
Get on their bad side, a race to the finish Part 4

Meanwhile back at the base, Miko and Raf were getting worried since the others hadn't called back yet.

"They should've called us by now. Maybe they got bad phone reception." Miko said as she was glancing at the comm-links.

"Maybe..." Raf said as he was worried.

"Relax, Raf. As long as Emily is out with Optimus and Ratchet, we have plenty of time." Miko said as she tried to make him relax but that didn't stop him from worrying.

"You think Jack and Smokescreen are okay?" He asked instead as he glanced at Miko worriedly.

"Don't worry. Bulkhead won't let anything bad happen to them. I'm sure they're on their way back here." Miko said just as the comm-links started beeping.

Miko had supposed that it was just the others calling to say that they were with Jack and Smokescreen safe and sound and on their way back to base as she looked at Raf with a grin.

"What did I tell you? I'm sure they're calling to tell us that Jackster and Smokester are fine and that they're all safe and sound." Miko said before she answered the call.

"Yo, Bulk. How are things going?" Miko asked casually but the one who answered back almost made her fall back in her seat as Raf almost squeaked in surprise.

"Uh, Miko, it's Emily." Emily said in confusion and bewilderment but she sounded calm right now but was confused as to how Miko mistook her for Bulkhead is the question.

Both Miko and Raf start getting nervous and see how it wasn't the others calling but the person that was the least of their problems. It was Emily who was with Optimus and Ratchet at the mine at Oregon as the two started to whisper.

"Way to go, Miko. Now what do we do?" Raf whispered as he was getting nervous since they'll crack sooner or later.

"I don't know. Why do you ask me?" Miko whispered in frustration as Raf gave her a look.

"You're the one who helped Jack." Raf whispered.

"Oh sure, blame me for all of this. Relax, I'll handle this." Miko whispered before using her normal voice to try and cover her little slip up.

"Hey, Emily, how are you doing, girl?" Miko asked and made Raf facepalm at that.

"Okay, I guess. What was that you said about Bulkhead?" Emily sounded confused as she asked.

"Well, uh, you see, Bulkhead was... doing something very curious... he was... juggling..." Miko said and hoped that Emily would buy it.

"Okay? Anyway, we need a ground bridge." Emily still sounded confused before telling them as Raf was quick on that one.

"Sure. Opening now." He said as he put the coordinates Emily sent them and opened the ground bridge.

Both he and Miko were getting nervous because they knew that they would be asked where the others were. While they were getting worried, Optimus, Ratchet and Emily came out of the portal as Raf started to think about what they should tell Optimus and Emily.

"I think we should just tell them the truth." Raf whispered.

"Absolutely not. We made a deal, remember? No telling. Just try and act completely normal." Miko whispered through her teeth as the three just noticed that the base was almost empty minus Miko and Raf.

"Hmm, this is weird. The others aren't here." Ratchet said as Emily looked around in confusion. She was sure the rest were here when she left to help Ratchet and Optimus at the mines.

"That's weird. They were here when I left." Emily said as Optimus then approached the two youngsters since they might know where the others are.

"Miko, Rafael. Do either of you know where the others have gone?" He asked curiously.

"Why no, sir, we do not know." Miko answered in a robotic kind of voice as Raf followed suit.

"Miko is correct, we do not know." He answered in the same voice Miko used.

"Why would we know?" Miko asked but this only got confused and suspicious looks from the three.

"Hmm." Optimus raised an optic ridge at them. They were hiding something.

"Where could the others have gone?" Ratchet asked the two with him as Emily had a feeling and she didn't like it.

"Don't know but I'll make sure it's not where I think." Emily said as she climbed the ladder to where Miko and Raf are and approached them, making them nervous at the same time.

"Are you guys sure that you don't know where the others are?" She asked them as she put a hand to her hips as Miko and Raf both nodded.

"Yeah, completely sure." Miko said with what looked like a forced grin.

"Positively sure." Raf said with a small laugh but Emily could sense something and she knows how to make someone crack and tell the truth.

"Are you sure? Really really sure?" She asked as Optimus and Ratchet watched her in silent amusement.

"Yes we are." Miko said as she laughed nervously.

"We're really, really sure." Raf said but his voice went slightly high and Emily knew that they were nervous.

"Then why are you acting nervous?" She asked again as she saw them tensed at that.

"Nervous?" The two squeaked nervously.

"We're not nervous. We're totally relaxed." Miko said as she started to look around and not make eye contact with Emily who was giving them a raised eyebrow look.

"Yeah. We're just excited." Raf nodded quickly in agreement.

"Something's off. I'm detecting a mass amount of stress in them." Ratchet said to Optimus who was watching the scene in front of them.

"Let's just wait and see what happens." Optimus told him as he was a little surprised at how Emily can pressure someone into getting nervous and to tell them what they needed.

"So if you're not nervous and you don't know where the others are, why did you have the comm-link activated when we arrive?" Emily stated as she motioned her head to the monitors who have the comm-links all on as Raf quickly thought of something.

"For emergencies. You never know what can happen. Right, Miko?" Raf said as he nudged Miko.

"You're right." Miko nodded but it won't be long before she cracked.

"Okay, you two. Something's up and you're gonna tell me. And for your sake, I hope it's not what I think it is." Emily said as she put both of her hands on her hips as she gave them the look.

"Well..." Miko trailed off as Emily could have sworn that her right eye twitched. Jack didn't...?

"Oh no, he didn't." Emily narrowed her eyes at this and Miko nodded guiltily as her guess was right.

"Yeah... and I kind of helped him." Miko said with a nervous smile as Emily looked at her with a shocked look.

"You did what?!" She almost yelled as Miko laughed nervously.

"I helped him get away. I know I shouldn't have-" Miko started but Emily cut him off.

"You mean, that Jack went to that race and you let him?" She stated as both Miko and Raf nodded.

"What are you talking about?" Ratchet finally asked in confusion as both Raf and Miko glanced at each other as Emily sighed.

"Jack ran away to participate in a race and I bet the others went to help because he had an accident, is that it?" Emily said as she looked at the two as Raf spoke up.

"No. Jack is fine. It's just that, he and Smokescreen were being chased by Knock Out." Raf quickly explained and the name of the red medic of the Decepticon alarmed the three.

"You said Knock Out?" Emily asked in shock as Raf nodded.

"He's here? In Jasper?" Ratchet asked in even more shock as Miko nodded.

"The others could be in great danger. Where are they?" Optimus said as he then asked the two as Raf shook his head since he doesn't know.

"We don't know. They haven't called us yet." Raf said as he was getting worried.

"Why is Knock Out here? And what was he doing in that race?" Emily asked as she started to think while putting a hand to her chin. Why would Knock Out be in a race?

"Maybe he just went out for a drive?" Miko suggested in a question before Emily gave her a look.

"Sorry." She quickly apologized but something that Miko said struck her as she started to piece something together but a piece was still missing but what?

"No, wait, maybe you're right. Raf, do me a favor. Try and give me the footage of every road where there has been street racing in the last month." Emily said as Raf was confused with everyone but he did so.

"On it. Entering the security cameras of every highway where there was street racing." Raf said as he went through every security camera that caught the street racings.

"Put them on the big screen." Emily said as he nodded.

"Right away." He said as he connected the footage to the screen to the computer to show them every street racings that were caught.

"What are you looking?" Ratchet asked in confusion as Emily started to watch every footage. There's got to be a sign why Knock Out is at the street race and why he was chasing Jack and Smokescreen and that the others left.

"Possible sightings. You see, there have been a lot of accidents involving street racing. Perhaps Knock Out's presence here today can be linked to all of this. Raf, show me the footage of every accident." Emily said as Raf nodded.

"Sure." He said as he showed the footage of every accident with the car crash.

Emily watched as four cars had an accident before her eyes widened when saw four crashes but there was a European style car involved.

"Stop. Rewind them and replay them in slow motion." Emily instructed and Raf did so.

Raf replays the footage and plays it in slow motion as Emily is trying to have a good look at the car who was present in the crashes., In a matter of seconds, she saw that it was indeed Knock Out. He had caused those incidents for the past months.

"It's Knock Out. He's the one responsible for those recent accidents." She said in shock as she turned to the four as Optimus looked serious but worried in his optics.

"There may be humans in danger. We must move out immediately. Miko, Rafael, you stay put. You'll explain yourselves later." Optimus told them as Miko nodded with Raf.

"Yes, sir." Miko said.

"I'm going with you." Emily said as she got down the ladder and approached the two mechs.

"Let's be on our way then." Ratchet said as both him and Optimus transformed.

Optimus then opens his door so that Emily can get in as she climbed in and buckled the seatbelt as he closed the door and with that, they left to help the others and to prevent any more accidents.

Miko and Raf watch them leave and there's only one problem that will be later when they all return.

"We're gonna get seriously grounded from this one." Miko said as Raf nodded.

"Yeah..." He said in defeat.

Meanwhile, the other Autobots are all over town but they couldn't find Knock Out anywhere.

"This is no use. Knock Out must've left town." Smokescreen said but Jack wasn't gonna give up not while Vince is still in danger.

"We must find him before it's too late." Jack told him.

"How? He could be anywhere." Bulkhead stated before stopping at a red light at an intersection but just like that, they saw all Knock Out drive by them quickly as a flash.

"There he is! Let's go." Arcee said as they all quickly followed.

Knock Out then sees them with one of his sideview mirrors and couldn't help but smirk. All according to plan.

"Looks like the rookie brought some company." He said as he accelerated a little.

"The con is cornered. He has nowhere to go." Cliffjumper said but Knock Out made a turn to the right quickly.

"Be on your guard, boys. It could be a trap." Arcee said as they slowed down warily.

"Remember, guys. No shooting or else we risk hurting Vince." Jack said as Smokescreen was feeling a bit uneasy.

"Something's not right. Why didn't he run away from town?" Smokescreen wondered warily.

"Guess we'll find out." Bulkhead said as he was feeling wary as well as Bumblebee whirred in agreement.

"Speaking of safety." Arcee said as she remembered that Jack was with them before she stopped at a sidewalk and at a safe distance from a possible battle.

"This is where you get off." Arcee said as Jack obligated.

"Right." He said as he got off Arcee before taking off his helmet.

"Save him, Arcee." Jack said as Arcee used her side view mirror to look at him.

"We will. Stay here." Arcee said as he nodded. He was not gonna disobey that this time.

"Got it." Jack nodded as Arcee leaves to go help the others save Vince while Jack stays where he is as he was feeling worried that something bad might happen to Vince.

The others start looking to where Knock Out went but didn't find anything or the con anywhere.

"Where could he have gone?" Smokescreen wondered.

They then stumbled upon a fence that had been shot down with a laser gun and had a hole that was big enough for them.

"I'm guessing there." Cliffjumper said as they halted to a stop.

Arcee, Smokescreen, CliffJumper, Bumblebee and Bulkhead all transformed and prepared their weapons just in case Knock Out called for back up.

"Be careful. It could be dangerous." Bulkhead said as they went through the hole.

They then started walking and looking around but they couldn't find any trace of Knock Out plus the place was quiet. Too quiet. Arcee had climbed a water tower and had a great view of the whole area from where she was but even she couldn't see where Knock Out was hiding since it was dark.

"This place is quiet." Smokescreen said as he was a little jumpy but kept his guard up.

"Too quiet. Considering there's a con on the loose. Now I know what it feels to be in a spy movie." Cliffjumper said with a joking tone as Bumblebee nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry, guys. It's not as if Knock Out can take us all by himself." Bulkhead said but they almost got blinded when Knock Out turned on his head from where he was when suddenly there was a big explosion behind them and they turned around and were in for a surprise.

It was Breakdown coming at them for an attack as the con had used his hammer to try and hit the Autobots all at once but they were able to get out of the way just in time.

"Knock Out must've called for back up." Cliffjumper said as he and the others got into a battle stance.

"Let's put some dents into it." Smokescreen said with a grin.

"I like that idea." Bulkhead agreed with his weapons ready.

Bumblebee was the first one to attack and tries to hit him but fails and gets hit instead as Bulkhead was able to hit him with two punches but he gets hit as well.

Both Cliffjumper and Smokescreen started shooting at him as Breakdown ran towards them. Meanwhile Knock Out was keeping an eye on the human hostage that he was carrying but was confused when he didn't see the femme in the fight.

"This is strange. Where's the two wheeler?" He asked only for said femme to land on top of him as he let out a grunt of surprise.

"Right here." She said before punching the hood of his engine and it angered him since it ruined his finish.

"Hey, watch the paint!" He explained as he ignited his engine and started driving around fast to try and get Arcee to get off him.

Meanwhile Cliffjumper had received a serious punch on the face plate that sent him flying down on the concrete ground. Smokescreen tried to hit Breakdown but the con grabbed his servo and threw him at Bumblebee who was running to help him. Breakdown approached Bumblebee who got up off the ground before shooting at Breakdown. After he was free, Bumblebee started to hit Breakdown with some good moves and with a reverse kick, Bumblebee made Breakdown stumble only Bulkhead to hit him hard.

Meanwhile, Jack was standing where he was left to be safe when he saw Arcee on top of Knock Out who was driving like crazy so she would get off him. She fell and transformed quickly to try and catch up with him before he escaped with Vince in his clutches.

"That's my girl." Jack smiled as he watched his guardian chase after the con.

Meanwhile the others are still fighting against Breakdown and right now Bumblebee was the only one holding him off until he gets hit and pushed back. Breakdown walks toward Bumblebee when he suddenly heard Knock Out calling him through the comm-link.

"Uh, Breakdown, if you're looking for me, things just got messy. So I hit the road. One scratch is enough for today." Knock Out said as Breakdown understands that his partner didn't want his finish to get ruined.

"Got it." He said before he turned his comm-link off.

When Bumblebee was about to get up, Breakdown was in front of him with his hammer ready.

"Hammer time for you, little guy." Breakdown smirk.

When Breakdown was about to hit Bumblebee, he saw that the light was going off and he turned around to see what was causing it. It was Bulkhead as he was grabbing the head lamp light to hit Breakdown with it.

"Batter up." Bulkhead smirk.

Bulkhead swings the lamp post at Breakdown and sends him flying towards the wall with a grunt.

"Strike three. You're out." Bulkhead said as the others got back up.

"Good one." Smokescreen said as he and Bulkhead fist bump.

"Excellent work, guys. Now let's go help Arcee." Cliffjumper said as they all nodded.

When they were about to transform and leave, a strange car turned it's headlights on them as they saw that it was a police car with the number 643 on the bumper.

"Another con?" Bulkhead asked in confusion as Bumblebee shrugged and whirred to show that he didn't know this one but the car seemed familiar.

"Doesn't look like it." Smokescreen said as he got ready just in case.

"Perhaps it's just someone who got lost." Cliffjumper guessed only to be proven wrong when the police car started accelerating towards them.

"Look out!" Smokescreen warned them as they got out of the way minus Cliffjumper who was hit pretty hard as he was sent flying to the ground with a groan.

"Whoever is driving, he wants to take us all down." Smokescreen said in shock as he readied his weapons.

"Not if I can crush him first. AAAAHHHHH!!!" Bulkhead said before charging towards the police car and grabbing the bumper.

But only for the mystery police car to start going in reverse and dragged Bulkhead with it and sent him flying to a wall and hitting a wall pretty hard as he let out a pained groan. Smokescreen then jumped on the car and started holding on top of the car as it started doing crazy moves to try and get him off.

Bumblebee started to jump on the car just like Smokescreen but they couldn't stop it from moving around like crazy. When Breakdown got up, he saw that the Autobots were busy with a new adversary so he decided to leave. Bumblebee and Smokescreen were still trying to pin down the car but it was able to get free by turning around fast and made both Bumblebee and Smokescreen let it go.

When the car was free, it was about to go toward Bumblebee but before it could do that, the car said one thing that shocked Bumblebee as he finally recognized the voice.

"Too slow, scout." The police car growled at him before it accelerated towards the shocked Autobot scout and hit Bumblebee and knocked him down hard.

Next chapter