
Chapter 37

I was starting to think that Sterns either had a true master plan in his head or no plan at all.

"RAAGH!" Cause I couldn't think of any other possibility for wanting Hulk angry and there was no way Sterns was dumb enough to think that showing us that he had Jennifer Walters, cousin of Bruce and one of the few people both personas in his body cared about, in captivity could lead to any other situation.

For a small moment, I thought about trying to calm the green goliath down; I had no idea how to do it but I could probably manage it with promises of bodily harm to Sterns. Then I thought.

'This is fine.'

Seriously, Hulk got stronger the angrier he was and he was probably at the angriest he could be without somebody he cared about getting killed at the moment. Why would I calm him down when I could just unleash him on Stern's plans?

Sure, the egghead likely had some sort of contingency about Hulk's strength in his plan but I was here with the green giant and had never shown the full capacity of my powers. I was pretty sure that I could deal with Sterns if it came down to it, even if I didn't want to experiment how super intelligence would do against telepathy at the moment but worst case scenario; I would burn that bridge when I got to it.

"HULK KILL LEADER!" Not to mention he didn't seem very keen on calming down anytime soon. Oh well, at least he reminded me what Sterns' villain name was and it was just as stupid as I would expect from a villain. Though…

"I probably should stop him from killing the moron." Cause I remembered a very horrifying storyline about gamma mutates being able to come back from death due to being connected to cosmic Satan and today was not going to be the day I checked if that was true for this universe.


I had some good news and bad news.

Bad news was that I had lost Hulk. In my defense, the green giant was very fast when he was motivated and some of the weapons from the defense systems had gotten my interest.

Good news was that I had figured out how to use my shapeshifting powers to turn myself into a bag of holding so all those cold weapons that used to be a part of Leader's defense mechanisms belonged to me now.

Still, leaving the giant rage monster out of my sight likely wasn't a good idea and I couldn't really just look for him telepathically since I wasn't getting anywhere near the disaster that was the mind of Bruce Banner. I could still hear him with my martian hearing but that had gotten old and annoying since it was only sound of metal getting ripped apart and loud screams of rage. And using x-ray vision didn't really help since for some reason there was some amount of lead through the walls. Not sure if that was some sort of coincidence or a normal defense mechanism against those who could see through objects but either option didn't change the fact that I couldn't see through the walls and therefore needed to look for Hulk and slash or Sterns the old fashioned way.

I hated the old fashioned way.

"Are you here?" I asked as I kicked another door down, only to meet with an empty room. Why exactly did a villain like Sterns need so many empty rooms anyway?

The next few minutes went more or less the same way except for one instance where the building shook from what I could only assume to be missiles, or at least something different than Hulk tearing things apart, so it was fair to assume the rest of our team had just came in. Still no signs of Sterns or Hulk though.

Instead I had ended up in rooms with some schematics, another with brains in jars and one with a Dance Dance Revolution installed in. The last actually made me kind of afraid what I would find when I kicked down the next door.

Fortunately(?) for me, I didn't have to kick the door down as it was instead sent flying towards me. Along with a huge beam of purplish pink light that actually somewhat hurt me.

"So you are one of the guys that Leader wants dead." A masculine voice came out of the room and its owner soon followed. Bizarre was the most polite way I could describe the man as he had no mouth, no nose, no pupils and glowed a purplish pink with black dots along his body. The same tone of purplish pink as the ray that had just hit me. "You don't look like much."

"I ain't got time for this." I said with a scoff as I whipped my arm and let it collide with the man as it grew to gigantic proportions.

Or at least that was what it was supposed to happen. Instead my arm went right through the man and I had a small tingly feeling on my arm. Felt kind of like a burnt but also not.

"Then make time, cause X-Ray has business with you!" The newly revealed 'X-Ray' declared as his fists started to glow with the same color as the rest of his body.

"...that's a stupid name." I maturely declared as my form shifted to that of my martian form with my claws and face lit aflame, wondering how exactly I was supposed to deal with an intangible enemy.

The irony of it was not lost on me.


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