leaving 3-8 for her, I walked to 3-9... but then I heard footsteps from behind me.

Glancing back, I noticed that she was following me.

I frowned but continued on my way.

The door to 3-9 opened.

I moved to the podium, intending to take the coins there.

Then, from behind me, Yun Seora dashed off to the TV cabinet in the corner, jumping to search the top. Unfortunately, she was too short.

I paused, wondering if I should help her.

Yun Seora was stubbornly reaching up, trying to reach the top. Standing on tip-toes. Jumping, stretching... It would be a simple matter for her to just grab a chair to look, but it seemed that she didn't want to do that.

I sighed.

She froze and glanced over.

I walked towards the cabinet and then swept the coins down. After that, I held them out to her. "Here."

She stared at me, eyes switching from the coins to my face and back to the coins. With a trembling gaze, she hesitantly reached out and took them. But then the moment she did, she ran off.

I watched her leave and then shook my head before continuing my quest.


[Remaining time until midnight: 00:36:12]

The end of the treasure hunt was drawing near. The result of my efforts? 1600 coins exactly.

It was a bit annoying considering that the coins respawned and had to be depleted for the next set to appear, but the result of it wasn't too bad.


I stood in front of the vending machine in the fifth floor library.

It was a gacha machine. Simple enough to it. Not too complex. The problem was...

"Dammit. Those bastards really want to see us suffer, huh?"

...You had to put them in one by one.

At the moment, I was the only one there. That was probably going to be the case for a while too, considering that everyone was desperately searching.

[List of items available to draw]

1. 1 coin to 9 coins: Food, daily necessities, a note from the Guide, medical supplies...

2. 10 coins to 49 coins: relief supplies, souvenirs, various maps, a letter from the maid...

3. 50-99 coins: Weapons, defensive items, Survival Points, a brand new cutting-edge smartphone

4. 100 coins: spell balls, random coin box (contains up to 1~499 coins)

5. 239 coins: Sixth-floor access key (100% odds)

6. 300 coins: special

"Well, should I get going then?" With a sigh, I started tossing coins in. Or at least, I started to. But then-

"Wait." I narrowed my eyes and then stared at the machine just as I put 99 coins in. "If I use them, then...?"

My eyes could see even the intangible if I strained myself on Earth. In that case, now with my increased capacity and circuits.

"...Well, let's try it."

Putting mana in my eyes, reading the intangible wave collapse functions, scrying the pattern of results...!

[Random coin box: contains 400 coins.]

[Random coin box: contains 300 coins.]

[Random coin box: contains 300 coins.]

[Random coin box: contains 200 coins.]

[SPECIAL: Healing lvl 1]

[SPECIAL: Retractable Blade]

I shook my hands after grabbing the two special items and scowled. "Son of a- Gah. Damned bastards."

It was incredibly annoying having to put them in one by one. Even though I managed to pick out wins instead of losses with my eyes, it seemed that the gods or the proctor were onto me. The coins I won started getting less and then after I put in the coins into the special, I got a bad feeling about continuing.

I sighed and checked what I got.

Healing was a skill that apparently allowed for healing wounds. In terms of what it actually did, it used mana to mend the body by increasing regeneration of the natural rate... Not what I thought healing should be, but enough to inspire me.

As for the retractable blade, it was a weird whip sword thing. Kind of like a switch blade, but with magic. Gathering ambient mana, it shot out and then could be controlled with mana.

Of course, considering that I could do the same normally, it was worthless. But it still allowed me to hide some skills, I suppose.

As I stood there and considered whether or not to keep going, the sliding door slid open behind me.

I glanced back to see Hyun Sangmin trudge in, his face dour. Shin Sang-Ah followed after him, not much better.

Catching my eye, Hyun Sangmin sighed and said, "How'd you do, Boss? I got nearly fuck all."

Shin Sang-Ah sighed and leaned on a desk nearby. "Same here." She rubbed her feet and said, "After searching so long, I only found seventy coins."

Hyun Sangmin sat on a desk as well and said, "I managed to get a hundred coins... but damn. What crazy asshole swept everything away? Weren't the coins supposed to be everywhere? Why the hell were there so few around?"

I coughed and then walked over to Shin Sang-Ah. "Here."

"H-Huh?" Shin Sang-Ah blinked. "A-Are you giving me these?"

I nodded and placed thirty coins in her hands.

Hyun Sangmin gawked and said, "The heck? Thirty coins in one go?"

"Right... You should take some too." I pulled out a hundred coins and placed it in his hands.

Staring at the pile of coins, Hyun Sangmin's face was dumbfounded. But then he burst out laughing. "Of course! So it was you, Boss!"

I coughed. "Yes... I probably went a bit overboard."

I didn't realize that I could have built up a stockpile from the machine. If I did, I would have saved a lot of time by tossing some coins into the machine to get coin boxes instead of trudging around like that...

Hyun Sangmin sighed. "So it wasn't Yun Seora, eh?"

"Well, she managed to find some as well, but... I suppose you could say I had more precise information?"

Hyun Sangmin shook his head and then glanced at the machine. "Did you try it out yet, Boss?"

"I did. But... Well, you do it and you'll see why I stopped."

Hyun Sangmin nodded and walked over to the machine. He started to pull his coins out and then put them in... But then he paused. "Wait. Do you have to-"

"Put them in one by one? Yes."

He looked back at me and said, "...Did you try the special out?"

I shook my hands and said, "Never again."

Hyun Sangmin sighed and said, "Well... I might as well get some equipment while I'm here. Fifty coins shouldn't be that bad..."

While he started putting the coins in, I glanced at Shin Sang-Ah. "Did you separate from Yi Sungjin?"

She nodded and said, "We were looking together for a while, but considering how hard it was, we split up." She pointed to Hyun Sangmin and said, "I met up with him along the way and we decided to stick together."

Hyun Sangmin spoke up and said, "It was efficient... Until we ran out of coins to look for."

I scratched the back of my neck.

A couple of kerchunks later and Hyun Sangmin stood up. "Mm... A knife and a buckler, huh?" He waved around a pair of steel equipment and said, "Not the best but... What do you think, Boss?"

"It should help you out. Especially since midnight is soon."

"Ah, that's right." Hyun Sangmin frowned and said, "We should probably head back."

I paused and then glanced at him. "Wait. You didn't have enough coins to even use the vending machine in the first place, right? Why'd you two come here?"

"That's true... but since the coins were so rare, I was considering on gambling a bit." He pointed towards the coin box.

"...And if that failed?"

"Well, Boss owes me a salary, right? It would have been fine either way." He gave me a cheeky smile.

I sighed. "Come on. Let's head back to the classroom."


Midnight. The hour of the dead arrived. But even though it did...

"No one's here, huh?"

The classroom was a safezone. That meant that we could safely wait out the danger here. Even so, everyone was still out searching, meaning only Hyun Sangmin, Shin Sang-Ah and myself were here.

"It's obvious, isn't it Boss? We've got enough now, but the others are probably going a bit crazy. 'Just a bit more...' That's probably what they're thinking."

"Even Yi Sungjin, huh?"

The teenaged boy wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Shin Sang-Ah gave me a cautious look. "W-What... are you planning to do? Are you going to just stay here?"

"Me? Of course not." I cracked my neck and said, "I'm itching to get some training in... But more importantly, I should probably check on the ones I know, right? At least Yun Seora and Yi Sungjin."

The former because she was probably going to get targeted for her map, and the latter because he was definitely going to be too reckless.

Sang-Ah let out a sigh of relief. After that, she smiled and said, "I'll help!"

Hyun Sangmin sighed. "Well, I guess we actually don't have much better to do. And I do have these now." He raised his knife and buckler. "Gotta get used to them sometime, right?"

Shin Sang-Ah paused. "W-Wait. What about me?"

I thought about it a bit and then made a show of digging around in my bag. As I did, I pulled out a sword I made from mana.

"Here." I handed it to her.

She blinked and then held up her hands. "N-No, Mister Seol. You've already done enough for me. I can't-"

"This is an investment." I looked her in the eye and said, "Can't recoup on it if you're dead now, can I?"

She stared at me for a while and then smiled. "...I won't let you down."

At that time, Hyun Sangmin frowned. "...Nothing for me, Boss?"

I shrugged and said, "You're a strong guy. Or did you need a sword to overcompensate for-"

"I got it, I got it." Hyun Sangmin sighed and said, "Let's just get this show on the road."


The dead were rising. Grotesque monsters that looked more like stitches of flesh than zombies like I expected.

Shin Sang-Ah paled. "Th-These are...?"

"The dead, huh?" Hyun Sangmin muttered. He spun his knife around and said, "What's the plan, Boss?"

I frowned and swept my gaze around. "Can you fight?"

"A little, yeah." Sangmin looked at Sang-Ah. "What about you, Miss Sang-Ah?"

She gulped and then held up her sword. "I... I can at least swing this around?" The mana blade thrummed, as if resonating with her resolve. With that, she relaxed and then nodded. "Yes. If it's with this... I should be fine."

"Good." I nodded and then looked forward. Specifically, I looked at the stairs and the horde of monsters crowding it. "...I'll cut through. You guys follow close and take care of the stragglers. And don't worry too much. I can heal."

"You can-?" Hyun Sangmin sighed. "Of course you can. Anyway, lead on, Boss."

I nodded and then drew my blade. Mana hummed as it flared to life, sparking a pure white. But then the color slowly faded.

"Huh?" Hyun Sangmin frowned and said, "Um, Boss? Is your sword-?"

"We go." I ran forward.

As if seeing my advance as a sign of hostility, the horde began to move towards me as well.

Six monsters, wriggling flesh tendrils and limbs. At the same time, ominous and resentful cries.



"Tough." I swung my sword.

Sparks flew as the extended blade scraped against the sides of the walls and glanced off, the building protected by divine protection.

"W-Whoa?!" Hyun Sangmin's voice echoed from behind me, but I ignored him and kept running.

Slash. Cut. Stab.

After a few minutes, I reached the end of the hall. There, I glanced back just in time to see my two party members run up after me, their weapons bloodied.

"...Not bad."

Hyun Sangmin shook his head. "If you call finishing off groaning monsters as combat... Honestly, Boss. Do we even need to fight?"

"No. But it's good to be cautious at a time like this."

Shin Sang-Ah sighed. "That was harder than I thought."

"Alright. Then on to the next-"

A shrill female scream cut through the air.

Shin Sang-Ah flinched. "Mommy!"

Hyun Sangmin rolled his eyes. But then he turned to me with a serious expression. "Boss. That-"

"We go. Now." I ran up the stairs.

Hyun Sangmin and Shin Sang-Ah followed close after.

Bursting onto the corridor, a teen boy almost ran into us. When he saw who we were, his eyes widened and he said, "H-Hyung!"


He grabbed me and said, "I, I saw her! I saw Noona just now!"

I nodded and said, "I know. All of the dead now are people who died earlier."

"W-Wait a minute Boss!" Hyun Sangmin walked up to me and said, "You mean those monsters-?"

"Are resentful spirits. Pretty much. But enough of that." I stared at Sungjin and said, "You weren't the one who screamed, right?"

"No." Sungjin shook his head. "But... Noona told me to find something, so-"

I nodded and activated my eyes. The hallway was mostly colorless, but then, in a bathroom nearby, a crimson red light flashed. Using my other gaze...

[Yun Seora]

Viciously wounded.

On the verge of death.

Warning! Immediate mortal danger!

"Sangnim, keep an eye on them."

"What? Boss?!"

I ran off, quickly dashing towards the bathroom. But it was locked.

Without hesitation, I kicked the door in. "Miss Seora? Are you in here?"

There wasn't an answer. But I got one in the form of the scent of blood filling the air.

The light was switched off, but there was a figure collapsed on the floor in a crimson puddle.

I quickly turned on the light and walked inside.

Yun Seora was crumpled on the ground. Her hoodie was ripped apart, the result of a fierce fight. However, while her clothes beneath were intact, meaning that the worst hadn't happened, that didn't mean she was fine.

Her right arm was caked in blood- No, it was still drenched in it. White bone stuck out from fat and torn flesh. Jagged lines and strips were carved away, like someone deliberately stuck a knife in and yanked it around for fun.

"Boss! You need to give us more info then-" Hyun Sangmin came in after me but then paused, his eyes widening when he saw Yun Seora. "Holy hell. What fucker-?"

"Doesn't matter." I walked forward and then knelt down beside Yun Seora. At the same time, I reached out towards her arm.

"W-Wait!" Shin Sang-Ah stepped forward and said, "Mister Seol, let me-!"

"Stop it. Boss can heal, remember?"

"But- Wait. That's right. Then-"

I gently grabbed her arm and focused. As I did, I muttered, "Looks like I caused you a bit of trouble, huh?"

It was an obvious result. Since those guys couldn't target me, they chose an easier target.

I thought that they'd have learned their lesson... but it seems like I should have been decisive.


I shook my head and focused.

That could come later. For now...

I narrowed my eyes and analyzed Yun Seora's body.

Severe blood loss. Flickering mana. Mangled nerves, tissue, blood vessels...

Even with healing magic, it wouldn't be enough.

"...Can you fix it?" Shin Sang-Ah's voice echoed.

"Miss Seora..." Yi Sungjin's sad voice called out.

I shut out their voices and then 'looked'.

Sketches of what had been before. Traces of damages and the intent.

Carefully reaching out with mana, I started with the healing spell.

White light splashed over the arm and began healing the surface wounds.

"So that's magic, huh? Damn. I thought I saw it all already, but this..." Hyun Sangmin's voice echoed.

I concentrated and then focused my mana on healing. But it wasn't enough. Of course, the level of the spell was low.

But it let me see the process. So then...

[Healing lvl 1 has turned into Restoration - Ungraded]

A combination ability born from my insight and mastery. I connected the severed blood vessels, restored the mangled nerves, regenerated the lost flesh and refilled her lost blood. But...

"Dammit." I stepped back and frowned.

"What? Did it fail, Boss?"

I glanced at Hyun Sangmin and shook my head. "No, but it's not enough. She's still suffering from shock and possibly infection. I don't know enough about the body to prevent that... At least not safely."

Yi Sungjin clenched his hands. "Then Miss Seora...?"

I stood up and glanced at Shin Sang-Ah. "You have some medical knowledge, right? You wanted to step in earlier..."

"A-Ah. That's right, Mister Seol. I worked as a paramedic before this." She nodded.

"Good. Then I'll be relying on you to help when I get back."

"Get back, Boss?" Hyun Sangmin frowned and then said, "That's right. The machine!"

I nodded. "I managed to pull a healing spell, so there should be some other fantasy things in there. Potions, more spells... Barring that, there should be at least medical supplies. For now, you guys take her back to the safe room." I gestured to Yun Seora.

"W-Wait!" Yi Sungjin looked at me and said, "Are you going out there alone?"

Hyun Sangmin got up and said, "Wait. I'll come with you, Boss-"

"No." I shook my head and said, "You escort the two back. I don't know if the dead operate on zombie logic, but with her blood, it might draw monsters. In that case, we need at least one person who can fight."

"That's... Damn. You're right."

I nodded and said, "I won't be long."

"Stay safe, Boss."

I glanced at Yun Seora's shaking body and then nodded. "You guys too." I started to leave, but just before I did...

"And Sangmin. If those guys show up, don't hesitate."

"...Got it."

I nodded and then dashed off.

Next chapter