

Nezu: "Alright anyway how does one pay for your service?"

Acedia: "Oh yeah let's go away from that theoretical science stuff.

Acedia:" Alright so last time Allmight visited me the paying system worked by exchanging gold in a specific currency. But now that whole system changed, cause it is too easy duh. You could just buy a mining spaceship for cheap and go to 16 psyche-"

Ash: "What is that?"

Acedia: "A giant asteroid made out of gold, anyway where was I before I got rudely interrupted?"

Nezu: "The currency system."

Acedia: [Alright I haven't thought about my new currency system yet...oh I have an Idea straight up Immitation (look at paragraph comment)]

Acedia: "Thank you. So now you still pay with lazy coins, but you have to work for them. Cause you see it is not completely random that I suddenly appeared on this planet. You are about to get hit by an extraterrestrial attack. In the near future, so-called gates will open all around the world where monsters will come out. Actually, those quirks were given to you by your god to defend against these beings. Btw Ash and friends your world is not threatened. I connected to your world cause of fun."

Acedia: [Definetly not because Palkia would take care of the gates I create to flood them with monsters now that I think about it is somewhat immoral...but hey their society is like 80% quirk it would be weird if even 200 people die because of low tier monster like goblins at least at the start.]

Acedia: "Ash you can tho also gather the points by going to their world, for a small fee of course."

Nezu: "Wait for a second the reason for quirks is because GOD doesn't want us to die out?"

Acedia: "Yes."

Nezu: "This actually makes sense."

Acedia: "Oh yeah but the Lazy coins don't straight-up drop you have to exchange monster drops for corresponding coins oh also you can do quests, they are over there."

While saying this Acedia pointed towards a couple of touch screens on one of the walls looking pretty out of place considering the general flair in the pub.

Acedia: "Those touch screens btw work exactly like those at Mcdonald's. Also, cause you can't pay me yet I will let you pay it up in two weeks after the dungeon update."

Nezu: "Thank you...I guess."

Acedia: "Don't worry about it also no pressure the dungeon update will happen during the Hosu Incident."

Nezu: "What incident?"

In that sentence, a beeping noise came from somewhere in the pub.

Acedia: "Sadly I have to close the pub early today, gotta change a timeline by saving the arguably best guy of the universe, so by everyone.

Acedia teleported everyone outside his pub into their respective universe.

Acedia: "Let's go save Qui-Gon."

Next chapter