
Chapter 05: The Journey Home

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

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Betad by morde24 & OoalGown

Note from OoalGown and morde24: We have something we want to talk to you about. STOP COMMENTING ABOUT CHAPTER UPDATES. Shiro works super hard to get these great chapters out for you guys, but I keep seeing people commenting and asking why the next one isn't out yet. Don't. Commenting things like that doesn't help, it just makes it harder. Thank you.

The Guild of Gamers: The Vampire

Chapter 05: The Journey Home

Zyn was nice enough to leave some loot, probably to make it seem like he left in a hurry, but I appreciate it all the same.

It's not a quest if you don't get loot at the end, and a sobbing teenage girl isn't the kind of treasure I want.

She's in his bed at the moment, passed out after a long crying session, and I need to wake up the other woman. I moved the goblin down to the arena and cut him up a bit to hide the bite marks.

Some of the loot Zyn has left is… questionable to be sure, and as I hold up the revealing purple silk robe I have to wonder where he got it from.

There was a coin purse with a few hundred septims in it and a few potions (none of which were labelled), but that's the boring loot.

Finding a backpack lying on the floor near the bed, I open it up and feel somewhat cheated when I turn it over and nothing falls out of it, and that lasts until I look inside and pause in confusion.

…why does it look bigger on the inside?

Testing it out by moving some unimportant things from my regular backpack, I watch as I feed more and more stuff into it without it coming close to being filled.

The entire contents of my formerly packed backpack fits inside it easily, as does the backpack itself and as I lift it, my eyebrows raise at how light it feels.

It's not a bag of holding, at least I don't think it is, but it seems to have a similar effect and I'll take it.

Moving back to my ransacking of his bedroom, I pause as I pick up something out of his drawers.

Looking at the black leather choker with a leash attached, I blink momentarily before I calmly put it in my new backpack.

Opening another drawer, I pause as I spot a note written in a rather fancy handwriting.

A Wizard with no Arcane Focus is a sad thing indeed - Z

Under the note sits a small black ring, with a purple gem embedded into it and as I pick it up, I can feel my magic hum in approval.

Slipping it on my finger, I smile slightly at the gleam of the gem before it darkens, awaiting my magical command.

The note flares up and burns with an eerie blue flame, not even dust remaining behind, someone likes covering his tracks.

There's a second ring, but while I can feel the magic in it, I don't know what it does so it goes into the backpack wrapped in some cloth until I can identify it myself or find someone who can do it for me.

He took basically everything else, so picking up the girl in a Princess carry I head towards the entrance to the cave, placing my cloak down on the floor and laying her on it as my familiar flies over and lands on a tree nearby.

I've barely even turned and started to walk back into the cave to get the second sleeping beauty before I have to pause, turning back around just in time to see the Direwolf from before lurking over Dorthe.

Seeing me staring it down, it pauses and looks up at me in confusion.

"Are- are you just following me around and eating what I kill?" I ask in disbelief, the massive wolf tilting its head at me as it pants before it leans back down and starts to open its massive maw. "Oi, she's not food!" I shout as I rush over.

I didn't do all this for some lazy giant of a wolf to decide she'd make a good snack.

Looking back up at my shout, it growls slightly as I pause.

"Come with me, there's food this way." I coax, making it pause before it sniffs at her again before walking over her towards me.

Leading it into the cave, it doesn't even bother waiting for me as it pauses, sniffing the air and happily rushing past me towards the arena, the sounds of bones crunching and flesh tearing immediately coming from that cavern as I sigh.

How did I manage to pick up such a lazy glutton of a wolf? Is this why they say not to feed strays?

Well, there's more than enough corpses to keep him satisfied, so I don't mind using it as a walking corpse disposal method.

A part of me wonders how smart Direwolves really are, because there's definitely a keen mind behind those bright yellow eyes and I'm almost certain it can at least understand my meaning if not my words.

Heading back to the cell I found Salonia in, that's what her husband called her anyway, I do vaguely remember who these two are.

They're travelling nobles who act really pompous and insulting, and you can rob them for their gemstones if you kill their guard.

Looks like they got a little worse than robbed this time, and as I unlock her manacles I consider what the hell I'm going to do with her.

I doubt she has anything to pay me with, and once the trauma has worn off she'll probably be unbearable to deal with.

Well, I could maybe let Direwolf have his way with her if she becomes too annoying. I only need Dorthe but feeding annoying people to a giant wolf isn't exactly the most heroic of actions.

Reluctantly picking her up, I carry her out of the cave as well. It's not even the goblin semen that's coating her naked and battered body that's putting me off, I just don't want to help her.

But I need to be a perfect little hero for this little game of ours to work, and saving a noble has to be worth something in the grand scheme of things.

And if it isn't? Well, she's cute at least and I'll get my payment for my heroic deeds one way or the other.

Laying her down on the grass, I look over her admittedly impressive body, her breasts are small but very perky and her ass is certainly something to be admired

I'm not sure if the deep bite marks on her breasts and the whip or crop marks on her back and ass damage the look or just improve it, maybe the goblins put a dent in that pompous attitude, and if they didn't maybe I can.

It wouldn't be my first time dealing with a bitchy girl who thinks she's better than me because of her family's money. They always seem so surprised when they realise that the quiet goth girl is richer than all their families combined.

My family was the textbook definition of old money, even though I didn't really act the part, it's the only reason I avoided going to a real prison.

That plus my parents didn't want the police looking too closely at our family, so my father made sure the investigation died quickly.

Going through my backpack, I pull out some parchment, a quill and a small bottle of ink and start to write. I got here incredibly fast, but with these two I'll have to go at a much more sedate pace and it might take more than a day to get back.

Thankfully the trees are thick, and sunlight doesn't reach the forest floor so that shouldn't be a problem at least.

Whistling, my owl familiar responds to my call and flies down to land on my arm, taking the rolled up parchment in its talon and setting off into the night sky.

The find familiar spell has quite a bit more range in the real world, and while if she's too far away I can't see through her eyes our connection won't break even if I send her all the way to Solitude.

Some familiars have been used to deliver messages to other provinces, as the more talented the spellcaster the more effective and powerful the spell becomes.

A true master of Conjuration could see through their familiar's eyes even if they were in another province entirely, but I'm no master.

Athena will find Alvor or Sigrid and deliver my message, she has my knowledge of their home and their appearances, along with the direction to Riverwood.

I want to change the locals' opinions of magic, because if everyone looks down at me for using my best public asset then it'll make my own job much harder. It starts with small things like this, a magical owl delivering good tidings.

As the direwolf trots out of the cave, blood covering its fur and snout, it gives me a rather satisfied look as it simply walks over and stares at me, curiosity and intelligence behind its bestial gaze.

"Can you understand me?" I ask, testing the waters as it snorts, it's face almost uncomfortably close to mine as I feel it's hot breath caress my face.

Reaching out, I prepare myself to switch gears and attack even as I place my hand on its matted fur, stroking it gently as it pants slightly.

I'm still not convinced it really understands me, but it doesn't react negatively to my petting, and as I move back it simply lays down lazily, it's gaze still watching me as I move back to the two sleeping beauties.

Choosing to wake up the adult first, I shake her gently as I watch her slowly start to wake, before realisation sets in and she shoots up looking around in panic.

"It's okay, the goblins are dead and their leader is gone," I say calmly, stopping her as she goes to rise, the panic on her face only starting to fade as she realises she's out of the cave.

"I-I'm out? They're gone?" she asks desperately, her eyes flickering towards the lumbering glutton.

"Don't worry about the wolf, it's friendly and it's eaten plenty thanks to the goblins." I say soothingly, watching as she rises to her feet.

Looking at me for a moment, she glances down at her body, dried cum sticking to her body, especially around her face, breasts and inner thighs making her shudder in revulsion.

"W-who are you? Where am I?" she asks, making me smile.

"I am Raven Nyttya, a Breton Wizard and an Adventurer. You're in a forest near the village of Riverwood, in the Hold of Whiterun," I say calmly. "I was hired to find Dorthe, and in the process killed the goblins that had captured you, though I'm sorry to say I believe I found your husband's corpse further in." I say, my tone forlorn as she scoffs.

"Good, the bastard deserves it," Salonia scoffs, making me blink. "When we were captured, he tried to threaten their leader with his family name, when that didn't work he resorted to bribery. The gifts we had brought with us weren't enough, so he bartered me for his own freedom. That dark skinned elf accepted and gave me to those filthy creatures."

"The elf was a Drow, and a follower of Mephala, lies and betrayal are second nature to them. He escaped while I fought his goblins, I suppose he decided to cut his losses," I lie, watching her shudder again as she spits on the ground, a look of disgust on her face. "There is a river not far from here, it's not perfect but I have some soap and a change of clothes in my pack." I offer.

"Bathing in the wilds like some wood elf, I hate this province. We should never have left Bruma." she grumbles. "I suppose introductions are in order, I am Salonia Carvain, daughter-in-law to the Count of Bruma, or at least I was before I was widowed." Salonia trails off, a look of realisation and worry on her face. "You have my thanks, Raven, and I accept your offer. I dislike the idea of bathing in the wilderness, but it's an improvement over the option of keeping this foul seed on my body. Do you have any water? Their taste lingers." Salonia says in disgust, practically snatching the waterskin as I pull it out, chugging from it and draining it almost immediately.

I have two more, and I don't actually need to drink, but she's still going to be a pain in the ass.

Dorthe seems mentally exhausted since while she isn't under a sleep spell anymore, she's completely out of it. I'm actually impressed at Salonia's mental strength, even if I think she's going to be trouble.

Lifting Dorthe up, I turn to Salonia.

"This way, it's not far. You'll be able to get cleaned up." I say, making her pause as she stares at me.

"You want me to walk through the woods, naked?" Salonia asks, making me nod immediately.

"If you get dressed, any clothes you put on will be stained by goblin semen, and it's going to be a long walk to civilization. Would you rather get dressed now and spend the next day or two in goblin cum stained clothes?" I ask bluntly, making her scowl even as she starts to follow me, limping in pain.

The glutton follows behind us as well, probably waiting to see if I kill Salonia as well.

I can already hear the sounds of running water, but I can also hear the whines or Salonia.

Reaching the stream after barely twenty minutes of walking at my best guess, I place down Dorthe again, and despite having to carry her she's definitely my favourite so far.

"Ugh, you could have at least given me some shoes." Salonia whines as she heads towards the water, dipping her toe into it before reluctantly lowering herself into the water.

"I don't have any spare, just my boots." I say calmly.

Slaughterfish, I know we've had our differences but I offer you this whiny bitch as a tribute so there can be peace between us.

"Don't just stand there gawking, hand me the soap." Salonia demands as I take a deep breath and go into my backpack.

Soap is pretty expensive here, or at least Lucan charges a fair amount for it, and as she takes it from my hand I remind myself that this is for the best. The long term gain is better than the short term enjoyment I'd get out of draining her dry.


My temper has always been my foil, no one is better at countering my plans than myself. I'm impulsive, quick to anger, and prone to arrogance, and I know it.

I need to control myself, I have to, and my patience will reward me.

Moving over to Dorthe, I gently shake her awake and watch as she slowly returns to the land of the waking, blinking cutely at me before she shoots up.

"Easy, there's no rush. We're out of the cave, the goblins are gone." I say with a smile, stroking her hair as I hug her again. "We're heading back to Riverwood now, I've sent my owl to tell your parents you're safe."

She's silent for a moment, just returning the hug before she looks up at me with a slight smile.

"Thank you…" Dorthe says quietly, shy as she lets go and takes a step back, blushing at her nudity.

"I'm afraid I don't have anything your size, and the goblins shredded what you were wearing before." I say apologetically, making her nod softly as I pull out a linen top I got from Camilla. "It'll be big on you, but it will give you some modesty at least."

Taking it, she smiles up at me with an expression I can only describe as awe and admiration, as she should.

"Do you want to take a bath in the river as well?" I ask, making her pause before she puts it on.

"Y-yes please." Dorthe agrees, handing back the shirt as she enters the water with far less concern than Salonia, she is a Nord after all, the cold won't bother her.

Waiting against a tree as they bathe, I spend my time reading up on my new spells, stroking my finger over my arcane focus.

The ability to skip components is a powerful gift, it's a shame I'm almost certain Zyn will betray me if I don't kill him first. We'll use each other in this little game of ours, and the winner will take it all in the end.

Mage Armour should be useful, if only to help hide my vampiric nature since I don't want to reveal my fast regenerative abilities if I don't have to.

As for Magic Missle, well it's just nice to have some ranged options since I don't have a bow, nor do I know how to use one.

I knew how to use a hunting rifle before, and I played with a crossbow at a range once. I never used a real bow, but I've been thinking.

I want to remake my original Skyrim build, back before mods were a thing and the game had just released.

I went into the game wanting to be an all powerful Mage, not knowing how terrible magic was in the base game.

Needless to say, when I became Archmage and levelled enough to realise how useless magic was in the late game, I was pissed and had to adapt, as I was too stubborn to stop playing on the highest difficulty.

So I switched to a different build, using light armour and stealth, putting my magical talents to use in a different way, illusions to help me complete the thieves guild despite my low stealth skills and conjuration to distract enemies by dropping Storm Atronachs to cover my retreat should things go wrong.

I also learnt the way of the bow and the dagger from the Dark Brotherhood, my dagger in one hand and a spell in the other, with alchemy, smithing and enchantment making sure I had the greatest gear possible.

It was a highly effective build, invisibility spells and dagger backstabs taking out enemies that could have crushed me in a real fight.

Then I got too powerful and things got boring because I could walk up to people and stab them in the face and they wouldn't even notice.

Eventually I perfected the build with the help of mods, both making the game more balanced and more difficult so I could enjoy the challenge.

A master of all the skills of the rogue and the mage, with quite a few of the warrior skills as well.

The only things I didn't use were two handed weapons, heavy armour and block. Everything else I used to their fullest potential.

So, I want the same build. A master of many arts, dealing out death with bow, blade, and spell.

Which raises a question, how in Oblivion do you start learning how to use different weapons? In game you just pick one up and start swinging, but I doubt that would work.

I like my dagger, but I don't really know how to use it since I'm just abusing my speed and strength to make up for my lack of talent.

My victims tended to be drugged and tied up before the knives came out, and even then I fucked up on occasion.

So perhaps I need to look into a trainer? Faendal is an archery tutor in the game, maybe I can talk him into some lessons.

As Dorthe leaves the river, I pass her a towel from my pack. It's not as comfortable as modern ones, but it does the job and she doesn't complain as she quickly dries herself off, freezing in place as she finally notices the surprisingly stealthy direwolf lurking in the trees while she pulls the shirt back over her head, it stops just below her ass, it technically covers everything but if she walks it'll probably rise up and give people a show.

"Don't worry, he's a friend, of sorts," I reassure her, her eyes wide as the massive wolf stares at her with a bored gaze.

"You have a dire wolf as a pet?" Dorthe asks, awe in her tone as I laugh.

"Not quite, it's not a pet but he's friendly enough for now, at least while he's well-fed on goblin meat." I say, giving the wolf a warning look, getting a huff in acknowledgment.

Dorthe isn't food, it understands that at least.

Slowly approaching it, Dorthe reminds me that she got into this mess by being reckless as she slowly walks towards it and reaches out.

She's not completely reckless as she inches closer, waiting for him to growl and warn her off, but the lazy wolf just sits there as she finally touches its fur, gently stroking his long black fur with wide eyes.

As this is happening, Salonia finally gets out and despite my disappointment at the lack of Slaughterfish bites, I do take a bit of pleasure in giving her Dorthe's used towel.

"Sorry, I only have one." I say apologetically, watching her face fall into a scowl before she snatches it away, grumbling as she tries to dry off as much as possible with the wet towel.

I absolutely have a spare towel, but frankly fuck her.

"How far away is this village?" Salonia asks as I pull out some of my clothes for her, making me shrug.

"For me, it took me a few hours to reach the cave but I was moving fast and light, I figure with you and Dorthe it'll be a full day's journey, and we'll have to camp out for tonight, I have a small personal tent and a single bedroll so it's going to be an unpleasant night." I say making her scoff again.

"I spent every night for the past who knows how long on my knees on a cold stone floor, bound in chains, if I was lucky. Don't talk to me about 'unpleasant'." Salonia grumbles, taking my clothes and dressing herself. "I just want to get out of here, and to some semblance of civilization, or whatever passes for it in Skyrim."

"That shouldn't be a problem, some goblins probably survived and fled but they're cowards at heart, with their tribe broken they'll run until something kills them or someone takes over and forms a new tribe, there aren't many bandits in this part of the woods since they didn't want to be easy pickings for goblins and most of the animals won't risk going near a direwolf." I say confidently, Zyn had a book on goblins and their nature, which I read while these two were sleeping. "Dorthe, we're heading back to Riverwood now, you as well I suppose." I say to the direwolf as it rises, huffing.

It's almost daylight, but the trees get so thick this far into the forest that I can move without worry, it's when we get closer to Riverwood that things become a bit of a problem.

But I can work with it, if nothing else I can just set a slow enough pace that we arrive at nightfall which shouldn't be hard.

The next couple of hours pass with no issue aside from Salonia's grumbling, which I do understand since she has no shoes or boots and there is no path where we are going.

"I know it's not been long, but I think we should set up camp now, I didn't sleep at all on the journey here because I wanted to get to you as fast as possible." I say as we move through the forest, stopping under the cover of a large tree, placing my backpack down.

The 'tent' I have is little more than a thick hide cover that can be propped up, but it provides a modicum of cover from the elements and it's the only kind I could realistically carry since I can explain away a certain amount of strength, but not that much.

"If it means we don't have to keep wandering through the night, I'll take it. I have no idea how you can see where you're going." Salonia complains, making me pause.

Oh shit, it's pitch black and I didn't notice because I can see in the dark.

"Oops, I cast Darkvision on myself before I entered the cave, I forgot how dark it must be for you two. You should have said something, I'd have pulled out a torch." I say apologetically.

"Hm, I suppose moving in the dark at least means we don't attract any unwanted attention, so your mistake has its advantages." Salonia says after a moment, watching me set up the 'tent' and unroll the bedroom beneath it.

"You two can share the bedroll, I'll sleep against the tree. I have very good senses so I'll wake up if anything approaches, and I don't want to have to pull myself out of bedroll to defend us." I reason as I sit against the trunk of the tree, my backpack resting by me.

"A-are you sure?" Dorthe asks, even as Salonia is already getting into the bed.

Giving her a smile, I nod at her as the direwolf comes and lays down next to me, watching her climb in and go to sleep.

She moves around a lot in her sleep, and delving into her dreams I see nightmares about what could have been if I hadn't arrived, a caricature of a ritual, defilement by hordes of goblins, and with a wave of my hand I change everything.

The cave is replaced with a flowery field, a copy of myself hugging the crying girl and soothing her.

"It's okay, I'll keep you safe, you can trust me." I whisper into her mind as she settles down, dreams of carefree adventure by my side filling her mind.

Salonia is dreaming of her noble life, parties, wealth and comfort, and with another wave of my hands I change things again.

The nobles she was mingling with whisper to themselves, mocking looks and laughter following her as she hears the whispers of 'goblin whore' and other crude insults, the candles blowing out leaving her in a circle of mocking nobles, people she sees as friends and allies taunting her.

As she tries to block out the insults, they rush her and chain her up, leading in a goblin in chains and pushing it towards her as she screams and struggles, her fancy clothes being torn away by the small creature.

Try making me listen to your whining now.

Just before it can penetrate her, an arrow kills it, and as she looks up she spots me, radiating light with a heroic grin on my face, and then the scene resets and plays all over again.

Leaving her mind, I chuckle to myself, settling down myself as I close my eyes. I don't need to sleep but I want to enter my mind palace to check something.

I felt something unlock with myself earlier, and it's not my spells which even now have been added to the magic orb.

Above my succubus orb, a new skill sits proudly, and I have no idea what I did to unlock it.

Succubus Physiology - Rank 1

As a partial succubus you usually have complete control over your fertility, to prevent unwanted pregnancies during your dalliances, however due to your demonic nature, might makes right and if beaten you will subconsciously become incredibly fertile and give off an aura that encourages the victor to breed you, regardless of whether it sees you as a potential partner or not. This is the last gasp of the succubi, attempting to remain alive by trying to make their opponents decide to mate with them instead of finishing them off. Succubi are capable of breeding with every race that possesses a biological reproductive system, and some that don't.

Before, it just mentioned the ability to manipulate the tantric energies created during sex to either empower my partner or drain them, but that's been moved down to Succubi skills instead.

So, if I lose… whatever beats me will try to breed me?

I'm happy to know I have control of my fertility, I have no interest in spending nine months carrying some parasite, but the fact that anything could impregnate me is worrying. What did I even do to unlock this, the only time I used my succubus abilities was during the goblin 'fight'.

'You acted like a succubus, using seduction to make them do your bidding, knowingly or not, that was enough to push you to rank 1.' Kumi's voice replied in my head, making me blink. 'And there's a reason it's not called a strength or a weakness. Succubi have powerful strengths, and deadly weaknesses and the more you embrace those powers the more of them you will unlock. Something to consider, as Vampires and Succubi share some weaknesses which would give you a hyper-weakness to certain things.'

I'm not going to ignore an entire branch of my powers, weaknesses or not.

'That is your decision, the consequences and benefits will be yours as well. The guild is merely here to grant you these opportunities, what you do with them is up to you.'

Thanking Kumi, I quickly check over my skills one last time and leave my mind palace, opening my eyes to see the Dire Wolf staring right at me, standing upright.

Giving it a questioning look, it nods its head in a gesture to follow, and turns away, walking away from the camp.

With both of them asleep, I decide it's safe enough to move away, since with my enhanced senses I should hear if there are any problems.

Stopping in a fairly open clearing, the wolf turns and looks at me, before lowering itself slightly and growling.

Pausing myself, I give it a questioning stare making it growl louder, the only warning I have before it charges me with surprising speed, lunging at me.

I should have been able to dodge easily, but I let my guard down around the big lazy furball and react too slowly as it pounces and knocks me down, towering over me, growling, it's fangs inches from my face, drool dripping onto me.

I have no idea what's going on, but I'm not going to take this and I'm still incredibly strong and with a grunt of effort, throw the beast off me and into a nearby tree, picking myself up and glaring at it.

It looks almost satisfied as it lowers itself again, growling as it circles me.

"Fine, if that's what you want." I growl back, my claws growing into long fangs, making it pause before it growls again and charges.

It's definitely smart, because as I go to dodge its pounce, I realise I've been had as it fakes pouncing, stopping short and slashing at me with its claws, a yelp of pain shooting through me as the long, sharp claws practically shred my top and leave three bleeding claw marks across my chest.

Not willing to let it get away with its sudden disobedience, I lunge myself, ignoring the pain as I slash at its side with my own claws, cutting into the thick hide as it lets out a quiet howl, biting at me in return.

Neither of us are even trying to avoid the attacks of the others at this point, and as it bites down on my shoulder, a whimper of pain leaving me as dagger sized fangs pierce my flesh, I repeatedly slash at its sides, before I grab it's jaw and forcibly yank it open, kicking the beast back.

Both of us are bleeding now, quite heavily at that, but as we stare each other down, it growls again and ignoring its injuries and starts to charge.

Unwilling to back down, I charge to meet it and find that I have underestimated its strength, or at least it's bulk, because while I'm very strong for my size, so is the dire wolf and as we collide I'm the one who gives ground first, knocked to the ground as the wolf immediately puts its fangs ot my exposed throat, not quite piercing the soft flesh as it stares at me warningly.

It wants me to give in, not to kill me, and as I stare back I realise something.

He, not it, judging from what I can feel pressing against me.

But I don't like losing, and even knowing that the response will be excruciatingly painful, I stab into its flesh with my claws and make it howl even as it bites down, tearing at my throat.

But I don't need a throat, I can't be killed by mortal wounds and as I stab into its flesh again, I can see the confusion in his eyes, before he is forced to let go and back away, panting in pain and disbelief as I rise up, my throat healing slowly.

"It'll take a little more than that." I taunt, I don't know if he understands my words but he definitely understands the meaning and with so many cuts and stabs he can't react fast enough as I charge him, this time he's the one sent back, landing on his back as I pounce on top of him and return the favour, biting down on his furred neck and drinking deep.

He doesn't even resist, realising he's lost, but I don't drain him and after I've drunk my fill of the massive beast, I pull back and stare down at him as he rolls onto his front, whimpering in pain.

I think he's going to die, some of my wounds went deep, but I can feel something new within me.

Raising my claws to my own wrist, I slash and cut deep, stopping my own regeneration as I force my wrist against its snout, my blood gushing into its mouth as it starts to lap at the wound.

It's own wounds start to heal and his yellow eyes slowly change to a deep red before they flicker back to their usual yellow, and before long he rises to his feet, his many wounds healed and smiling I let my own wound heal, staring him down.

It's a tense moment before he bows his head, and it clicks.

We just settled which of us was the alpha of our little pack, and the respect and submission in his gaze tells me that he has accepted me as his leader.

Inside me, two new skills have awakened.

The Vampiric skill Create Ghoul and Protean skill Wolf Form.

"Don't try that again." I growl, a bestial tinge to my tone as he nods submissively.

Heading back to the camp, I'm glad we went a fair distance away as our two travelling companions remain asleep, our scuffle unnoticed as I grab my spellbook.

Mending, a transmutation cantrip. Suddenly I understood why Zyn thought I might need it as I spent a good half an hour repairing my damaged clothes. Thankfully I wear a cloak over my clothes so the new bloodstains shouldn't be noticeable.

As I go to sit down against the tree again, my new wolf moves between us, laying down in a way that makes it clear there's a spot for me.

He's more comfortable than the tree, and as I cuddle against him, his massive tail covers me like a blanket, letting us both settle down and get some rest.

Waking up to him nudging me, I get up with a yawn and look around, the sunlight is peeking through the trees, but only in thin slivers that pose no real threat to me, and waking the other two up, I wake them up and pack up camp.

The journey is uneventful, it's like the forest knows the threat my wolf and I possess and takes pains to avoid us, with limited success as we stop to eat the dried rations I brought, the direwolf that I really need to name shooting into the trees with immense speed, a yelp of some creature echoing through the forest, before it happily trots back, easily carrying a large elk in his maw.

Salonia pales as he tears into its flesh, but Dorthe just seems impressed by his speed and strength, unconcerned by the savagery on display.

"How did you convince such a beast to obey you?" Salonia asks, her face pale as she carefully keeps her back to the show.

"I fed him, then I beat him in a fight," I admit, making her eyes widen as she glances back at the horse sized wolf. "It wasn't easy, but I think it's worth it. Animals are simpler than humans, he sees me as his alpha and he won't betray me unless I betray him first, or mistreat him."

She goes quiet at that, glancing back at the feasting beast with a pale face.

As we finish up, Dorthe approaches him again, waiting for him to finish eating first, stroking his fur again, and after a moment, he calmly bites her shirt, lifting her up and moving her knot her back, it seems like a kind gesture as we set off, but I can see the enjoyment in his eyes as she fusses over him and strokes his fur while we move, giggling to herself happily.

Looking back at me, I give her a nod and a wave making her beam at me. Salonia seems jealous, but she's also clearly scared of him and says nothing.

Those two go on ahead, the wolf settings his own pace and occasionally wandering off to follow an interesting scent, but he never wanders too far leaving me and Salonia to walk together, I can tell she wants to talk to me but she remains silent, uncharacteristically silent as we travel through the forest.

The daylight makes it brighter, but the thick trees block most of it, still leaving it dark. That said it's at least bright enough for the others to be able to see.

Salonia doesn't even complain during the many hours of walking, lost in her thoughts, but she's not made for this kind of travelling and it wears on her, which works perfectly for me as I stop us to set up camp again.

If I time this right, we'll arrive in Riverwood after sunset, which is perfect for me. I can sense my familiar sitting on the top of a bookcase in Alvor's house, and while it's blurry from this distance I can see through its eyes.

Sigrid has a certain pep to her walk, no longer slouched and beaten as she hums to herself, jumping in surprise as my owl suddenly flies out of the open door and perches atop one of the buildings, looking around the village.

Alvor looks happy as well, his gaze constantly flickering towards the village gate as he works the forge, and breaking the connection I smile to myself.

I'm pretty good at this whole hero business.

"Take a break, Salonia, you need it." I say, making her let out a sigh of relief even as she scowls slightly.

"You've travelled the same distance and you don't seem to need any rest. Why would I?" Salonia asks, stubbornness taking root.

"Because you're a pampered noblewoman and I'm a ranger, now stop being stubborn and sleep, woman," I deadpan, making her flush as she grumbles to herself.

Dorthe and the wolf are too busy chasing a rabbit, I don't think he even wants to eat it as I roll my eyes, taking a seat on a nearby log, opening my spellbook and reading over my spells again.

They return shortly afterwards, and Dorthe takes a nap in my spot as the wolf shrugs and lays down itself.

My studies are interrupted as a soft voice calls out, right behind me, making me jump as I spin around.

"Good book?" the melodious voice asks.

I don't hear them approach, and reaching for my dagger I stop as I spot her giggling at my surprise.

The long luscious brown hair and pointed ears would attract some attention, if it wasn't for the curled brown horns and furred legs ending in hooves.

A Satyr? Here?

She's wearing a small leather skirt covering her privates, but nothing to conceal her large breasts as she grins at me.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist," she giggles as she approaches me. "You looked so cute, all focused. Did you know your nose scrunches up when you read?"

"Can I help you?" I ask, relaxing slightly as she giggles again.

"Nope, quite the opposite. You've attracted quite a lot of attention, little succubi, or are you a vampire? It's hard to tell, at times I'd even say you're a fey like me. My boss got a tip about you from a friend, and he sent me to give you an invitation and an offer," she says easily, dammit so much for keeping things under wraps. "Don't worry, mortals probably won't notice, they're oblivious like that, I'm Cira by the way!" Cira introduces herself happily, utterly carefree.

"Who is your boss, and what do they want with me?" I ask, making her giggle.

"Sanguine, of course! I suppose a lot of my kind serve the Fey Queen instead, but most of us live in the Myriad Realms, and the invitation is simple! My Lord, the Prince of Debauchery, invites you to a party he's throwing, to help you embrace your true nature, whatever that may be! I hope you'll come join the fun!" Cira offers as my eyes widen in shock.

"When is this party? I ask, making her giggle again. "And where?"

"Well, it started about three hundred years ago, but we've barely got through the start yet, so you'll just be fashionably late, as for where… I already marked the entrance on your map." Cira says proudly.

…my map is in my bag, at my feet, but as I pull it out, I spot the purple circle with 'fun times here' written above it with an arrow and little hearts surrounding it.

"And if I don't want to attend?" I ask, making her pout.

"Well, if you hate fun I guess just don't show up? It's not like it's mandatory, mandatory parties are never fun. Don't worry, Lord Sanguine won't mind, honestly he'll probably forget or get distracted, but I hope you attend, you look like you'll be a lot of fun. I've slept with mortals, vampires, fey and succubi, but I don't think I've ever done all four at once. I can introduce you to all my friends, they'll love you. You can bring a plus one if you want, or a plus fifty for all we care, there's enough food and drink for an army, and parties are better the bigger they get." Cira giggles, before pausing. "Oh right! The offer. My Lord's friend wanted me to give you a chance to use this." Cira says as she pulls out a small deck of cards.

"A deck?" I ask, looking at it as she offers it forwards.

"Yup! They said, and I quote, 'to give you a chance to see if the cards favoured you'. All you have to do is draw, every card does something different, good or bad. It's chaos in a deck, a good card could set you up for life and a bad card could be your end. So, wanna draw?" Cira asks, making me freeze. "Just decide how many cards you want and draw away!"

Is this a fucking Deck of Many Things?

"Who is this friend?" I ask as I stare down at the deck.

"Lady Sheo, you'd love her! She has this thing she can do with her tongue that drives a girl mad, literally, and she always brings the golden girls and their dark counterparts to the party when she visits," Cira says innocently.

So that's two Daedric Princes, maybe Meridia wants to drop her beacon on my head and shout at me to make this night complete.

"Don't worry, it's optional as well, Lady Sheo just likes causing a little chaos. It's up to you, cutie." Cira reassured me, as I wonder if I have the Daedric Princes watching me right now.

Also, Lady Sheo?

Well, if I do have them watching me, I don't want to look like a coward, and I didn't get here by hesitating at the first sign of danger. Watch carefully, mad god.

Reaching forwards, I take the top three cards as Cira smiles, the deck vanishing as she claps happily.

"Ooh, what did you get?!"

Turning over the first card, I stare down at the image of a cloaked figure holding a dagger, the word Rogue written under it.

"Ooh, the Rogue! Someone, somewhere, really hates you. They don't even know why, and you don't even know who they are. That's a fun one, what's life without a little danger?" Cira says as I watch the card disappear.

The next card has the image of a royal throne on it, making Cira clap as I read the word Throne, the card vanishing and a deed appearing in its place.

"That's a good one! Congratulations, you're a homeowner! Of course your new keep is full of monsters but once you clear it out, it's legally yours, even the mortal rulers will agree that it definitely belongs to you. Plus, that tongue of yours just became a bit more talented, wanna test it out? I've been told I have a silver tongue myself." Cira flirts, making me giggle slightly.

The final card makes me pause, a grinning woman with white hair and yellow cat-like eyes staring up at me, winking as the card vanishes, the word 'Madness' written across the bottom.

"Umm, I have no idea what that one does." Cira admits as she looks around, I do the same as we both share a moment of unease.

That was Sheogorath's face, wasn't it?

"Well, do you feel the same?" Cira asks as I nod. "Well, it definitely did something, I'm sure it'll be fine! Probably!"

"Probably? I suppose it's too late to worry about it now." I agree, shaking off the unease.

That was probably a mistake, but what can I do about it now?

"So, what happens now?" I ask, making Cira grin.

"I have a party to get back to, and you have a girl to deliver to her parents, but just remember, there's a party going on without its guest of honour, I hope you join us! But for now~" Cira trails off as she leans forwards and kisses me, her tongue slipping into my mouth.

She tastes of cinnamon, and she smells of herbs and flowers, her hands roaming my body immediately as my own hands return the favour, slipping under her skirt and groping her soft ass.

Her goat legs stop at the upper thigh, so her ass is all human and as her hand slips up my top I moan into her mouth, making her grin as she pulls back. "Sorry, I wanted a taste before the main course, I've always been impatient like that, but I really have to go," Cira says apologetically, pulling away as I pout.


"Nope, teases aren't willing to follow through and I'm very willing, that's just a promise for later, and a taste of things to come. You know where I'll be, if you want more," she says with a teasing wave as silver mist surrounds her, engulfing her before it fades, leaving me alone, and horny.

If she is bait, she's damn fine bait.

In my past life, I'd have become a Daedra worshipper in a second, and I haven't changed that much.

Besides, it sounds like one hell of a party.

Bonus Scene - Yennefer

Skyrim wasn't exactly her first choice of holiday destinations, and it had nothing to do with the freezing cold and hostile creatures.

Both of those could be dealt with the same way, with the powerful magic she possessed.

Even the war didn't bother her.

No, her problem was the fact that the people of Skyrim hated magic, with good reason thanks to the Thalmor.

It made her job harder, but she had no choice.

She wasn't the first Lodge member to head towards Skyrim, nor would she be the last, because this little civil war affected far more than the fates of this icy province, and for whatever reason it had become the center of a great many things.

Long lost magical artifacts were showing up in the many dungeons and it seemed like every God, Daedric Prince and Province was watching the chaos.

And chaos represented opportunity.

If nothing else, the Lodge could profit from the chaos and gather the many artifacts that had found their way to the northern province, but the ideal outcome was to make sure one of their members had the ear of whoever ended up in charge of this place.

Elisif couldn't hold the throne, even if she won the war (and by she, she meant the Empire as Elisif was little more than a puppet), and while Ulfric taking the throne would be an unfortunate result due to his own prejudices towards magic and outsiders, it was equally likely that another would end up as the High King or Queen.

And where there was politics, there would be the Lodge.

Author's Note: Why is this a Witcher crossover now? Because I saw some good r34 of Yennefer and Triss. 

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the internet.

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