
Chapter 39

"This is starting to get really annoying." I said with a frown as I threw another piece of junk at the purple man with my telekinesis and watched it go through him. X-Ray's intangiblity made him the single most annoying opponent I had ever faced. Not to mention the one who made the fight pointless.

Him being intangible meant that I couldn't actually hurt him but none of his attacks actually caused enough damage to be a threat to me, hell most of it were healed within moments. Or in gamer terms, he was immune to my type of attacks while my HP filled back up faster than he could deal me damage.

"Don't worry, it will change from annoying to horrifying quite soon when you're dying!" And X-Ray did not seem to have grasped that reality yet. Making me wonder if I could just leave without caring about him.

Then I had a crazy idea.

"Gotta ask, what does Sterns even pay you clowns? Must be quite a lot in order for you to actually be willing to tangle with Hulk." I asked with a raised eyebrow, needing some time for my idea to work, if it could actually work in the first place.

"Just the chance to torch that son of a bitch who puts his big nose where it doesn't belong is enough for me, but he's also offering a few millions to each of us."

"A few million?" I asked incredulously. "You're really willing to fight Hulk for a few million? You just might be the dumbest bastard I have ever met and I fought a guy calling himself Dreadknight a few days ago." I mocked the man of glowing energy.

"Say that again!" Which seemed to have really angered the said man of glowing energy as he threw his hands backwards in order to fly towards me.

"The hell?!" Only to stop in midair. He was hovering in the air horizontally with his arms pointed behind, looking like the perfect picture of a superpowered being in mid-flight other than the fact that he wasn't moving. "What did you do to me?!"

"Nothing important, I just found the right frequency." I said with a shrug. "Telekinesis isn't simply the power to move objects with one's mind, it's the power to apply forces to reality through one's mind. So it was just a matter of finding the right frequency in order to be able to affect your form. You are made out of energy after all." I said with a smile and raised my hand. "Which kind of makes me curious about whether you'll survive this or not."

"Wha," X-Ray's couldn't even say his final words before his form started to rapidly shrink and the man made of energy was replaces by a mass of purple light that was, at most, slightly bigger than a golf ball.

"Hey, send a signal if you're alive." I said as the orb levitated towards me, still glowing but doing nothing that could be considered a signal. So X-Ray was either dead or unable to do anything in his current state.

It was likely the second option, the shape changing like this shouldn't be fatal to a being made out of energy after all. It was likely that he couldn't do anything because he was in shock. Though there was supposed to be something called shock death but again, that was supposed to be a biological thing.

Oh well, not like him being dead would matter anyway.

Now, where were Hulk and Sterns?


"STERNS!" Hulk roared as he ripped another wall off in his search for the gamma mutate that had taken his cousin.

Hulk was willing to tolerate lots of things. Hulk was willing to tolerate puny Banner and his puny way of doing things. Hulk was willing to tolerate the so called heroes of the world and their puny attempts of trying to 'understand' him.

But Hulk was not willing to tolerate anything happening to Jen! On that alone, Hulk and puny Banner were in agreement. Sterns had crossed a line that he should have never crossed and Hulk was going to teach the egg head what happened when puny eggs found themselves in Hulk's grasp!

"STERNS!" And so Hulk ripped off another wall, the one from where Hulk could smell Sterns and saw the egghead; sitting beside the unconscious form of Jen!

"You know, it's rather rude how much you shout. It's not like I'm that far from you and I don't have any hearing problems either." The huge headed gamma mutate said with a smile that stayed on his face even as Hulk threw the piece of wall that was still in his hand at Sterns' face, instead the piece of rubble impacted an invisible forcefield and just fell down. "That was quite rude too but not exactly anything that I didn't expect of a mindless brute like you."

"STERNS!" But Hulk cared little for the man's words. Instead the green goliath leaped at the bastard who had kidnapped the only family he had left and started to rain down hits on the barrier around him.

"Did you not think for a moment that it was strange that I had Ironclad fight you instead of any of the other U-Foes? Their abilities are far better going against a brute like you after all, yet I choose the one member who had no way of dealing with your hits." Sterns said with a laugh, seemingly uncaring about the small amount of cracks that started to appear around his forcefield. "It's simple really, I just wanted you to get angry while also being the first one to appear here. All the anger you had crashing the walls and poor Ironclad already gave me what I really wanted after all." And then a green glow took Hulk's attention away and his eyes widened as he saw that the glow was coming from Jen.

"The angrier you get, the more gamma that you generate. Throughout the few of our last battles and your little rampage throughout this base, I have finally managed to obtain enough gamma for this." And then her muscles started to bulge, her skin and hair started to turn green and her clothes started to get ripped. "So I have to thank you my dear mindless brute, for this would have been impossible without your generous help." And then she opened her eyes, revealing two glowing green lights, and roared as she ripped the bindings that kept her on the operation table and got up; glaring at Hulk.

"Now then, show us what you can do; my She-Hulk!" And then she leaped at Hulk with a cry of war.


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