
That Terrified Him

Vincent didn't like nagging. He didn't like when Cassandra did it and he didn't like it now. But there was something about the way Maya was looking at him that made it impossible to argue. 

If she truly wasn't going to leave until he was asleep, he might actually be able to get some rest after all. He stopped resisting and walked into his room with a sigh. She sat on the bed and continued glaring at him until he grabbed some pajamas to change into and went to the bathroom. 

He took the fastest shower of his life knowing she was out there waiting impatiently for him to come back so she could get on with her day. He brushed his teeth in record time too. 

Maya sternly pointed at the bed when he came out of the bathroom and he wordlessly climbed into it, still feeling very awake. This was never going to work. His mind was back down in the garage. 

"I can't sleep," Vincent informed her. "I'm not tired and I have too much to do."

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