
Ch 11. A man's worth

The first ray of sunlight had just hit the window panes and rested on Revati's innocent face. She was sleeping so peacefully, her body heaved a bit while breathing. A rare moment, with such a beauty beside me.

It was so picture perfect, damn I missed my smartphone so much now. A perfect sun kissed moment!

Revati opened her eyes, it was so sudden that I would have twitched or atleast got up from bed. But, now it was different, I am more confident. I glanced back at her auburn eyes, which looked straight at me. She got ashamed and put her face in the pillow; in a muffled tone she asked,

"Were you watching me the whole time?"

I chuckled,

"No, not long. But I wished to do so."

She looked back at me and made a happy-sulky face and wen't on to freshen up. I couldn't define how cute that look was. But, it made my day.

We were staying in the hotel room after the hut got burnt. Obviously, the hotel room was spacious and comfortable in comparison to the old residence.

Food was a package deal or kind of complimentary as we stayed in the costliest of the rooms. So, it was a win-win situation.


Three hours later, we reached the Auction house.

The auction was going on, I wen't up to Kalidas and asked him about the remnants of the sloth bear that is to be auctioned.

"Ok, sir. I'll add you up in the list. As you came a bit late, you will have to wait before your stuff gets auctioned."

"Meanwhile you can take a front row seat with your miss. You can bid too, if you like anything."

I smiled and said,

"Won't they charge me again for caste prejudices by bringing her here."

"Please, sir don't let this fellow servant feel more ashamed. I know what had happened with you sir, while dining at Mr. Haripada's restaurant at day one."

"Here nothing of this sort will happen & the auction house is basically my friends. He's also an understandable fellow. Hope this time you have a pleasant visit."

When you are nothing, you become invisible. One fine day, you become something and suddenly everybody recognizes your worth.

Revati & me both wen't and sat at the first row. I had made some name but still some rich fellows moved a seat or two away from us, with disgust in face.

I was happy becuase the more angry they get, the more exp points I'll earn at the end of the day.

There was a mid aged guy, introducing the auctionable stuffs in a very catchy; dramatic way.

There was nothing that intrigued my mind, plus I was kindda broke at that point. So buying was not an option.

Some more time wen't by as the stuffs were being sold. Then, finally the auctioneer introduced my product,

"Gentleman now what you are going to see is a fine specimen of a sloth bear's remnants."

"It's a total package deal. You'll be getting a bear claws, bones, fangs & it's skin."

"Let's say if you only want the bear skin and don't wan't all the other stuffs. You can always sell them back to us at a negotiable price or you can also auction it here with a respective auction fee."

"The bid begins at, 250 gold coins."

After that, the bid-o-meter gradually wen't up...


Suddenly the whole bidding equation changed as two men started to compete, one was a rich young man and the other one was an old posh looking fellow.

And at the final 1500 gold bid, the young man stopped bidding as he couldn't go over that amount; he finally lost. The old man gave a boastful look, at his devastated foe. Here, money games are on a totally different level!

Someday I might crack this formula too or may not, who knows what future beholds...

I was immersed in my own thoughts, while Revati was enjoying this new shade of life. It was a huge jump for her, in terms of exposure.

Kalidas with a grin in his face came towards me,

"Sir, one esteemed person want's to meet you. If you join him in the meeting room."

I took a peek over Kalidas & it was that old rich fellow who won the bid.

With a straight face I looked at Kalidas and said,

"Is he asking for price negotiation?"

Kalidas was stunned to my question,

"No, sir. He's from an..."

"I know, I was just kidding..."

Kalidas scratched his head and said,


"I was just having some fun. I know, he won't be ask that."

Though he was flabbergasted, still Kalidas in a very professional attitude laughed and said,

"Oh yes, yes. Sir, is very humorous... ahahaha..."

I asked Revati about anything she wanted to have, she said she's ok.

"Sir, the fruit juices here are very tasty. Surely madam can try one."

I was bit amazed at transformative Kalidas, he has called Revati madam twice. Now, while I'm rising up the stairs; there shall be more surprises ahead for sure.

"Order any of the juices, you wan't. I'll be back soon."

Revati nodded and responded,

"Okey, But, please don't take too much time Rahul."

I was surprised and happy at the same time, as she finally called me by my name. I smiled and wen't toward that old fellow.

Kalidas came near me,

"Sir, if you don't mind can I ask you something personal."



Damn, my modern day language is killing me.

"I mean ask?"

"Ohh. Ok. Sir, I can understand what you feel for madam. But, openly taking your name like this. After all she's a women."

"I told her to call me by my name. Do you have any issue regarding that?"

Kalidas was bit embarrassed the way I replied to him,

"No..no sir. It's okey, the meeting rooms this way sir."

He moved ahead, towards the old man and I followed him to the meeting.

We both sat in a private room, with absolute privacy...

After half & hour of our conversation I got the whole gist.

Revati was sipping to the juice & was looking towards the meeting room eagerly. While, I was sitting in an opposite direction of her at the room. I could see her from the window of the meeting room. It was such a different feeling all along. Someone was eagerly waiting for me, wanting me to come back. I guess, I was too involved in this emotion.

"Mr. Rahul, so what do you think on this proposal."

I had to break my eye contact from her,

"Oh, yes... Yeah... I mean I'm okey with it."

The old man's happiness flashed all over his face, he wanted to say something.

But, I stopped him.


"It's Mr. Prabin Chnadra Roy."

"Yes, Mr. Prabin; I have some conditions. The first one is I will leave after 6 more days. The later one's; I'll tell you when I reach your lordship's house. Agreed?"

The old man was more than happy, he said.

"Sure, obviously no problem. Oh, I have almost forgotten about theses gifts that our lord has sent."

3 amethyst coins.

500 gold coins.

(t3) war breed horse. (1x)

A contract of acquisition. (1x)

Gold necklaces (2x)

Diamond ring (1x)

Rubies & miscellaneous


It is a huge amount of gift & the contract's going to be a hell of a job; for sure. The greater the pay the bigger the bang. I knew what I was upto; without risks there won't be any progress.

One thing that caught my attention were the amethyst coins. I got 10 of them before too & had no info on it. Even Kalidas couldn't answer my query.

Luckily, the auctioneer knew about them and he told me the truth, which amazed me.

"A 1000 gold coins is equal to 1 amethyst coin. These can be mainly found in the coffers of the royalty. It is illegal to acquire them or sell them without royal permit."

"There is one fellow who buys & sells them, he is one of my friend. He takes some percentage of cut in the deal as his profit; but I'll ask him not to do so, with you sir. You're our esteemed customer from today. You have earned a huge profit to my auction house."

"And also you are my friends friend, a good business dealer."

Basically people would buy & sell stuffs in an auction house. But apart from that, there are people who would buy tickets to watch the auctions from their respective seats. Plus, the sell of food & drinks was also there. The more unique the product, the bigger the bidding, the larger the crowd. So, more people means more profit.

Hence, Today, I made them a lot of profit.

I asked the auctioneer to bring his friend who deals in amethyst coins.

He asked me to visit him in two days at the same time.

"Before I leave, I have one more question. Does anyone of you know anything about the contract of acquisition?"

Both of them were bit scared at my words.

Kalidas & lackey both replied in unison,

"With that contract you can take over anyone's business if they even don't wan't to handover their business. But, with a suitable price paid in return; obviously."

Damn, it was a legal way for illegal possessions. Everything here is so fucked up! And historians would die to have such information about these kinds of informations & nuances of this colonial era.

Finally, a total of 300 gold coins were paid to the auctioneer & Kalidas; the 10% fee which they had demanded individually.

I had to store all the valuable gifts in my game storage, that I got from that old fellow.

The day was long & tiresome but new things had paved a path for my progress. To reach the centre of Kolkata, which is also my city in the future.

Let's see what fate unfolds...

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