
You Are Now


That was so embarrassing. I feel humiliated in front of Noel, plus the people in the restaurant were all staring at me. My wine-stained cream-colored work dress looked really filthy, if it weren't for Noel's jacket, I would've buried myself into the ground. Why is this always happening to me? One moment I'm happy, the next disaster strikes and ruins everything. My tears were threatening to flow but I'm trying my hardest to contain them.

We were slowly walking; I don't exactly know where we were but I'm thankful that we're out of that restaurant and away from Louie. The last time I saw him, I swore to not feel anything for him if we were able to meet each other again but I'm such a weakling, I got cold feet at the very sight of him. He reminded me of the pain that I had endured for loving him. It just boosted my fear of loving again.

I made myself look like a fool in front of other people, especially Noel. Speaking of Noel, I wonder what he thought of it? I glanced up at him and saw his blank face. I'm sure he's disappointed. This was supposed to be our first dinner together, just the two of us, but it was ruined. I glanced down and stared at my feet while we were walking by the grass.

Wait...? Grass...? Where are we, anyway? I looked around and we're... are we at the park...? I was very lost in thought that I didn't realize that Noel took me to a park. And then we stopped at a bench that overlooks the city. It was a sight to see, there were bright lights everywhere, from the buildings to the vehicles that roamed the city.

"Have you calmed down?". Noel said that gained my attention. "Let's sit here for a moment.". I only nodded at him as I looked back at the shining landscape that is before our eyes. We sat in silence, only the breeze from the air was heard. Somehow, this scenery calms me down. The quietness of just looking at the lights surprisingly brings me peace. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Noel suddenly asked.

"Yeah, I didn't know that there's this spot in the park.". I then managed to speak up.

"I always go here whenever I needed to clear my mind." Oh. I gripped the hem of his biker jacket; he must be very disappointed about the dinner. "Though tonight's different, my mind has never been this clear.". I'm quite confused at what he was saying, he didn't go here to clear his mind...? So what then...?

"That won't change my mind, you know.". What did he say? I looked at him as he was looking over the horizon. "It will take more than just a ruined dinner to change my mind about liking you, Jenny.". He... he likes me…? He then looked at me.

"This isn't the way I planned to tell you about my feelings but Jenny... I've been attracted to you from the very start, something so trivial won't cut it so easily.". The way he looks at me almost made me cry; I can feel his sincerity. "That guy earlier... I can tell that he's a part of your life that somehow, had left you a scar.".

He then gently tucked a stray strand of my hair behind my ear and caressed my cheek. "I'll say it again, I'll take care of you. Until I patch that scar and replace it with a pretty smile on your face… That's a promise…".

Another promise, huh. Are you sure, Noel? The promises that you've said are hard to keep, but with the things that you've done for me; I have trust in you. You haven't really let me down on anything at all. So, I'll hold your words for it. I don't want to get hurt again but I'll take that risk with your promises.

"Okay...". I said while he wiped the tears that I didn't notice that had escaped my restraint. "I believe you.". He gave me a satisfied smile. "You also said that you were my boyfriend... Are you...?". I boldly teased him, just because of this affirmation and the relief that I felt with it.

"Am I...?".

"Well... I think you are now.".

His smile grew wider. Then he released my cheek, took one of my hands and kissed my palm. That electric sensation is back again, now it has flowed throughout my body. I can feel my face burning up. "You won't regret it.". 

He slowly held my hand down and kept his intense stare at me. I did the same, too. Slowly he leaned forward, and the distance between his face to mine got closer and closer. I could hear my heart beating so fast. Though our lips are now inches apart, he doesn't force it, he's like waiting for permission. What a gentleman, so as a response, I lightly brushed my lower lip to his.

But then my phone rang loudly!

Both of us were startled by the sound of it and withdrew our faces from each other. And to my amusement, I have never seen Noel that red before. He looked as if he ate a whole chili pepper. Though I can't say much about myself, I'm sure I can win over a tomato with the redness of my face right now.

"You should probably get that.". Noel said while covering his face with his free hand and slightly looked away but our hands remained holding.

"Y-Yeah, pardon me...", was the only thing I could say. It was an intense moment yet again interrupted by a sudden phone call. Who in the world is even calling me this late in the evening? I took out my phone which rang again for the second time. I looked at the caller ID and a sigh of disbelief escaped my breath. She's the cause of this moment yet she's also the one who ruined it.

"Hello Ebony.".

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