
Ch 18. God of Death 2.0

From the 6th round, the number of men started to increase in the arena.

After the last round, I took a five minute break just to check out on my status and to take out the arrows that had pierced my body.

Now, I had to face six men, so Kar98k was not suitable. I took out my mp40 and in a crouching stance pointed it's barrel towards the contenders.

With a mechanical rumbling mp40 blasted out flames of death. The bullets penetrated the armour's, shields apart. The slugs even blew off chunks of hand wielded shields.

Lots of cavities were made in mortal bodies, the men didn't even get a chance to fight back. Infront of high velocity slugs from firearms their cold weapons couldn't do nothing.

It took me 20-22 rounds to completely wipe them off. They were so unlucky that they couldn't even come infront of the audience. The moment that door opened I blasted them with hellfire from my mp40.

This scenario wen't on till the 9th round.

On the final round a total of ten men came out. Armed with t5 armours, shields & weapons.

Taking them out with my mp40 was not a big problem, but I wanted to go with a bang.

The audience was totally silent, they were in utter shock. After seing those varieties of guns & how deadly it could be. By the look of it, they were very much angry on losing every bit of their money.

This time the guys had huge shield, they made a shield wall with spears held from the gaps, before approaching me. Damn they were scared off me!

Lol, it was funny from my end.

Five spearmen with big shields & three archer including two swordmen, made a 5x2 formation.

The archers shot continuously from behind of the shield walls, -10 -23 -9 these kind of numbers were generated over my head as damage.

Plus, the system continued notifiying me with a ping sound about the damages I was taking.

I waited for them to come a bit close, when they were almost in no escape zone of my steilhandgranate/m24's range.

Unpinned and threw two grenades toward them. One fell infront of the shield wall & another fell among them.

They stopped to look at the absurd thing that has fallen there and in that fraction of second, two huge blasts echoed through the arena.

Infinite number of shrapnels tore through their body. Limbs dismembered, some half remains of bodies had huge cavities. Even a blood mushroom was formed due to such high powered explosion.

The audience roared in anger & rage as they had again witnessed, visualized something of tremendous feat that being achieved.

They were sad off losing their money, but were totally content on what they had experienced.

The announcer announced my winning.

It was time for assessment skill to do it's trick.

7x pair of gold teeth.

4 gold coin.

92 silver coins.

87 copper coins.

3x gold ring.

87x white coloured stones of unknown origin.

It was the total number of extracted loot that has been recovered from the fallen enemies, apart from the exp's & soul points that was earned by killing them.


I waited for around some time in the waiting room, to make the owner of the arena to get bit more agitated.

When you know off the incoming calamity but you still had to wait. It tenses, bores, irritates even makes you panic a ton.

This was the fun of having a mighty hand, I had suffered all my life being worried, tensed, agitated. Now, it is my time to give em hell, it's my time to get some boot licking from this world.

While I was going to move towards the owners office, an employee of the arena came running.

"Sir, if you're not too tired. Could you please come to the office of our lord. He's waiting for you sir."

This was one of the dude that was laughing out loud some time ago in the office of the battle arena's owner. And now he had an obedient tone of a tail wagging servant.

How funny it is, when you have nothing the world skewers you enough untill you have nothing left & when you have everything the world bows down to suck your cock; to satiate you.

That's the true nature of this world. It was so in 2022 & it's still the same in 1422, nothing fucking changes... nothing fucking changes...

I was deep in my thought while the employee was bit worried, so he asked again...


"Yeah, yeah I'm coming. Go ahead, I'll be there in a second."

After my assuring words, he finally left.


"Please, come in. Sir where did you get those amazing muskets from."

"And that last explosion. It was godlike, magical. How did you do it!"

"Sir are you from a famous warriors lineage?"

A lot of questions were hurled towards me from the owner & the employees of the office.

It was pretty obvious of them to ask these kind of questions after what they have experienced.

"I wan't my winning money & deposit back as I have won all the rounds, even came back alive..."

The lit up faces suddenly wen't dull from my authoritive reply to their questions.

Why should I answer them, when I owe them nothing & having the upper hand I should act like one with dominance.

From my betting I got 550k gold & 400k gold from the 40% winning share; the contract that I had signed.

A total of 955k+ gold coins were in my inventory.

Rehmat was saying the local zamindar had property & assets around 750k gold coins. Now, I was the fucking richest person of this part of city. Even seconding the local landlord over wealth.

I was about to leave the office, but the owner was reluctant on me leaving. I guess, he couldn't tolerate the fact about me winning and making him rich; then taking away most of his winning amount and making him look like a fool, again & again. His ego was badly bruised...


I turned back to reply,


"Sir, if you're not too tired, then you can go for the tier 2 arena."

"Tier 2?"

"Yes tier 2. Double the fun, double the kill. It has even 1:50 betting ratio."

The man was very eager to hear my answer.

I smiled a bit and replied.

"I understand where you're going but can you sign a contract before we go that path."

"What contract?"

"Okey, now you said. I'll not win a single round and die on the first round. I proved you wrong."

"And I earned this 950k gold coins from you. And legally you can't stop anyone from betting, so I'll bet this 950k gold coins for all the rounds."

"As the winning ratio is around 50 so according to that 950k x 50 will be around 47 lakh 50 thousand (47.5 million) gold coins in exact."

"Can you pay back that amount?"

All of the men including the owner were all mum. They didn't thought about this part.

"So, after I win then you won't be able to pay me back & will try to make excuses and say that you will pay me back in installments. Which is pretty ironic for a such a huge betting arena."

"And for that reason, you will have to sign a contract where it will be clearly stated that, If you fail to pay back the betting amount; you will write this betting enterprise of your's in my name."

"In one word I'll be the new owner."

"If you agree to that, we can continue."

The man was more than infuriated, he was spitting blood in pain, agony, rage. In decades of his businesses days, he has never been humiliated in such a way. His ego was severely tarnished.


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