
Dedicated Floors


What the heck? Did I hear him right? The commotion began attracting other staff. The lady quickly bowed her head and begged, "I-I'm really sorry Sir, I did not know who you were. P-please don't fire me…" Her tone was pitiful and on the verge of crying. Johnny also bowed to him and said, "I apologize, Mr. Clifford, she is a new employee –".

"I don't care. She annoyed me, fire her right now.".

"P-Please don't…" The lady is now sobbing, "I'm so sorry…". Johnny was about to say something when the man went near the lady who straighten up upon noticing his approach. She was still looking down when he suddenly grabbed and snapped something on her neck. Many were startled, especially the lady. She held her neck like something was taken off from her.

"I'll take this as compensation then.". The man had snatched a Tusk Moon-like necklace from the lady. The lady became agitated and then begged once again, "No! Please give it back!". The man glanced at her, and the lady seemed to use all her strength just to speak again, "My late husband made that for me, please, it's the only thing I have left of him.". The man stared at her for a few seconds but then bluntly answered, "No, it's mine now. It is the price of annoying me." What the… Is this guy for real?

"I beg you…" The lady now bent down on her knees in front of the guy. The staff can't seem to do anything about it, Johnny seemed to be hesitant too. "I'll do it, I'll leave… just please return it to me…". His eyes reflected dominance, he seemed to like what was in front of him. I can't take it, I just can't…

"Heh, well then–".

"Aren't you being unreasonable?" I just had to intervene. He then looked at me with amused eyes. "She's just doing her job yet you want her to be fired…? Even taking something so valuable to her…?". I briefly glance at everyone and they all seemed to be surprised, except Johnny who looked like a statue. "You're just being childish.".

The man let out an amused 'huh' and faced in my direction, "And you are…?".

"Just a sane person… Though I have official business here.". Silence surrounded us for a few seconds when he started laughing sarcastically. "Oh, this is amusing." He said before tossing the necklace back to the lady, "Keep it, I don't want it anymore." The lady took it and held it close to her chest. Coincidently, the elevator near the man opened, letting out a single passenger. He hopped in and before the elevator door closed, he said while staring straight at me, "I found something that I want more.". That comment gave me a chill, who the heck is that person? I just hope to not meet him again.

"Thank you, Miss." The lady formally thanked me by bowing which made me a little embarrassed. What I did is just a simple gesture, there's nothing grand about it. I just returned her bow then she went on her way and of course, she bowed at Johnny too before leaving.

I went back to the waiting area to get my things when Johnny told me, "You've got guts, Ms. Del Cruz. However, I suggest not to do that again. It'll be troublesome for you in the future.". Huh, is he complimenting me or warning me? Though I appreciate the thought. I gave him a smile and replied, "Thanks but I think I'm good either way and please call me 'Jenny'. Calling me by my last name sounds uncomfortable.".

"As you wish, Ms. Jenny.".

"That will do, too. Um… May I call you 'Johnny' or 'John'? Since we'll be working together, calling you 'Mr. Lace' all the time is a bit, well, too formal.".

"I don't mind.".

"Great, now about the overview…?". Johnny's a bit emotionless so I need to be more energetic when talking to him. That way he'll feel comfortable with me around. Being Noel's assistant, I'm sure to see more of him while working here.

"Ah, yes… If you would follow me…". And there is it, he isn't really as emotionless as he appears to be. He's just being too serious. Maybe with a bit of push, he'll be able to show more emotions.

Johnny then gave me a brief overview of their company with a little tour inside the building. And as their name says, they're an industrial company. They specialized in machinery and one-third of their workforce is composed of machines. Though the majority of their workers are brutes, most of them rely on their mechanical partners. So, making sure their equipment is in top condition is very vital. I'll be assessing both operational and technical equipment.

Their workplace is so big, you can get lost here. Luckily Johnny told me that every floor has a directory. And of course, the top two floors belong to their top executives; the top floor for their CEO and the other for their COO. The floor below them is their 'Meeting Rooms', basically a floor with closed-door rooms ideal for confidential meetings which can be simultaneously commencing. Wow, there's a floor dedicated for meetings and Noel has a floor to himself, that's interesting.

"Alright, listed and noted.". I commented as Johnny finalized his explanation. He nodded then motioned to follow him again, "Now, I'll escort you to Mr. Noel's floor.".

"Hmm…? Noel – I mean Mr. Locke's floor…?".

"Yes. He instructed me to take you to him after our brief orientation.".

"O-Okay." Damn it, why am I getting nervous all of a sudden. Johnny led me to an elevator which only opened when he swiped his ID card and gestured for me to go in. The elevator only has two floor buttons; 'T1' and 'T2'. He pushed the 'T2' but he did not enter the elevator.

"Just enter the door, Ms. Jenny, he'll know it is you.". Oh, so I'll see him alone…? I just realized that as soon as the elevator door closed. My entire face suddenly burned up. Are we going to be alone again...? I then remembered what happened in the park.

Dazzling bright blue eyes… Those tender-looking lips… Closer and closer… NO! STOP!

I closed my eyes tightly and lightly pat my cheeks. This isn't the time to daydream alright…? We're here for work! Pull yourself together Jenny!

The elevator stopped then I let myself out. And there's only one door that I could see. I took a deep breath after quickly tidying myself. This is it, no turning back now. I knocked three times before letting myself in.

"Pardon my intrusion –".

"Oh! It's the sane lady person!". An awfully familiar voice shocked me as I recognized who it was.

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