
A Rebel in love Part 3

"Prime? Prime, are you there?" Agent Fowler called as Optimus approached the computer to speak with him.

"I'm here, Agent Fowler." Optimus said as Agent Fowler was relieved.

"We got a situation. Do you remember the DINGUS?" Agent Fowler asked as the Autobots and the trio except for Smokescreen, Cliffjumper and Emily looked confused. What about the DINGUS?

"You mean that huge thing that could melt down an entire state?" Arcee asked just to be sure.

"That's the one." Agent Fowler said with a serious tone.

"What about it? Didn't we get that thing to a secure place?" Bulkhead said with confusion as Bumblebee whirred the same question.

"We did." Agent Fowler confirmed what Bulkhead said.

"So what's up?" Cliffjumper asked since there's always a reason for Fowler to contact them.

"Last night we were about to move it to a more secure location but we got attacked. By someone who is bent on stealing the DINGUS. We were lucky they didn't get it this time." Agent Fowler explained to them what happened last night and the atmosphere got tense since this was serious.

"Who are you talking about?" Smokescreen asked in confusion.

"The ones who tried to grab the DINGUS a long time ago." Agent Fowler said and Team Prime instantly knew who Agent Fowler was referring to.

"MECH." Optimus said with a serious look in his optics.

"The same ones." Agent Fowler said as he can sense the tense atmosphere.

"Doesn't surprise me. When it comes to new technology, they're always the first ones to come out of the shadows." Arcee said as she crossed her arms as they agreed to that.

"Indeed. Last night they tried to steal the DINGUS. It's safe for now. Under heavy guard. But I suspect that MECH and their leader Silas will try to steal it again. As you know, we can't take any chances. If they steal it, who knows what they will do with it." Agent Fowler said as Team Prime knew that this was really serious as Emily was confused.

"Wait up. What's this DINGUS thingy you guys are talking about?" She then spoke up with confusion etched in her voice as Ratchet proceeded to explain it to her what it was..

"The DINGUS. A prototype for a future energy source. Here, see for yourself." Ratchet said before showing Emily the schematics and work of the DINGUS.

"Hmm, okay let's see. The DINGUS; Dynamic, Nuclear, Generation, System. A device that could work for future energy sources by using nuclear energy. Impressive, dangerous but impressive. This baby alone could melt a whole state. Maybe even more." Emily said as she finished reading the schematics.

"Which is why we can't allow MECH to have it. With it, they could create a powerful weapon of mass destruction or take over the world." Agent Fowler as they couldn't believe it.

"I can't believe MECH wants this thing again." Miko said as she clenched her hands into fist.

"Me too. I never thought this would happen again." Jack said and this caught Emily's attention as she looked at them.

"What do you mean?" She asked as Jack looked at her.

"Well, the first time we transported the DINGUS. Let's just say we saw what MECH is capable of to get what they want." Jack told her as Miko joined in.

"A lot of people would've died if it weren't for the Autobots. Not to mention me and Jack." Miko said only to gulp when Emily narrowed her eyes at the two.

"What did you two do?" She questioned them but Jack stopped her with a sheepish smile.

"Perhaps we can tell you later. I'm pretty sure Fowler would like to finish what he was about to say." Jack said as Emily became sheepish as Agent Fowler was shaking his head in amusement before getting back to the matter at hand.

"Thanks, Jack. Anyway, the reason why I'm calling you is to ask for your help. I need you to help me transport the DINGUS to a safe place." Agent Fowler said as Arcee knew what that meant.

"Another convoy mission?" She asked as Agent Fowler nodded.

"Precisely. Are you and your team in, Prime?" Agent Fowler then turned to the Autobot leader who nodded.

"We will gladly help you, Agent Fowler." Optimus said as Bulkhead grinned.

"Great, we have a mission, you guys." Bulkhead said as Cliffjumper nodded in agreement.

"MECH better watch their back because they'll get a taste of my horns." Cliffjumper smirked as Ratchet looked at Agent Fowler.

"Do you have a special plan, Agent Fowler?" He asked him as he nodded.

"You bet I do, doc." Agent Fowler said before showing the Autobots the road that they will have to follow.

"This is the road the convoy will follow. You'll take the main highway and enter the city of Phoenix. There's a military base not too far from there. That's where the DINGUS will be locked." Agent Fowler explained to them before Jack spoke up.

"Whoa, wait up. You mean, you're gonna drive around Phoenix with that thing?" Jack asked in shock and disbelief.

"Are you nuts?! What if something happens to it? Or what if MECH makes it blow or worse?" Miko said as she stated what would happen.

"I agree with them. This is too dangerous." Raf said in agreement as Emily copied the map of the road the bots would take as she agreed.

"They're right. If this thing has a meltdown during transportation, thousands of people will be affected by the radiation. Not to mention collateral damage. The Autobots might be able to avoid unnecessary risk but MECH won't hesitate to hurt innocent people just to get this thing." Emily said in agreement with the three as Agent Fowler signed since they have a point.

"I don't like it either. But my superiors want me to go on with this plan. The soldier in me thinks that this plan is very risky but it might be our only chance. But as the human that I am, I'm here to ask you for your help and your assistance." Agent Fowler said as Emily started to think.

"Perhaps we could come up with a new plan. But it's gonna take some time." She said as Optimus agreed with that but with MECH on the trail, it won't be long before those terrorists get the DINGUS.

"I'm afraid that the more we wait, the more chance we give MECH to obtain what they want." Optimus said as they saw no other way but to go with the plan.

"So that's it? You're going with this plan?" Raf asked.

"I'm afraid so, Rafael. But there might be an answer to make this plan work." Ratchet said as he knew that they needed a plan as Smokescreen turned to him.

"Which is?" Smokescreen asked as Ratchet continued.

"Think about it. The DINGUS has an energy signature that can be detected where it is." Ratchet told them and they saw the problem and danger.

"So those MECH guys can detect this DINGUS thingy. Big deal, how does that help us?" Cliffjumper said as he was he was still confused on what they should do.

"Simple, we'll use this. An energy sensor scrambler. A device that can imitate any sort of energy source. If we can imitate the DINGUS energy source..." Ratchet explained before Emily finished when she realized what Ratchet had meant.

"MECH would follow it. And that way, we could get the DINGUS to it's destination without any interference. I think I have a plan." Emily said before pressing something on her bracelet which turned on her holo-computer to show them her plan.

"We could drive down the highway using a tight formation. If MECH attacks us on the highway there, we must make sure that we escape. Once we're off the radar, we will move on but on the way, we'll follow a road that will hide us and allow us to use the E.S.S." Emily told them but they just looked at her since they didn't get the last part as she just rolled her eyes.

"It's shorter for Energy Scramble Source. Anyway, if we divide the convoy in two, MECH would only be able to follow one." She explained it further as they agreed to that.

"Yeah but even so they would detect the DINGUS. What tells you that they won't follow both of them?" Bulkhead asked but Emily already knew that.

"Already thought of that. If we want to keep the DINGUS far away from them, we must give them an easy way to take the bait." Emily said as Cliffjumper was curious.

"The bait? What bait?" He asked in confusion as Emily turned off her holo-computer.

"The one we're about to prepare. Agent Fowler, do you think you can dispatch a military squad to help us with our plan?" Emily said before turning the computer as Agent Fowler nodded.

"Already ahead of you." He said as he told his men as the Autobots knew that they had a plan.

"Well, it looks like this plan might work but we're gonna need more than a tight formation. MECH knows about our biology. We're gonna need to be fast and careful." Arcee told them as they nodded as Optimus stepped forward.

"This plan has many risks but we have no other choice. Agent Fowler, we will meet you at the rendezvous point. Send us the coordinates." Optimus said as he turned to Agent Fowler who nodded.

"Sending it right now." He said as he sent the coordinates of the rendezvous point on the computer of the base.

"I've got the coordinates." Ratchet said as the team nodded.

"Autobots, prepare for departure." Optimus commanded.

"I'll prepare our boys for the mission. See you guys later." Agent Fowler said before ending the comm-links.

"Give me a moment. The E.S.S needs a few arrangements." Ratchet said as he went right to work as Miko looked at the Autobot leader.

"Hey, Optimus. Do you mind if I come with you?" She asked as they turned to her in surprise.

"Oh no. Don't even think about it, Miko." Bulkhead warned her as he didn't want Miko to get hurt.

"Are you crazy, Miko? This is a dangerous mission." Jack told her as he didn't want Miko to get hurt or worse.

"You could get hurt." Raf said with concern in her voice.

"Hey Ratchet said that today we could do whatever we want. And what I want is to go with them." Miko said as she grinned as Optimus gave Ratchet a look as he quickly apologized.

"Sorry." He said as the team was still against the idea of Miko coming along since Emily will be going as well.

"Look, Miko. This isn't one of your take a lot of pictures missions. This is dangerous." Arcee said in a serious tone as Miko gave the pouty dog face.

"Please, let me go with you guys. I promise I'll be good. Please let me come with you." Miko pleaded as she looked at them pleadingly.

Optimus wasn't sure that letting Miko come with them is such a good idea. Emily saw that Miko wasn't gonna stop until she got permission to go with them. She sighed as she looked up to Optimus who looked at her.

"Optimus, I think that for once we should let her come with us. Who knows, she might help us a lot." She said as Miko nodded as Optimus was still hesitant.

"Yeah besides I did help you guys fight MECH last time remember?" Miko said as she reminded them.

"Miko, please, this is dangerous." Bulkhead said as he didn't want her to get hurt.

"Don't worry, Uncle Bulk. You and I will keep an eye on her." Emily said as Optimus finally agreed to let Miko join them today.

"Oh okay. Just promise me you'll be careful." Bulkhead gave in as he was just glad to have some help.

"I will, Bulk." Miko promised them with a thumbs up.

"Okay, well, I'll just go and get suit up for the mission and I'll work on the rest of the plan when we join Fowler." Emily said as Optimus nodded.

"Good. In the meantime, there is something that I must do. Arcee, prepare my trailer." Optimus said as he turned to her as Arcee nodded.

"On it." She said as she went to where his trailer is while Optimus approached the main console and started typing some sort of message.

Meanwhile, Miko was getting ready for the mission but Jack had to burst her bubble.

"Uh, Miko, what about our three movie marathon?" Jack asked as he motioned to the movies that they were about to watch.

"I'll be back in no time. Just be sure not to eat the whole extra cheese popcorn." Miko told them as Jack nodded.

"No promises." He said.

Ratchet was working on the E.S.S when he saw Optimus using the main console to send a message to someone.

"Sending a message to someone?" He asked curiously as he nodded and sent the message and hoped that the message was received.

"I believe that this mission requires special help." Optimus told him as Ratchet was confused. He wasn't referring to Wheeljack was he?

"I thought Wheeljack was guarding our Energon mine in Oregon." Ratchet said since Wheeljack was assigned to guard the Energon mine back at Oregon but Optimus just shook his head.

"I was not referring to Wheeljack but someone who has the same skills as he does." Optimus said as Ratchet was still confused but nodded

"Well, I just hope things don't go wrong. And as fortune would say, I'm finished with the E.S.S." Ratchet said as he finished making the adjustment he needed.

"I'm ready." Emily said as she took out the brooch from her bag and pressed the center button.

Her suit activated and covered her normal clothes as Ratchet nodded.

"Good. Here's the device. Be careful of it." He said as he handed the E.S.S to her as she took it.

"Sure." She nodded.

"Come on, Ems, let's go." Miko called her as they both walked down the stairs as Arcee came back with Optimus' trailer.

"Optimus, it's done. Your trailer is ready." Arcee told him as he nodded.

"Then it's time to leave." Optimus said as they all transformed.

Bulkhead let Emily and Miko get in as he opened the door as the two girls hopped in and buckled the seatbelts as he closed the door as Ratchet went to the ground bridge.

"Entering coordinates and activating the ground bridge." Ratchet said as he typed in the coordinates and activated the ground bridge and the portal lit up.

"Let's do this, guys." Smokescreen said excitedly as he revved up his engine

"Cool it, hot shot. This is not an easy mission. You gotta stay focused." Arcee told him as they all started their engines.

"Autobots, roll out!" Optimus gave the command and drove through the portal and left the base. As soon as they left, the portal closed behind them as Ratchet watched it.

"Be careful." He muttered as Raf and Jack were still worried.

"Do you think she'll be alright?" Raf couldn't help but ask worriedly as he looked at Jack.

"I hope so. Let's just try to watch the movie and not think about that." Jack reassured him as he nodded. Maybe some movie watching could calm him down.

"Okay." He said as they set everything up and got ready to watch the first Iron Man movie.

The Autobots have reached the rendezvous point where Fowler and his men were waiting for them. The soldiers were keeping a close eye on the DINGUS. Miko got excited as she got out of Bulkhead when she caught sight of the DINGUS.

"Wow, cool!" Miko exclaimed in excitement.

"What-Miko, wait!" Bulkhead exclaimed in shock and surprise as Emily quickly ran out after Miko.

"Miko!" Emily shouted as Agent Fowler was surprised to see her.

"Miko? What in blazes are you doing here?" He asked her as she looked at him with an excited grin.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm here to help you guys defeat the bad guys. Oh wow is that the DINGUS?" Miko said before she started to run to the DINGUS.

"Get back here, young lady!" Agent Fowler shouted after her as Emily ran past him.

"It's okay, I'll handle her." Emily said as she ran after Miko while the Autobots all transformed into their robot form as Arcee watched their two companions run off.

"Why do I start to think that it was a bad idea to bring her with us?" Arcee said as she crossed her arms.

"Maybe because it was." Cliffjumper said as he stood beside her.

"I don't know I kind of like her." Smokescreen said.

Miko soon approached the DINGUS but two soldiers got in front of her to stop her from going even nearer.

"Sorry, little girl. You can't approach this device." The first soldier said in a stern voice as Miko stubbornly gave a look.

"Back off, man. I just wanna grab a picture." Miko said as she took out her phone and managed to snap a picture before one of the soldiers took her phone from her.

"Hey! Give me back my phone." Miko demanded as she tried to grab her phone back but couldn't reach it.

"I'm sorry but this device is confiscated. No pictures allowed." The soldier said as Emily finally came up to Miko.

"Hey, hey, hey. Please, guys, you need to forgive my friend here. Sometimes she can be... over excited. Look, can you give my friend her phone back and I'll make sure she deletes the picture." Emily said as she was hoping to not get a fight started.

The soldier who was holding the phone was doubting about what Emily said but Agent Fowler came to their rescue as he stood by the girls

"It's okay, boys. They're with me. So please give the young lady her phone back." Agent Fowler ordered as the two soldiers looked at each other before the one holding Miko's phone gave it back to her.

"Yes, sir." The soldier said as Miko grabbed her phone and stuck her tongue out.

"Serves you right, jerk." Miko said as Emily and Agent Fowler sighed.

"Miko." Agent Fowler started in a warning tone as he took Miko by the arm and took her aside with him.

"Ow, hey!" Miko protested as she walked with Fowler.

Emily looks back at the two soldiers, completely embarrassed about what Miko just did and said.

"Uh, hehehe. Sorry." She apologized quickly and ran up to join with the others as Agent Fowler was scolding Miko.

"What were you thinking? If you're going to join this mission, you're gonna have to behave." Agent Fowler scolded her as Miko put her hands on her hips.

"That guy took my phone from my hand. What else was I supposed to do?" Miko said with an annoyed look.

"Stay quiet and let Fowler or me handle this. Look, Miko, you're gonna have to listen to what we say if you wanna stay here." Emily said when she caught up with the two.

"Okay, fine." Miko crossed her arms with a frown as she went to where the others were.

"Someone's angry." Smokescreen said as he noted the annoyed mood Miko is in as Agent Fowler approaches Optimus with Emily.

"Glad you're here, Prime. Without your help, we wouldn't stand a chance. We don't have much time. Right now MECH must be watching us. Waiting for the right moment to strike us like vultures. I hope you have a plan." Agent Fowler said as Emily stepped up.

"We do. It's risky but it's effective." Emily said as she turned on her bracelet which activated her holo-computer to show Agent Fowler the plan.

"Here's the plan. We drive down the main highway as you suggested earlier. And then we go all the way to the city. We'll follow the road that will lead us straight to our destination." Emily said as Agent Fowler looked bewildered and confused.

"Wait a minute. I thought this plan wasn't going to work." Agent Fowler said in confusion as Emily smirked.

"It will. Trust me." Emily said with a smirk as Agent Fowler decided to trust her word on that.

Meanwhile, not far from where Team Prime is, Silas and his MECH soldiers were watching them closely.

"Sir, they're guarding the DINGUS. It appears that they're forming a plan to transport it." One MECH soldier informed him as Silas can see that.

"So it would seem." He said.

"Should we attack them now?" Another asked but Silas shook his head.

"No. The best way to attack a pack is by attacking the pack itself. Cornering them. Prepare our men. We're going hunting." Silas ordered as his men nodded and did as they were told.

Back at the rendezvous point, the Autobots and the U.S soldiers were getting ready to transport the DINGUS to a safe location as Emily had finished explaining the plan to everyone.

"Everyone gets the plan?" She asked to make sure as they all nodded.

"We got it." Arcee said.

"Let's make it happen." Smokescreen grinned.

"Bring it on." Cliffjumper smirked as Bumblebee whirred in agreement.

"I believe it is time we move." Optimus said as Miko stretched.

"Ah, finally. I was getting bored here. Let's go, guys." Miko said as Bulkhead looked down at her.

"Miko, calm down." Bulkhead said as Emily approached.

"Don't worry, Uncle Bulkhead. Me and Fowler will keep an eye on her during the ride." Emily reassured her as the others looked at her in confusion and surprise.

"We will?" Agent Fowler asked.

"You will?" Miko, Bulkhead, Arcee, Smokescreen, Cliffjumper and Bumblebee asked at the same time in confusion.

"We sure will. And I'm pretty sure Bulkhead won't mind the company." Emily said as Miko looked dumbfounded. Now she was seriously regretting her choice to come along but too late for taking backsies.

"I don't mind." Bulkhead said.

"Are you serious? I don't need a babysitter." Miko complained as Agent Fowler looked at her.

"Sounds to me like you do." He said as Miko crossed her arms.

"Not funny. I said I would behave." Miko said.

"It's gonna be fun Miko. You'll see." Emily tried to reassure her.

"Yeah right." Miko rolled her eyes.

While Emily was talking with Miko, Bulkhead had his processor somewhere else. Arcee saw that he was distracted by something. So she went over to him to see what was wrong.

"What's on your mind?" She asked as Bulkhead looked at her.

"I've been thinking." He started as Arcee raised an optic ridge.

"You thinking? There's a surprise." She said but Bulkhead didn't say anything and Arcee could tell that it was really serious for Bulkhead not to say anything.

"Oh, sounds serious." She said as Bulkhead continued.

"It's about what Emily said earlier. You know, about Miko liking a boy." Bulkhead said as he had worried about his features as Arcee didn't blame him but that was still surprising.

"Don't tell me you're worried about her." She said as Bulkhead sighed in defeat. He just cared for Miko and he didn't want to see her get hurt.

"Why shouldn't I be? I've been taking care of her ever since the first time she entered the base. So it's my job to keep an eye on her and that means make sure that she doesn't go out with some bad guy." Bulkhead said as Arcee saw what he meant.

"You might be Miko's guardian but that doesn't mean you have to interfere with her life. Trust me on this. It's best to let her grow and have her own life. I can assure you that there will always be a place for you in her life." Arcee told her as Bulkhead was still wasn't sure but he took Arcee's words for it.

"Yeah, I guess so." He sighed as Arcee put a servo on his shoulder.

"Don't make a big deal out of it. It's not like she's walking down the altar." Arcee joked as he chuckled.

"Alright, fine. I won't say anything. Just so you know, this is the worst." Miko said with an annoyed tone as she walked over to where Bulkhead was standing.

"Hey, Miko. How would you like to hear some Slash Monkey on the way?" Bulkhead suggested since he and Miko love that type of band but her answer surprised them.

"Not in the mood." She said with annoyance and everyone stayed silent at that and they could have sworn a pin dropped somewhere.

"Right then. Let's get a move on, shall we?" Agent Fowler said as Optimus nodded.

"Arcee, Bulkhead and Smokescreen help the humans to load the cargo on the trailer." Optimus instructed them as Smokescreen nodded.

"Yes, sir." He said.

Arcee, Bulkhead and Smokescreen then help the soldier's load the DINGUS on the trailer. After it was in, Optimus transformed into his truck form and attached himself to his trailer. After that, the soldiers got into their vehicles and the rest of the Autobots all transformed into their vehicle mode. Bulkhead opened his doors to let Emily, Miko and Fowler get in so they could leave.

"Come onboard." He said.

Emily and Miko hop in the back seats while Fowler sits on the driver seat as they buckle their seatbelts as he closes the doors.

"This is gonna be fun." Agent Fowler said.

Fowler was about to touch Bulkhead's steering wheel, he stopped him before he could even start.

"No way, Jose. I'll be driving." Bulkhead said through the radio as Emily and Miko snickered.

"Great, it's gonna be another of those long road trips." Agent Fowler said with a sigh and leaned back on his seat as Optimus turned on his comm-link.

"Autobots, roll out." He commanded as they all ignited their engines and drove to where the highway is.

They then kept a tight formation behind and front of Optimus as one of the MECH agents sees them leaving and went to informed Silas about itm

"Sir, they're moving out." He said as Silas smirked.

"Time to begin the hunt. Alright, men, let's move out." He ordered them all as they all prepared.

The MECH soldiers started getting on their vehicles while most of them got in the cars while others including Silas took a chopper to pursue their objective.

"All systems go, sir." The pilot said.

"Let's go then. We cannot afford to lose them." Silas said with a serious tone.

The chopper then takes off and goes to where the convoy carrying the DINGUS is right now. Somewhere from a secluded part, MECH was being watched by the same group of individuals as they were watching them through the binoculars.

"Looks like they've found it again." The first person spoke with a sigh of disappointment but knew that they had to act and stop MECH.

"Time to act." The leader ordered sternly as they did just that.

Meanwhile a mysterious red Lamborghini Centenario LP770-4 car with flames on the hood was driving not too far from where the Autobots were driving. It soon saw the convoy and it started following where it was going.

Who is that new car? Is it a friend or a foe?

Next chapter