
Chapter 6

My reaction was mostly make believe. I wasn't that mad about him trying to peek in my mind, mostly because I had many plans that involved less than moral uses of telepathy in order to further my plans for the future.

But Charles Xavier was supposed to be a good guy who just wanted to help kids, or at least that's how he was trying to portray himself to me. So his little fuck up was a nice little thing that I could use later on.

"I... I apologize. I was just-"

"Shush." I interrupted the baldy with raising my finger to my mouth, like he was some unruly child.

"Your guy kicked my door down and you just tried to mind rape me." I said and continued before the baldy could try to defend himself.

"So I don't like either of you, therefore the beautiful lady will do the talking." I said as I pointed to Ororo who was glaring at the baldy before what I said registered and she looked at me with shock before her expression turned bemused with an arched brow. Me thinks weather goddess not amused.

"While I am flattered, mister Owen, please do try to keep our talks on their course." Storm said with a stoic look, though I would like to think that I could see a small glimmer of amusement in her eyes.

Though it could also be her getting ready to charge some lightning, which would lead to a less than pleasant series of events.

…mostly for me, cause I was pretty sure being a Burning Martian would not make me immune to the lightning bolts from an omega level mutant whose weather manipulation had impressed the fucking god of Thunder.

"Yes, yes of course. But please, tell us the cold hard facts instead of your ideology. Tell us the reason you want us in your school." I said with a smile which was the result of the frown on Xavier's face while Storm simply shrugged.

"Very well then. To be completely honest, our school is also a part of our ideology; which, like all ideologies, has those who oppose it." She said as she put her elbows on the desk.

"This opposition means that in a way, our ideology is almost political. We have to care very much about how the world perceives our race, how we are seen is almost as important as how we are." She explained with a sigh.

"I am guessing this is where your opposition becomes a problem." I said with a raised eyebrow and Storm nodded.

"Yes. Our group, who fights for a world where humans and mutants can coexist, are opposed by two types of radical groups. The groups who want mutant supremacy or the extinction of humans, and the groups who want the extinction of mutants."

"Neither of which has to do anything with us." I said with a smile and Storm shook her head.

"You are not truly correct. The way you think is the kind you could think in an ideal world. Your wishes won't matter to the other groups, they will drag you into the conflict one way or another." At her words, no matter how right they were, I could feel a glare beginning to form on my face.

"And your group is different?" I asked gruffly. I could see that captain cueball wanted to join the conversation, but Storm continued before he could.

"Not as much as I would like. Don't get me wrong, if you don't want to fight; we will do our utmost to make sure you won't have to. But I also know that no one can know what the future will bring." She said with a sad smile on her face and I could feel the small amount of anger I had dissipating. Her honesty was rather appreciated. I was expecting her to act like she could actually make such promises, heroes tended to do so without thinking. Her actually accepting the sad truth, which seemed to make captain wheels beside her uncomfortable, was a nice surprise.

Honestly, making her do all of this even though I had already decided to go was kinda scummy wasn't it. Not that I really cared.

"Well, thanks for not trying to lie." I said with a smile and Storm responded with one of her own.

"I believe it was you who wanted the 'cold hard facts'." Heh, she was fun. Even Wolverine seemed to think so, going by his smile.

"Ok, then I guess..." Before I could properly said what I wanted, the whole house started to shake. Laura already had her claws out and was glaring at everywhere but especially towards the X-Men while Xavier simply put a hand on his forehead and groaned.

"That drama queen."


Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, once known as Max Eisenhardt and now as Magneto, glared down from his metal platform as he used powers of the magnetic forces in order to raise the house of the young mutant he had located. The young mutant who was in contact with his old friend Charles and more than likely being fed about lies of equality between Homo sapiens and Homo superiors. Ridiculous.

It was such a shame that his old friend was so naive and affectionate, it made him unwilling to understand that humanity was a thing of the past.

Their hatred, their wars, their atrocities; all of those were the past.

Mutants were the future, the ones who will inherit the world. What Charles and his X-Men did was to try to go against the nature of evolution itself after it had happened. The Homo sapiens had replaced Homo neanderthalensis in the past, now it was their turn to be replaced by the Homo superior.

With those thoughts hardening his resolve, Magneto spread his arms and with the use of his power, so did the ceiling of the house he had pulled from the ground.

"It has been a while, Charles my old friend." Magneto said with his voice magnified by the use of his powers, a rather mundane use that he was quite fond of. But before his old friend could reply with one of his ridiculous peace speeches, the one he assumed to be the mutant he had came looking for started to levitate from the ground and approach him.

As he was approaching him, Magneto realized that somehow the young mutant was also growing. The already impressive stature he had became ridiculous and when he finally was in front of Magneto, he looked about as tall as three men standing on each other.

"You." He said, his voice like an echo in a cave, as he pointed at Magneto; his hands big enough to crush a man's skull like an egg, before he pointed down at the house.

"Are you gonna pay for that?" For the first time in many years, Magneto was speechless.

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